martes, 7 de enero de 2020


ND  JAN 7 20  SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco
Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Dow -400, Gold > $1600, VIX >17, WTI >$65... somebody do something
Just when you thought it was safe to buy the most expensive, most complacent stock market rally in the world...
See Chart:

Dow futures are down over 400 points
See Chart:

Gold has soared above $1600...
See Chart:

And WTI has erupted above $65...
See Chart:

UST 30Y yields are plunging...
See Chart:

And VIX futures are exploding higher...
See Chart:

Time to get on the phone

Overheard as stocks soared last year?...
It was Because fun-durr-mentals...
See Chart:
Global Liquidity Proxi and  S&P 500

In the US, Dow Transports outperformed with Nasdaq clinging to unch as Dow, Small Caps, and S&P slipped lower (and in a mirror of yesterday's close, stocks were weaker into the bell)...
See Chart:

AAPL has been stuck around $300 for the last few days as the AAPL vol decoupling may have gone too far...
See Chart:
AAPL price  vs.  AAPL VIX (inversion)

Equity and credit protection has started to recouple a little...
See Chart:

UST 30Y Yields extended their bounce off support...
See Chart:

The B- Dollar surged intraday, tagged Friday's highs and faded back lower (up on the day though)...
See Chart:

Almost erasing all of Gold's relative outperformance YTD...
See Chart:

As risk premia was wrung out of Oil somewhat today...
See Chart:

Finally, as US-Iran tensions escalate, it is cyber-security that is getting a war premium as oil fades...
See Chart:

And The Baltic Dry (global freight) index is utterly collapsing...
See Chart:

Policymakers have mistakenly misread the breakdown of the Phillips curve, resulting in prolonged loose monetary policy. The Phillips curve is not dead, but it changed it stripes.
See Chart:
Upps .. they forgot to say that this is because IRAN war retaliation
"Markets can overshoot fair value in liquidity driven bull market."
As the chart below shows, the average prediction for the S&P 500 to end the year is at 3,318, which is only a 2.7% expected increase from current levels, the smallest for any year in data going back to 1999.
See Chart:
Tamed Optimism
"Markets can overshoot fair value in liquidity driven bull market,” Wilson wrote. “Depending on how the economic and earnings data came in during the year will determine if we need to raise our year-end targets or not."

US’ fake economy MUST be BANNED
... but since the semantic definition of the Fed directly funding the US deficit is gently violated, it's enough for Powell to swear before Congress that he isnot monetizing the debt.
Stock buybacks make no contribution to the productive capabilities of the firm. Indeed, these distributions disrupt the growth dynamic that links the productivity and pay of the labor force...

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

ALL billionaires are a cast of suckers who still money from neoliberal  policies
That's even better than her $600K / year NBC News gig!
IF criminals are armed no sense to chase them. Instead chase& ‘protect WS’Billonaires’
"Please know that I realize this will not be a popular decision; and more disconcerting to me personally, is that this decision may drive crime up. I get it."
" the time it’s over it’ll be undeniable that the U.S. is no longer the global hegemon it once was. The world at that stage will be unmistakably multi-polar...The signs are everywhere."
Wasting money that doesn’t belong to you. You LOST re-elect: BETTER PAY fair TAXES
"The president’s decision to stay aggressive and keep the campaign open after his first election gave us a huge head start on his reelection..."
No point in going to war:MAD will prevail. Better bring troops from illegal invaded Cts
“I was just watching the news, seeing how things were going over there,” said the 27-year-old. “Then I got a text message from my sergeant saying ‘don’t go anywhere.’ And that was it.”
Why to waste the life of American soldiers?  Who benefit from US wars? NOT our Nation.. only billionaires- Corp  from the Military Industrial Complex ++
We, as Americans, are now living in different realities...
WE START this illegal war. We must bring our troops home. RESPECT US life’s
Time to move out from fossil-fuel energy. This not only aggravate high pollution record
After the prior week's huge crude draw and massive distillates build, the last week saw more of the same with a bigger than expected crude draw and bigger than expected product builds...
Oil-gas exploration made US  tectonic plates weak.. One single tactic-nuke on western areas of US will create a chain reaction with devastated effects on life.

Trump doesn’t care for the life of US soldiers . We invade sovereign country & get out
All is well! Missiles launched from Iran at two military bases located in Iraq. Assessment of casualties & damages taking place now. So far, so good!"
The kids of lower & middle classes are affected
We should ask ourselves if we are really to throw out pure merit for the sake of an unbacked ideal like "we need more women in STEM"...
Indonesia’ clown in power is paid to act as puppet regime to serve US xenophobic intrt.
"They're doing standard patrols to protect our sovereign area." 

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

"...all members of the Pentagon, all affiliated companies, institutions, agents and commanders," are now considered terrorist organizations in the eyes of Iran...
Good description of reality.  We are behaving that way
"Iraq is a partner of Russia in the field of military-technical cooperation..." 
My INFO sources told me that RU already installed those weapons in I+I plus fastest tactical-nukes, plus long distance missiles. SO: time to negotiate PEACE
A clear signal to Washington to keep its looming 'anti-Iran war' out of Syria and Russia's domain...
"Even if the weakest of these scenarios gain a consensus, its implementation can be a historic nightmare for the Americans." 
"When you factor in ongoing uncertainty with respect to US-China trade talks and heightened security issues with Iran, gold really is a no-brainer...”
Check Sputnik News on IRAN responses to US :

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3

- Iran’s IRGC Threatens 'Great Satan' US With Crushing Response and Warns Against Any More Provocation  The best for Trump: be quiet. Just talk with RU: a Peace- DEAL
- Alleged Video of Boeing 737 Crashing Near Tehran's Khomeini Airport Emerges Online  IF ISR did it.. not life insurance for this nation.. their nuke-sites  will be bombed.
- Washington May Ask India to Provide Military Base Against IranThe best for India is to remain NEUTRAL.  Avoid any military deal with US.

Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos

US:  Año nuevo, viejas guerras  David Brooks
ECON:  USA, terrorismo comercial  Umberto Mazzaei 
Opin:  La guerra como remedio?  Cristóbal León
Irán ataca con decenas de misiles dos bases aéreas de Irak que albergan fuerzas US
Boeing ucraniano con más de 170 personas a bordo se estrella en Irán sin dejar sobreviventes
Los ataques contra las bases que albergan soldados de EE.UU. dejan 80 víctimas mortales
 Los precios del petróleo se disparan más de 4,5 % tras el ataque de Irán
Argentina le quita las credenciales diplomáticas a 'embajadora' nombrada por Guaidó

Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3

-Europe Cravenly Appeases Trump  By Finian Cunningham

Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Amy Goodman’  team


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