domingo, 5 de enero de 2020


ND  JAN 5 20  SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

When the past help to understand future & our fake economy:

Amid the weekend's escalating tensions, threats, and retaliations in the middle east, futures trading has opened with some significant market moves...

Gold futures are up around 2%...up near $1600
See Chart:

WTI Crude futures are also up notably, tagging $64 and taking out last week's highs...
See Chart:
Crude Oil continues to contract

Dow futures are down around 150 points, taking out Friday's lows...
See Chart:

And bond futures are higher...
See Chart:

2020 has not been kind to risk far.
See Chart:

How many more points down will The Dow be allowed before somebody gets on the phone!??

The past want to guess the future.. but that medicine didn’t Wk  & seems to be too late

"Some major foreign central banks have made effective use of other new monetary policy tools, such as purchases of private securities, negative interest rates, funding for lending programs, and yield curve control."

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

The 9/11 attacks gave the government what our American ancestors feared when the Constitution was being proposed - a government consisting of a massive, ever-growing military-intelligence establishment with omnipotent, totalitarian powers...

Nobody invite Trump to Iraq: it was an illegal invasion. Is Trump going to pay the billions owed to Iraq for the destruction caused by his predecessor Bush + Mill deaths?

"We have a very extraordinarily expensive air base that’s there. It cost billions of dollars to build. Long before my time. We’re not leaving unless they pay us back for it."
What if 1 missile hit Trump or Pompedo’ plane? They’re prohibited to fly now on
...the supposedly liberal and progressive Democrats are all in a ditherabout the assassination of Soleimani. After all, Trump did it. It has to be wrong.
"...we want to raise $ 80 million, which is a reward for those who get close to the head of President Trump." 

Regresaran las guillotinas de Robespierre?  US billionaires don’t deserve such privilege
“There are decades when nothing happens and weeks when decades happen...”
New Laws can do what guillotinas did in the past. US don’t need them … not even JAPAN

Making time for nuke-missiles to Iran –as happen with JFK- That will bring PEACE
"Despite the internal and external difficulties that we might face, it remains best for Iraq on principle and practically."

The generals and politicians who launched and prosecuted these endless wars are not about to take the blame for the quagmires they created. They need a scapegoat. It is Iran...
Miss expelling?  Boom.. not bang

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

Dreaming with polluter cars?  Or New Teck?  IF teck: close the Military Ind Complex

The risks to the recovery will be if trade tensions between the US and China escalate again, a rise in geopolitical tensions in the Middle East or if there is a much sharper acceleration of wage growth relative to capex and productivity growth – resulting in a more pronounced rise in inflation.

Regardless of what politicians would like proven, nature doesn’t move in a constant path upward...
See Chart:

We can already see signs that wind and solar are not scalable to the extent that people would like them to be. Together, they currently comprise only 3% of the world’s energy supply. We need very large supplies of energy to provide food, housing, and transportation for 7.7 billion people.
See Chart:
World Energy Consumption by Fuel

"The regime is kidnapping and persecuting deputies..."  BUFON
Re-election did not happen.  Just opium dreams.Like in Trump’ schizoid mind

This is also unprecedented:  We create enemies all over the war & want friends

"The Brits, the French, the Germans all need to understand that what we did, what the Americans did, saved lives in Europe as well"
Todos los imperios fueron abandonados pero no mueren de soledad externa. Mueren cuando su propia Nación los abandona, aun cuando el fraude electoral les dé temporal alivio. Más votos cosecharán los REFERENDUMs de su despido que los del ánfora sucia. Eso no solo dará muerte al tirano, al imperio también.

Llego la hora de partir: queremos nuestros soldados vivos. No hay por qué sacrificarlos

5 rockets have reportedly landed near the US Embassy...

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3

- Trump Administration Attempted to Block Iraqi Parliament Vote on Expelling Foreign Troops.  Llego la hora de partir.  Que objeto tiene sacrificar a nuestros soldados alli?
- Trump Says US Will Not Leave Iraq Until Baghdad Pays for American Air Base, Threatens Sanctions  We owe too much to Iraq. Ask money to Iraq: very idiotic idea.
- Merkel, Macron, Johnson Ask Iran to Refrain From Actions Violating Nuclear Deal las sirenas de la paz –envueltas en crimenes imperiales- no tienen letra para su canción.
- Iraqi Government Working on Steps to Expel Foreign Troops Get nuke-missiles asap! That is the only guarantee of Peace. History said so: JFK case: proved. N-Korea ratified
- Graham Proposes Changing Senate Rules to Start Impeachment Trial Without Articles From House Graham todavia duerme en su vieja cama, ojala no se cague alli. Ponganle calzon de bebe..
- US Official Claims Iran Missile Forces Across Country Are On Heightened State of Alert  US has to sign PEACE with Iran. With nukes there is not small enemy. Van a tener que firmar la PAZ de igual a igual: con ‘nuke-missiles’ no hay enemigo chico.

Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos


PAL: 2020: el año del hundimiento de Gaza G Levy Que si ISR es bombardeado
PSOE-Unidas Podemos derechos labor y el Ado programát del GOB  R Navas
Libia :  Inmigrantes, los y las olvidadas del exilio  Jérôme Tubiana


Trump afirma que tiene derecho a bombardear objetos culturales iraníes
US amenaza con "sanciones nunca antes vistas" contra Irak si tiene que retirar sus tropas
Arreaza rechaza el "guión falso e injerencista" de EE.UU. contra las instituciones venezolanas 

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


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