miércoles, 22 de enero de 2020


ND  JAN  21  SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Puede una simple peste barrer con el  ‘potentisimo’ sistema neoliberal? Or it was fake
“Nothing spreads like fear CONTAGION”:  I still believe  that neolib contg was worse
US markets were red, despite the machines best efforts to BTFD. Between Boeing's delay effects and Coronavirus headlines, Transports were hit hardest...
See Chart:

Boeing knocked 100-plus points off the Dow...
See Chart:

While the broader market - and travel, lodging, and gaming stocks - were all hit hard on the coronavirus headlines...
See Chart

...flu-shot makers soared with NNVC up over 300% at one point...
See Chart:
Que se vacunen todos.. yo no quiero ese virus in my body & I don’t like pharma busin

Defensives dominated trading today as Cyclicals sank...
See Chart:

Dow Jones continues to soar in 2020...
See Chart:

Bonds and stocks remain dramatically decoupled on the year...
See Chart:
Nasdaq  vs.  30Y Yield

Treasury yields were down hard today with the long-end outperforming...
See Chart:

The yield curve flattened back towards 2020 lows...
See Chart:
UST 2Y30Y Yield spread

The Dollar legged higher during the US session, holding its gains on the week...
See Chart:
Que viva la gripe!  Debieron haber inventado este cuento mucho tiempo atras

Yuan tumbled overnight...  los inventores de esta polvora se queman. IS IT TRUE?
See Chart:
Offshort Yuan

Commodities were all broadly lower today with copper leading the way lower (China growth proxy).. osea que no es muy cierto que estan queamdo los inv de esta polvora
See Chart:

Finally, we note that there are some notable anomalies in the VIX term structure that could become problematic in the last few days. As contracts expire tomorrow, so the very steep term structure (fueling lots of short-vol-tilted carry trades) will flatten...
See Chart:
VIX Term Structure : Super Tuesday  vs. US Election

And thanks to the Super Tuesday risks, could lead to problems for those expecting the curve to roll-down faster...
See Chart: 
Super Tuesday vs.  S&P Volatility Curve

A “potential unclenching” in the U.S. benchmark equity index may await if these options aren’t rolled, Nomura Securities strategist Charlie McElligott said.
But of course, there's still a little further to run before this shitshow all falls apart...
See Chart:
Nasdaq 1019  vs Nasdaq  1999-2000
Someone finally points out that the emperor is naked.
Kudlow has admitted "NOT QE" is in fact "QE 4":
  1. The market highs are all an artificial byproduct of massive liquidity injections:
  2. The US economy was on the edge of a recession, and only QE prevented it from careening over the edge
  3. The Fed now appears to be directly managed by the White House, and whatever Trump wants (such as "some quantitative easing"), Trump gets.

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

Bye Bye TRUMP’ story tell  on CLIMATE CHANGE  & bye him from elections 2020. If win –via fraud: buying votes- he is deemed to lose bad, very bad
The Fed, ECB, Bank of England, and Bank of Japan have now embraced climate change as part of their mission...
Trump rhetoric on CLIMATE failed & even if win Elec with fraud.. he will be deposed via new civil-war= SEPARATISM will come. FACT:  His chances of governability= ZERO. : Governability depends on: 1-Pol-Legitimacy Trtump don’t have it: he has not post-neolib agenda and current neoliberalism is obsolete. 2-Conflictividad: it is  vey high and will be worse. 3- Paz social: social division inside and outside can’t go further, his dependency on war & weapons manufacturing only leads to domestic & universal calamity: WW3. 4- Govt Efficacy = zero. He is not the person to negotiate any fair deal inside & abroad. Military Threats, piracy-sanctions  & UN manipulation is over. We can’t buy institutions & Gov leaders with fake USD. 5- Elites Gvt cohesion have been destroyed. Real Investors are not with Trump (some of them wanted him death). The speculator sector from Wall Street don’t follow him either (they are evading taxes as never before & they prefer  fiscal paradises abroad instead of being real americans. The cohesion of the political class = zero. 6- The credibility and confidence of the nation on political institutions and authorities doesn’t  exist.  The middle class has been excluded and has not future in the US, they  will lead the coming REV. The labor don’t want only free meal , they want fair salaries inside & abroad. They want education, health & houses for all. The explosive inequality is about to burst and billionaires expropriated at gun-point if they are not legally limited. Confidence & credibility in the ruler and authorities doesn’t exist any longer. The army & policy wont be able to solve this problem: military repression only brings ganster organization like in Mx and they will respond at military level too. This will create a big division inside legal military apparatus. What Trump has to do is to renounce to power, resign, & get out of US. PERHAPS: make a deal with the Supreme Court  IF & IF

Critics noted the FBI's history of spying on King and trying to convince the civil rights leader to kill himself.

According to a RealClearPolitics average of seven (oh so reliable) polls, Sanders would take Trump if he gets the nomination.
So: "Republicans that are starting to think victory is assured..." ARE WRONG
"The Senate’s fair process will draw a sharp contrast with the unfair and precedent-breaking inquiry that was carried on by the House of Representatives."

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

...U.S. missteps that not only reduce its influence in strategic regions of the world but also its ability to project power and thus impose its will on those unwilling to genuflect appropriately...
What does Vladimir Putin’s recent shakeup of the Russian government mean?
Let me start by providing a very short executive summary:
Putin will step down as president after his current term, which will end in 2024 unless an early election is held, but the system he has put in place will stay in place.
Essentially, life after Putin will be more Putin under a different name. If that’s all you care about, you can stop reading now.
The system of governance he has built has worked well with him as the head of government, but it will require some adjustments in order to work well under future presidents, who may not be equally gifted.
Putting is limiting power powers of the President and give more powers to the Parliament, to provide for better checks and balances and a more democratically responsive system.  There are a few proposed changes that stand out:
  • The word “consecutive” is going to be struck from Article 81.3: “The same person may not be elected President of the Russian Federation for more than two consecutive terms.” This wording created a loophole, which Putin duly exploited: after serving two terms, he sat out a term and then got elected for two more. This loophole will now be closed.
  • Article 14.4 is a rather curious one. It reads, in part: “If an international treaty or agreement of the Russian Federation imposes rules that are contrary to [Russian] law, the international rules shall be applied.” This creates a hole in Russian sovereignty which allows foreign bodies to overrule Russian lawThis hole will now be closed.
  • Dual citizens and holders of foreign residency permits will now be barred from holding official positions within the Russian Federation. In addition, 25 years of Russian residency will be required of anyone running for President instead of the current 10. Given their new outsider status, their Western masters will consider them useless and will no longer funnel funds to them or offer them free regime change training. This approach is sure to be more effective than the current, more labor-intensive one of playing whack-a-mole with foreign-financed NGOs and foreign agents attempting to infiltrate Russia’s government.
The State Council, which until now has been an extraconstitutional advisory body, will now be written into the Constitution and endowed with certain constitutional prerogatives. Perhaps that is where Putin will move to once his current term as President expires, there to serve as an elder statesman and an arbiter between various levels and branches of government.
  • Other bits and pieces to be written into the Russian Constitution have to do with fleshing out the definition of the Russian Federation as a “social state.” Russia, as a sovereign entity, has a specific purpose: to serve and insure the welfare of its citizens, as already enshrined in Article 7: “1. The Russian Federation is a social state whose policy is aimed at creating conditions for a worthy life and the free development of the population. 2. The labor and health of population shall be protected, guaranteed minimum wages and salaries shall be established, state support ensured to the family, maternity, paternity and childhood, to disabled persons and the elderly, a system of social services developed, and state pensions, allowances and other social security guarantees shall be established.”
Continue reading at:
You can find more on RU political change at:
Russian Political Earth quake: Putin out plan for Kremlin departure & Medelev resigns. At: https://www.rt.com/op-ed/478381-russian-goverment-resignation-mishustin/
Defense, foreign & finance Ministers retain positions in new Russian Government. AT  
He testified that no chemical attack occurred at Douma, Syria.
Now both candidates for prime minister have officially declared their intent to annex 20% of Palestinian West Bank territory
Once Trump is defeated and the Democrats take over, things are going to get better...”
Gen. Khalifa Haftar ordered all Libyan oil exports blocked on Saturday in protest of increased Turkish military intervention. 
"A close look at the data shows that the numbers are even more unrealistic than first believed."

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos

CELAG: El resurgir de la CELAC?  Hedelberto López
Mundo:  Pongamos fin a la guerra econó ilegal del US K Zeese y M Flowers
US:  CLAVES  David Brooks
Película:  Razones para levantarse en armas  Diana Carolina
Siria:  Viaje a la Siria ocupada por Israel  Unai Aranzadi
US:   Dinero contra el nerviosismo  Eduardo Montes de Oca
Perú    Una elección antidemocrática   Jorge Lora Cam
Iran:  Las democracias occidentales en Irán  Rómulo Pardo
MEX:  La casa sigue en llamas  Magdiel Sanchez
España  El triunfo de Podemos  José López  


Pompeo: "La estrategia para derrocar a Maduro ya está en marcha "   https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/340545-pompeo-proyecto-maduro-venezuela-elecciones-libres
China teme que el nuevo coronavirus pueda "mutar y propagarse" mientras aumenta el número de muertos  https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/340630-china-coronavirus-mutar-propagarse-muertos
Nuevo primer ministro ruso presenta a Vladímir Putin el nuevo gabinete   https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/340143-primer-ministro-rusia-presenta-nuevo-gabinete
Depart del Tesoro de US. emite sanciones contra 15 aviones de PDVSA  Venezuela. https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/340610-departamento-tesoro-eeuu-sanciona-aviones-pdvsa
Senado de Chile aprueba de forma unánime paridad de género para el proceso constituyente  https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/340609-senado-chile-aprobar-paridad-genero-constituyente
Quién es quién en el nuevo gabinete de ministros de Rusia   https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/340584-nuevo-gabinete-ministros-rusia
Asamblea Legislativa de Bolivia acepta la renuncia de Evo Morales y García Linera   https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/340575-asamblea-legislativa-bolivia-cartas-renuncia-morales-linera 

Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3

- A New Definition of Warfare  By Philip Giraldi
- Never the Pentagon  By Mandy Smithberger
- How To Be A Mentally Sovereign Human  By Caitlin Johnstone

Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Amy Goodman’  team


Press TV

·         ‘US pressure, plots against Iran, Venezuela crimes against humanity

·         Iran student with valid visa arrested in US, faces deportation


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