viernes, 10 de enero de 2020


ND  JAN 10 20  SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

In the US the picture was a little less mixed with Small Caps unable to hold gains while Nasdaq soared (but late-day weakness today spoiled the party)...Nasdaq 100 is up 5 weeks in a row (and 14 of the last 16 weeks)
See Chart:

Not a pretty day today...
See Chart:

Breadth has worsened as this market surged higher...
See Chart:
S& P Breath

Value stocks relative to Growth plunged to a new cycle low
See Chart:

US Defense stocks soared to a new record high...
See Chart:

Credit protection costs collapsed further this week and equity protection also plunged with VIX back to a 12 handle...
See Chart:

HY Bond risk dropped to its lowest since 2019's April lows...
See Chart:
US HY Corporate Bond OAS

Treasury yields tumbled the last two days, leaving them unchanged since Monday's close and marginally higher on the week...
See Chart:

30Y is back below the pre-Iran-missile-strike levels...
See Chart:

The B-Dollar dipped today but ended the week higher (after two down weeks)...
See Chart:

The Fed just let its balance sheet shrink by the most since May...
See Chart:
FED Balance Sheet  vs. WoW Change


As we approach that moment in 2020 when the Fed's liquidity glut turns from a massive risk tailwind into a headwind, and as the tension between market optimists and pessimists braces for a return,
See Chart:
BLOCKED:  Solo los fascistas  temen la verdad

BOFA muestra un gráfico cercano:
See Chart:
EPS estimates are inflecting higher

"New year consensus shifting bullish on liquidity (Fed/ECB/BoJ QE annualizing stunning $1.1tn past four months." 
 See Chart:


Full year volume for Class 8 orders was 181,000 for the year, compared to 490,100 units in 2018...

Be careful out there!
A myth is often defined as any invented story, idea, or concept, an imaginary or fictitious thing, or an unproved or false collective belief that is used to justify a social institution. The entertainment industry has flourished as society seeks any diversion to pull our attention away from the sharp edges of reality and into the soft comfort of escape. This may be the result of past experiences where we have learned reality can be hard to face and we can't handle the truth! In some ways, it could be said that our culture has become obsessed with avoiding what is real.
See Chart:

Believing Myths Is A Head In Sand Approach
1. Government is for the people and by the people - Seriously? After the last few years and dog and pony show, we experienced during the last presidential primary all illusions of that should have been erased. After often being forced to choose between the least of two evils it is difficult to praise our political system. After all the talk about "we the people" the fact is the average "person" is far removed from the power to decide important issues.
2. Financial planning means you only have to start saving a little money each year to guarantee an easy retirement.  - The fact is life is a casino where our future is tenuous at best. Much of our circumstances and lives revolve around money and the number of options it gives us when we possess it. I intentionally used the term "casino" to conjure up the image of financial fortune. Which you can lose in a blink of an eye if things go against you. This myth includes things such as the promises made by the government and others such as pension plans and financial institutions will indeed be honored.

3. You have rights and that we are not slaves - I defer to a few lines from a blog by Gerry Spence who has spent his lifetime representing and protecting victims of the legal system from what he calls The New Slave Master: big corporations and big government. In his blog, Spence wrote; The Moneyed Master has closed its doors against the people and sits on its money like an old hen on rotten eggs. The people will not prevail. With its endless propaganda the Moneyed Master has caused its slaves to believe they are free.

4. Your life will progress and move along pretty much as you have planned - When you think back over the years of your life if you are like most people things have not unfolded as you had planned. You may not be in the occupation you trained for or with your true love. Throughout our life watershed events occur that we have little control over, this holds true when it comes to your finances as well. Things such as having an investment or pension plan go south can be very unsettling. The thought that things could be worse does not mean they will become so, this is a reason to count your blessings.

5. Those in charge or above you care about you and will protect you -  Well of this we can hope but more than one person has been sliced and diced by the people he or she trusted most. History shows when push comes to shove it is not uncommon for a person to look out for the person they treasure the most and that is often him or her self. Politicians and those in power tend to throw people under the bus rather than rise up and take responsibility for the problems they create.

Once again, it's all about the options market tail wagging the entire market's dog, and as Nomura's MD of cross-asset strategy details below, we remain a long way from investors rediscovering "gravity"...
See Chart:
See more charts at:

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio


This is apparently what US-imposed "democracy" in action looks like...
GOOD FOR WHAT?  To invade, Lye  and terrorize small foreign countries?

As usual Trump dijo  que uso  “Swiss fax machine to defuse the iran crisis “ y lo que ahora dice es  que IRAN es un horrible enemigo que quiere bombardear Emb USA.

Sen. Murphy: "Let's be clear - if there was evidence of imminent attacks on four embassies, the Administration would have said so at our Wednesday briefing. They didn't."
Nada de lo que dice Trump se puede creer: abundan las mentiras e intenciones terroristas. Este último mensaje lo dibuja de cuerpo entero . Acusar a la víctima del terrorismo imperial solo se le puede ocurrir a Trump. Eso no sirve para justificar el crimen cometido. Esto solo habla de malas intenciones por venir. Lo mejor que puede hacer Trump es ordenar inmediato retiro de US tropas in Mid-East. Debe hacerlo por respeto a la vida de soldados americanos. RU salió de Afg y nos perdimos muchísimas vidas cuando no quisimos salir de Viet Nam.


US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

"We don’t communicate with the Iranians that much, but when we do the Swiss have played a critical role to convey messages and avoid miscalculation."

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos


BRA:  Primer año de gob de Bolsonaro    Amílcar S y Camila V
Opinión   Quo vadis, orbis?   Eduardo Montes de Oca
Economía   Por una banca pública  Aurora Martínez
España  Tierra ignota   José Manuel Barreal
US:  La cabeza de Trump   David Torres




-"Violación deliberada de normas internac": Moscú acusa al destructor US por acercar a barco ruso
- Un alumno de 11 años mata a tiros a su maestra y deja seis heridos en  escuela en Torreón, México

Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3

-The Primordial Urge to Slay a Hero   By Renee Parsons

Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Amy Goodman’  team


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