sábado, 18 de enero de 2020


ND  JAN 18 20  SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

The Fed will destroy the nation by widening the wealth/income inequality that is breaking down the nation's social order...

US Financial assets now 5.6 times GDP
See Chart:
See more charts at

"If the banks are not benefitting, who is? Leverage funds with huge interest rate derivative positions. And who is on the hook if they blow up? The big banks who are on the other side of the trade, as they would be forced to recapitalize the clearinghouses."

JPMorgan-mediated liquidity shortage at the "top 4" commercial banks which prevented them from lendinginto the repo market
See Charts:
The big four US Banks tuned into key lenders in the REPO market

"Fed officials are considering a new tool to ease repo market stress:  namely bypassing the existing system entirely, and lending cash directly to smaller banks, securities dealers and hedge funds through the repo market’s clearinghouse, the Fixed Income Clearing Corp., or FICC."

And so we once again get to the real issue at handnamely the bailout of those hedge funds which even the BIS said were on the verge of failure had the repo market not been unfrozen - and which the Fed was all too aware of - and had the massive leverage that some hedge funds operate under collapsed, forcing an unprecedented liquidation cascade.
See Chart:
Millennium, Citadel and Point72:  Regulatory vs. Net AUM ($Bill)

Incidentally, it is the repo-utilizing hedge funds that is the transmission mechanism of the Fed's monetary policy, and the source of so much Neel Kashkari confusion. Luckily for Neel, and everyone else still confused, the BIS explained that too:

Shifts in repo borrowing and lending by non-bank participants may have also played a role in the repo rate spike. Market commentary suggests that, in preceding quarters, leveraged players (eg hedge funds) were increasing their demand for Treasury repos to fund arbitrage trades between cash bonds and derivatives.
Continue reading at:

"... investors have inadvertently created a world of future pain for themselves."
See Chart:

Finally, Hussman concludes, one thing is clear: the Federal Reserve seems to have little grasp of the non-linearities involved in managing such a deranged balance sheet.
See more charts at:

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

Is this a type of missile gave to ISR to Kill Soleimani ? If so ISR has to be penalized
                 Is This The Hypersonic Missile Trump Was Touring About?
Lisa Page looks forward to his deposition in her lawsuit...
The Constitution allocates to the president sole authority over foreign policy (short of declaring war or signing a treaty). It does not permit Congress to substitute its foreign policy preferences for those of the president...
"If they’re willing to make laws that will strip your second amendment right,I mean who’s to say what could happen, so yeah, I’m gonna get it while I can..."

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

But people can only be threatened so many times before they start working on a solution...
A gold-backed euro based in northern Europe seems like fantasy for now, but it is more plausible than a gold dollar as an outcome of this decade...
Vital oil sector, at over 90% of Libya's revenue, which also supplies Europe is headed for a tailspin...
New missiles, new capabilities, new weapons as fast as anybody on the planet...

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos


ECON:  Sonámbulos caminando hacia la crisis  Alejandro Nadal
Venezuela:  TeleSUR no se toca   Stella Calloni
Australia   La guerra climática está aquí  Pip Hinman
Brasil:   Entrevista a Dilma Rousseff  "Tortura es dolor y muerte" ML y CM
Econ:  Los orígenes del salario mínimo  Michel Husson
ALC: América Latina en la contienda mundial  Miguel Henríquez
Venezuela   Saltar la verja  Humberto Márquez
España  Historias obreras  Salvador López Arnal
COL:  Colombia en la geoestrategia 2020  Alberto Pinzón

La Casa Blanca publica la dura respuesta de Trump a su citación al Senado, para el juicio político  https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/340313-casa-blanca-publicar-dura-respuesta-trump
US: "No hay planes de retirar a nuestras tropas de Irak, son fuerzas para el bien" De quien?.. De la gula petrolera del imperio terrorista?  https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/340276-eeuu-no-hay-planes-retirar-tropas-irak
Lo que se sabe de las elecciones generales en Bolivia dos meses después del golpe de Estado  https://actualidad.rt.com/opinion/javier-buenrostro/339460-elecciones-generales-bolivia-fechas-escenarios 

Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3

-Cowardly EU Backstabs Iran  By Finian Cunningham
- The US/China “Trade Deal”?  By Paul Craig Roberts
- The Truth About the Trump Economy  By Joseph E. Stiglitz

Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies

- Trump Calls for New Iran Nuclear Deal that Renders the Country Defenseless By S Lendman. Iran don’t have enough nukes to face 4 super power-nuke States. Depends on RU-China to force a negotiation similar to JF Kennedy  Pact with RU in 1961-62.

Press TV


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