sábado, 4 de enero de 2020


ND  JAN 4 20  SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

What if the Fed finds that it can’t step back from repo operations due to fear of financial dislocations?              
Every conceivable asset class (except cash) posted positive returns ,thanks to the LIQUIDITY provided by global central banks. The Fed, in my view, moved to implement the “ high pressure economy” regime outlined in former chair Janet Yellen’s 2014 speech at the Boston Fed Reserve bank.     

Indirecly this document suggest the US central Bank has returned to the Greenspan approach to bubbles- they will deal with the consequences once it pops.
The chart below explains the LIQUIDITY story.
See Chart:
Global Central Banks Liquidity  (at the bottom) vs. Global Stocks (at top)

Gone are the good old days when Earnings used to be tailwind for market valuations.
See Chart:
Wide divergence between S&P and Profits

The polarising performance of US markets.
See Chart:
Biggest contributors to S&P 500 Total Return

The two stocks, Apple and Microsoft, each having a market cap of USD 1 trillion have contributed the most to 2019’s total stock-market returns and also hold that position for the entire decade.

The number of Zombie companies continue to rise along with their market caps.
See Chart:
An Immaterial World

The above charts were examples of distortion created by excess pumping of money.
Jerome Powell raised the bar  for raising rates significantly whereas the bar for lowering rates has gone down. More evidence that Central Bankers will tolerate higher inflation and low or negative real rates.

BOFA has a crystal ball and they see the endgame approaching .
The global economy has entered a period called ‘slowbalization,’ which is the result of geopolitical shifts and secular trends that have slowed down globalization or, in some cases, completely reversed it. A global manufacturing recession was sparked by changes in consumer preferences that have roiled manufacturing hubs and complex supply chains in developed and emerging markets. Almost every major central bank across the world is easing at the moment in hopes of generating a mini-cycle trough to rebound growth in 2020.
When markets run on nothing but multiple expansion the PEG ratio (price earnings growth) may just skyrocket higher. In this case: Through the historic roof. Don’t let anyone tell you this market is cheap. It’s not, it’s the most expensive in our lifetimes on a PEG basis.
See Chart:

US M2 growth y-o-y which was growing at 3.2% in November 2018, is now growing at 7.6% y-o-y. The economy is not growing rapidly enough to absorb this growth and the competition from the money and bond markets, domestically and overseas, is not compelling.
Money supply is expanding at above average rates and share growth is not. Consequently, share values are expanding — not likely to stop soon.

Meanwhile 70% of Millennials  say they are likely to VOTE SOCIALISTS
See Graph:

Winter is coming & the market outlook is this:
See Chart:
ICE BOFA US : High Yield BB Option-Adjusted Spread

Finally, the Dollar index (DXY), which was in a rising trend for some time and was supported by a strong US GDP growth is in the process of rolling over and making lower highs and lower lows. Trump and Fed would be happy at this achievement but who knows what a falling dollar bring with it.
Overall, these developments would appear to support some whiff of reflation and higher inflationary expectations,
1). Shift away from buying cash- burning market share to buying profits.
2). Weaker dollar raises the prices of imports and create domestic pricing power.
What are the possibilities regarding a potential “normalization of repo liquidity post-run? In the year 1999-2000 Fed had similarly flooded the system with massive liquidity to tide over Y2K related issues and when it went to withdraw that liquidity there was sharp negative reaction by stock market. I guess we will see the same towards the end of first quarter 2020. Emerging markets will be bid till the time Dollar index is soft. In terms of bonds, the prospect of less certain funding and higher deficits might also stifle some enthusiasm. Commodities could outperform stocks as a class.
What if the Fed finds that it can’t step back from repo operations due to fear of financial dislocations? In this case, stocks could see a more aggressive “melt-up” helped by tsunami of Fed liquidity, but the dollar will fall more, and GOLD will benefit.
What could trip up the markets this January?
In a word, "much."
See Chart:
Fear & Greed Over Time

But it isn’t just sentiment which has gotten extraordinarily extended, but also investor positioning on many levels both individual and professional.
See Chart:
Market Greed/ Fear GAUGE
See More Charts at:
"I think a recession is not off the table at all in 2020, and so there is no green light on that score." 
"...non-housing debt, slowing retail spending and rising severe delinquencies are continuing concerns..."
...today’s money is not real money.  Rather, it is fake money. And this fake money has heinous implications on how people earn, save, invest, and pay their way in the world we live in...
The collapse of an empire is a process, not an event... but danger signals abound... the plates are not spinning, they've already dropped...

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

STOP LIES: the attack to Iran came from ISR  under Trump’order. Threats came from T.
"...those 52 targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD. The USA wants no more threats!"
This 52 targets are Trump threat to IRAN.. I guess ISR + other NATO’s R part too
The Death of the West is not a prediction of what is going to happen. It is a depiction of what is happening now. First World nations are dying...

"...nothing new about American terrorist attacks against Black and Brown people...plundering of the non white world."

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos

COL:  2020 será de luchas ciudadanas  Oto Higuita
TECK:  Un tsunami llamado 5G   Silvia Ribeiro
Geo-Econ:  Neocolonialismo económico alemán  F José Bustos
F-FEM: El anti-machismo nada que ver con opresión clasista de la mujer.
Nicaragua:  El fracaso del estado de sitio policial  Wilfredo Miranda 
US:  Trump, una guerra para la reelección  Atilio A. Boron O para perderla
-Londres envía dos buques de guerra al golfo Pérsico para "proteger a sus barcos y ciudadanos"  https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/338841-reino-unido-escoltar-buques-estrecho-ormuz  Hacia el genocidio Irani por los matones del Imperio.
- General iraní insta al US a abandonar Oriente Medio o "comprar ataúdes para sus soldados" https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/338839-general-iran-instar-eeuu-abandonar-oriente-medio-comprar-ataudes-soldados Con bla-bla no se gana la guerra
- Rusia y China acuerdan tomar medidas conjuntas para asegurar la paz en Oriente Medio  https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/338816-rusia-china-acordar-medidas-conjuntas-paz-oriente-medio En la ONU? Denle a Irán nuke-misil de largo alcance como los que se instaló en Cuba el 61. Entonces habrá un acuerdo de Paz.Corea-N lo logro ya y pueden volarle la mitad del poder a NATO  si el US los ataca. Hay que armar la PAZ. Si RU y China no lo hacen con Irán, es sinónimo de traición. Eso les podría costar muy caro pues el objetivo del US-UK y NATO + ISR y Saudis es destruir RU y China. A eso apuntan.
- Comando iraní: "35 puestos vitales del US en la región y Tel Aviv están al alcance de Irán" https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/338797-comandante-irani-35-puestos-vitales-eeuu-israel-alcance Tiene misiles, pero no nucleares. Esto si detiene al imperio.

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


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