miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2019


ND FEB 26 19  SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Dejarlo salir a Guaido fue un grave error. Pero dejarlo entrar es aún mucho más grave.

Apuntan a dividir a los militares de Maduro con la gente que ya deserto.. Se los van a comprar con millones en efectivo. Maduro está en la mira. La declaración de guerra ya la anuncio el VP Pence. De hecho la guerra ya empezó cuando se les impidió  la entrada con supuesta “ayuda humanitaria”. Lo que viene es la continuación de la guerra “EL GOLPE FINAL “según ellos.  Los carros blindados en que salió  Guidao no pueden entrar sin autorización ni chequeo del Gbno de Maduro. Si entran por la fuerza.. una vez que estén en territorio venezolano  se debe  bloquear el ingreso y la salida con cisternas llenas de gasolina o gas,  y si aun así no se rinden, deben ser destruidos totalmente con bazucas especiales. Si se rinden,  Guaido debe ser detenido y esposado por orden de la Corte Suprema. Luego tiene que ser protegido  de cualquier ataque en el regreso a la capital. Es casi seguro que el US  va a tratar de usar sus aviones y drones. Hay que estar listos para responderles y hay que llamar a los rusos a que estén alerta para intervenir.  Total la guerra ya empezó el 23 y esta es una batalla decisiva. Si logran ingresar  por la fuerza, la batalla está pérdida y Maduro podría ser asesinado. Hay que evitarlo por todos medios posibles (minas electrónicas en la carretera, incluido). Todo depende de la eliminación de los carros que ingresen con Guiado si no se rinden. Quiza sean los mismos carros negros con los que salió, mas otros para los que quieran ingresar esta  vez.

Yo miro esta guerra desde el Palco y quizá me equivoque en mis apreciaciones, pero estuve en Stgo cuando Patria y Libertad (loa fascistas de Chile) asaltaron el edificio donde dormíamos los invitados extranjeros al evento de ‘Sociologia’. Los socialistas del sur habíamos sido convocados para observar en directo lo que allí pasaba y El Plan Condor de Kissinger estaba en camino y habían agregado a Peru a la lista donde había que eliminar a los socialistas (en Peru eso es imposible pero lo intentaron luego de asesinar a Velasco). Decidimos tomar las org de base de la Ref Agraria creada por Velasco (Mezich en el norte y yo en el Sur creamos Coops campesinas en lugar de las SAIS y CAPs en manos del Estado). Nuestra 2da misión en Chile era observar  la resistencia  al fascismo y aplicarla en nuestros paises . Perú si respondió, pero no el resto.  Si en Stgo no se hubiese respondido con fuerza a ese ataque fascista  que intento asesinarnos, nos habrían eliminado. Ya lo hicieron  antes, eliminaron voluntarios que fueron a ayudar a Allende. Esta vez en Stgo yo tuve que agarrar arma. Los hicimos huir, pero el fascismo gano esa guerra interna (asesinaron a 40,000 Chilenos). Logre salvar a varios cruzando la quebrada que se usaba para visitar la virgen de las Peñas, luego los envié a Lima.  

Lo mismo me ocurrió cuando visite Nicaragua. Mi misión allí era estudiar PAZ-GUERRA en Nicaragua. El Proyecto lo financiaba el Banco Mundial via un Instituto de la Univ de Pitt donde yo trabajaba. Fui profesor de Sociologia en Peru y experto en correlaciones stat entre Educacion, Sociologia  y Politica (sistemas). Por esto me trajo la Fulbright y me pago un Master y un Ph.D en Pitt. Decidí estudiar la PAZ-GUERRA  en directo. La “contra” (mercenarios pagados por el US para manda abajo el Gbno) tenían controlado parte del territorio. Logre ser incluido en una brigada civil-militar que dirigía una mujer.. quede sorprendido de su destreza y valentía.. Ella había perdido a su esposo en la guerra contra la contra y buscaba sus restos para darle cristiana sepultura. Se ofreció como voluntaria a las brigadas civiles y desde entonces tenía a su cargo a 12 milicianos. Ella  sabía que yo era un socialista  de confianza de Perú y me aceptó como observador en su grupo. Tuve suerte.  Era una de las brigadas civiles más combativas de Niaragua y el Gbno les facilito armas (es lo que no hizo Allende con la resistencia Chilena). Con gente como esta nicaragüense la contra jamás habría podido derrotarlos.

Ahora les toca a los venezolanos. Es cuestión de vida o muerte y tienen que actuar con mucha fuerza, inteligencia y valentía. El imperio no tiene este tipo de gente.. solo tiene simples mercenarios, empezando  con Guaido. Estos payasos solo hablan, luego toman el dinero y desertan. Pueden entrar pero no saldrán vivos, dijo un Venezolano. El US va a perder esta guerra,  como ocurrió en Nicaragua. De esto si estoy seguro.

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye..
Chinese markets saw some profit-taking from Monday's exuberance, but not much...
See Chart:

US equity cash markets all rebounded at 11ET but Small Caps gave up early and lagged the entire day...
See Chart:
NOTE: second day in a row of late-day weakness.

The 11amET ramp seems to have been all buybacks...
See Chart:
S&P BuyBack Index  vs. S&P

As the early short-squeeze quickly ran out of ammo...
See Chart: ‘Most Shorted’ vs. Russell 2000

2,800 was once again the key for the S&P 500 and for the second day, it was unable to hold it...
See Chart:

VIX and stocks remain decoupled...
See Chart:

While stocks managed gains, bonds were also bid on the day...
See Chart:

The dollar dumped back to pre-FOMC drop levels...
See Chart:
Bloomberg Dollar Index vs. FOMC line

Is the dollar set for some downtime?
See Chart:
Bloomberg Dollar Index  vs. Trump approval rating (3mo lead)

Gold in Yuan has been drifting lower recently..
See Chart:  Gold in Yuan

Finally, there is this... US stocks test key highs once again as earnings expectations hit 7-month lows and US Macro plunges to its weakest since August 2017...
See Chart:
Global Money Supply…  S&P …  US Macro Surprise Index  … S&P Forw EPS Expectations

Oh and in case you loved the rebound in today's Conference Board confidence data.
Read this comment:

Nice headline, shame about the details. Vacation plans down to the lowest since Jun-18. Home buying plans at a 7-mo low and the domino impact on big-ticket appliances fell to a 4-yr low. Auto spend intentions have declined for 4 straight months to the lowest level since last Jul.

"Therefore the trade is not to short investment grade bonds, but rather to short equities and play for a weakening economy due to weak capex spending..."

Yesterday I was watching Bloomberg TV and one of my favourite reporters, fellow Canadian Luke Kawa made the following joke:
“ask a journalist what’s the scariest thing for the markets, and the answer is triple B’s.”

What did Luke mean by this comment? Well, I think it’s best explained by the following Bloomberg chart:
See Chart:
Credit Quality Crush
Record amount of IG credit is Low-Rated Dept

What’s scary is that the number of issuers in the investment grade market ranked BBB has never been higher.

This means that the number of investment grade companies whose credit worthiness is one downtick away from junk is precariously perched ready to topple at the slightest weakness in the economy. Scary, huh? No wonder all the Bloomberg reporters have been highlighting it as a risk. It’s one of those inside baseball concerns that’s hard for the general public to get their minds wrapped around, but has professionals fretting.

Yet what’s the overwhelming conclusion about the consequence of this development? Why… that you should short investment grade bonds of course!
See Chart:
Shares Box$  Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETF

Therefore the trade is not to short investment grade bonds, but rather to short equities and play for a weakening economy due to weak capex spending.

What has led to this period of market euphoria if the macro data and profits are not spectacular?
See chart:

(World Equity Index vs Economic Surprise)
See Chart:
Global Money Supply  vs  Global Macro Surprise Index

Simply a change of trend in global liquidity led by a U-turn in the process of normalization of central banks….  
In fact, between December 26 and February 15 we have seen the largest injection of liquidity in the markets of the last two years, bringing the global money supply to record levels

"That’s the thing with these doves, they never explain this huge contradiction..."

See Chart:  Germany Case

“The idea that deficits don’t matter for countries that can borrow in their own currency I think is just wrong..."

We can already hear the whining from the uber-left's ivory tower as Fed Chair Jerome Powell unleashed some common-sense on the latest fraud being thrust upon Americans - that of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT).

As Bloomberg reminds, MMT argues that because America borrows in its own currency, it can always print more dollars to cover its obligations. As a result, the thinking goes, the U.S. can always run sustained budget deficits and rack up an ever-increasing debt burden. Helping grease the wheels for some MMTers is the expectation that the Fed would keep rates low to contain the cost of servicing America’s obligations.

With that in mind, Sen. David Perdue, R-Ga., asked Powell about the theory, saying its advocates back a “spend-now spend-later spend-often policy that would use massive annual deficits to fund these tremendously expensive policy proposals.” MMT advocates figure the Fed would be a partner in funding these programs through easy monetary policy.

Powell's response was brief and to the point:
“The idea that deficits don’t matter for countries that can borrow in their own currency I think is just wrong..."
“And to the extent that people are talking about using the Fed -- our role is not to provide support for particular policies,” Powell said.
“Decisions about spending, and controlling spending and paying for it, are really for you.”

Simply put, Powell explained that the increasingly popular theory espoused by progressives that the government can continue to borrow to fund social programs such as Medicare for everyone, free college tuition and a conversion to renewable energy in the next decade is unworkable and makes some "pretty extreme claims."

Earlier in the hearing Powell also noted thatU.S. debt is fairly high to the level of GDP -- and much more importantly -- it’s growing faster than GDP, really significantly faster. We are going to have to spend less or raise more revenue.”

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

"Stacked-up inventory is straining logistics capacity around the neighboring ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, which together comprise the biggest U.S. trans-Pacific gateway. In 30 years, I’ve never seen anything like this."
See Chart:
Whole sales / Inventory sales Ratio (right scale) v. Cass  Freigth Index Shipment (left sc)

Also see this one
Durable Goods Inventory v. Cash Freight Index shipment

See More charts at:

"If we had made different choices as a nation, we could have had a very different future... Sadly, our self-destructive behavior continues to get even worse, and a day of reckoning for America is fast approaching..."

Facebook imposed double standards to censor popular Russia-connected pages...

US-World ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

"He will have to see the face of justice."

Meanwhile China urging restraint...

"He's been at the front line of the battle against America" — Rouhani


GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos


Opin      La guerra contra Ven se basa en mentiras  John Pilger
USA       LA MEJOR LECCIÓN   David Brooks
Cult        Imágenes de poder   Gregorio Morán
Econ      Guerra contra el dinero en efectivo  Genoveva López y Marta Luengo
ALC        Con Vena, con Nuestra América  Aurelio Alonso
Guatemala   La niñez amordazada   Carolina Vásquez
Or-P       Trilogía de Edward Said   Martín Martinelli
UE          Rev de chalecos amarill: más import que Mayo del 68”  María Luisa G

                Un concierto por Colombia    Alfredo Serrano M


Keiser Report  "Estados Unidos siempre está al borde de la guerra"  esta ve le llegara

Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3

Attacking Iran   By Philip Giraldi 
The Empire: Now or Never   By Fred Reed

Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics

Paul Street

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Amy Goodman’s team


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..

Programs    The Debate  in middle East

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