ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone
State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ
Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know
it, they documented with graphics
by TDB -
Feb 12, 2019
We traded
violent destructive revolution for peaceful productive markets... and
accomplished more than socialism could ever imagine.
El capitalismo creo la más violenta y explosiva contradiccion entre
capital y labor, eso que siempre estalla en REV y rebeliones populares. Y esto por que los medios de producción entendido como 1-
objetos de trabajo (todo a lo que se aplica el trabajo
humano) empezando por lo que brinda la naturaleza (minerales por ejemplo) u
obtenidos como resultado de la elaboración de materias primas ha sido
concentrado en pocas manos y para beneficio de esa minoría. Los medios de
producción incluyen también: 2- los instrumentos
de trabajo que ayudan al labor a
trabajar esos objetos (herramientas, maquinas, edificios e instalaciones de
producción de traansporte). Todo esto se encuentra en pocas manos y por lo
mismo sirven a la explotación capitalista del labor. En el socialismo los
medios de producc (minas, yacimientos petroleros, etc) son propiedad de un
Estado en manos de las mayorías nacionales electas para su administración y/o
transferidas a las coops del labor organizado. There is not such a
“peaceful productive market”, el mercado lo manipulan los dueños de los medios
de producc que son a la vez los dueños de un
Estado nacido del fraude, la corrupción electoral y la especulación
financiera del Wall Sreet.
- China trade deal - "Looks good" - may delay March 1st tariff deadline.
- Collusion - "nope" - Senate Intel Committee admits it was all a witch hunt.
- Border/Shutdown deal - "not happy" but no shutdown expected.
A triple whammy of wins for President
Trump and the stock market fell right in line...
See Chart:
All the major US equity indices surged out
of the gate and drifted higher for the best day in Feb...
See Chart:
VIX plunged to a 15 handle and credit
spreads collapsed...
See Chart:
The dollar suffered its first losing day
in the last nine after reaching briefly back into the green for 2019...
See Chart:
Finally, we note that 'soft' survey data
continues to languish below current 'hard' data (which itself is starting to
roll over)...
See Chart:
And this is just funny...
See Chart:
Let's just hope it's not 1937 all over
See Chart:
"You better have
collateral on hand before the phone ever starts ringing..."
See Chart:
See more charts at:
Total US debt has now
risen by over $2 trillion since Trump took office... but notably slower than Obama's pace of borrowing...
See Chart:
trends bear watching as history suggests that a currency’s dominant status is
not immutable."
When the TBAC published the minutes to its quarterly
refunding decision two
weeks ago, the most interesting part of the discussion was the "unique
challenges" faced by the Treasury over the medium term, especially the possibility of significant financing gap
over next 10 years amounting to over $12 trillion and the potential need
for more domestic investor participation if foreign reserve growth slows.
CBO stubbornly refuses to forecast a recession
during the next decade, instead projecting a steady 1.5-2% real GDP growth
over the next 10y. While the
TBAC did not take a position on this laughable assumption, it warned that
deficits typically rise 2-5% of GDP in recessions, which would translate to additional deficits of $0.5-1trn at
current GDP levels, and warns that "these borrowing needs have to financed in the context of already high
global dollar debt exposure."
See Charts:
And here the TBAC made a surprising, tongue-in-cheek
observation, namely that reserve managers have been very gradually increasing
allocation to other currencies, and that the USD share of FX reserves has
steadily come down from 72% in 2000 to 62% now even though the "USD is still
the dominant reserve currency."
Still. As in for the foreseeable future, but not that much longer.
See Chart:
Major Holders of US Treasury Securities
See Chart:
Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full
of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio
"I think she should either resign
from congress or she should certainly resign from the House Foreign
Affairs Committee..."
The one who should resign is Trump: 1- ineficiencia probada (su decir y contradecir nos ha aislado
del mundo entero). Internamente eso creo problemas de credibil y
gobernabilidad. Hay Gobernadores que decidieron no apoyar su política
anti-migra y anti-guns. 2- su gerrerismo amenaza la paz mundial (caso Ven). 3- Su racismo anti-latino no solo separo madres de hijos sino
además causo muertes (incurrió en crimes agaisnt humanity) y 4- sus crímenes de guerra: esta envuelto de forma directa e
indirecta en graves crímenes de Guerra (apoyo a los jihadistas en Siria y a ISR
en sus ataque contra palestinos, y a los saudis a quienes provee las armas que
asesinan en Yemen). El listado es largo.. el debe renunciar
Como les arde ..
aceptar la realidad. Si no quieren ser excluidos NO la
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell just lobbed what we imagine will
be the first of many stink bombs into
the 2020 Democratic primary.
"The most dangerous and
consequential liars on planet earth are those in government, yet I
guarantee YouTube will gladly recommend such liars and their lies..."
US-World ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol &
global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for
State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo
"We were
never going find a contract signed in blood saying, 'Hey Vlad, we're going to collude..."
The latest
move to counter what has been described in western capitals as "a
persistent campaign of malign behaviour by Russia", would be jointly
applied by the US and the EU.
..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3
Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes
& terrorist imperial chaos
La revolución bolivariana en una encrucijada
decisiva César
quiero que co-dirijas la sección Español en Nueva Democriacia (ND)
favor escríbeme a zegarrahug@yahoo.com
quiero que co-dirijas la sección Español en Nueva Democriacia (ND)
favor escríbeme a zegarrahug@yahoo.com
Keiser Report La solución a los problemas del
Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism &
internal conflicts that favor WW3
Russiagate Is Finished By Moon Of Alabama
RIP INF Treaty: Russia’s Victory, America’s
Waterloo By Dmitry Orlov
Former Israeli spies tried to influence local
US election: Report By Press TV and N Y
The Great Con of American Patriotism By R Scheer, D Sjursen and Ron Kovic
Starving For Justice By A. Naomi Paik
Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics
David Rosen Will
Trump Resign Before the 2020 Election?
Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more
business-wars from US-NATO allies
Amy Goodman’s team
Resume of Global News described by Iranian
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