domingo, 10 de febrero de 2019


ND FEB 09 19  SIT EC y POL  
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

...this dealer hoarding has taken on absolutely immense proportions. It’s like nothing we’d seen before, even during 2008...

As of last week, Jan 30, reported holdings (therefore hoarding) surpassed the record set the week of Christmas (when every market was a huge mess, except UST’s).
See Chart:

Are primary dealers having trouble selling their accumulated stock again? Of course not. Global bond markets are on fire, even more so than stocks. There is huge demand for pristine collateral types.

Not only that, both the eurodollar futures and UST curves exhibit absolutely brutal liquidity hedging going on. While everyone is fixated on UST 2s10s, the space between the 12-month bill and 5-year note has gone bananasduring the exact same timeframe dealer hoarding skyrocketed.

See Chart:

...the frequency of these “mystery booms” appears “to have gathered pace over the past week”...

Listen VIDEO:

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

La Campania contra A Ocasio Cortez llegó al colmo de la distorsión y la hipocresía

            Fabricated or doctorate document, said her advisor / Lawyer
The now-deleted version of the FAQ originally uploaded by AOC's office contained an absurd provision for "economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work," a phrase which AOC adviser Robert Hockett - a Cornell law professor, claimed came from a "doctored document." 

Listen the Video: at

Copy of part of Green New Dial  AOC Alejandra Ocasio Cortez


The social media giant has a disturbing number of former Obama officials in key positions of authority over content...

Source :

‘Dar de comer a los mendigos’ –se la comentó asi a AOC-  crea escándalo “mediático” –IF said by a socialist (AOC)- pero si lo dice un Alcalde Demo de una ciudad como Chicago-Ill o de NY o LA donde el éxodo de la población está por encima de los 3 dígitos (ver Chart) no llama la atención de los hipócritas de Facebook y otra prensa mercenaria..

1000 Chicago residents could start collecting a $1,000 check every month with no strings attached according to a new proposal from Mayor Emanuel...

See Chart:

"...while Elizabeth Warren may be correct that the system is broken, she is quite wrong in how and why it is broken, and how to fix it..."
[[ Kai’s answer to QT why:  is because Govt spending . IF so, there is not critique to E-W, but a coincidence. She is not Keynesian either. Then how to fix it could have been the problem, but it is not entirely the difference either.  E-W also agree that decentralizing the system is the solution (focus on regions & states) . Para ella la centralizacion actual está en manos de grandes banqueros  y big Corp de billonarios que han barrido con el sistema de libre mercado, a esto se llama neoliberalism. Ellos forzaron la expansión de los creditos y crearon la servidumbre de los pequenios y medianos capitalistas del sector productivo en favor de banqueros y big speculators del WS. Por esta via es que se creó los booms & burst y la depresión que hoy sufrimos. This is the real “road to serfdom”.  No se trata de anular el Estado, se trata de anular el control del Estado por esas grandes mafias. El mismo F-Hayek acepto que el problema de fondo es la incorrecta direccion o control de ese sistema de libre produccion. Y lo dijo claro: “To combat the depression by a forced credit expansión is to attemp to cure the evil by the very means that brought it about, because of  we are suffering from missdireccion of production”.

This is the difference between E-W vs Kai Weiss del Mises Institute. Y no solo se diferencia ella de los neo-mises del Institute que abandonaron a su padre Hayek, E-W se diferencia también de los neo-keynesianos que dirigen la Economia de Trump (volveremos sobre esta manga de pompillos y sus Bol-shits que están llevando el mundo a una nueva recesión mundial, que según estos solo se soluciona con el WW3) . Por lo pronto que quede claro: eso de decir que postulamos como solución  a free market system based on private property rights for all and voluntary exchange” no es solo una utopia de siglos pasado,  es una distopia similar a la de Orwell: “Freedom is Slavery” .  El  “free market system based on private property rights for all and voluntary exchange” de Kei Weiss NO EXISTE HOY, los que existe es lo opuesto: el  “neoliberalism”.  Esto es lo que hay que eliminar y por dos vías simultaneas: top-down (control de Estados y Gov mediante Frentes Populares) y bottom-up (org y movilizar a las clases trabajadores) apuntando a crear balance entre Labor y Capital como lo quizo el hegeliano Marx y como hizo Lenin con la NEP en RU y FDR con los New Deals en 1935-40. Eso si creo crecimiento y desarrollo Economico sostenido y  para todos y por varias décadas.
QUE DIJO KEI y a nombre de QUIEN? 

[[ Aquí solo selecciono extractos.. el art completo leanlo en la fuente de arriba.]]

“The general idea of her plan is that the value of the wealth of the extremely-rich (or, in her sense, the “too-rich”) should be taxed, for households with over 50 million dollars by two percent, for those with over one billion dollars by three percent. In total, 75,000 households, a proud figure, would be affected, and it is this wealth tax that Warren sees as one of her centerpieces to levelling the playing field.

All of this is not to say that Elizabeth Warren is wrong when she says that “Washington is broken.” She is right when she says, like in a recent Bloomberg interview .

Not only that Washington is broken, however – it is broke as well at the tune of 22 trillion dollars. Warren’s wealth tax would raise 2.75 trillion dollars over the next ten years which she intends to not use on paying off debt, but on more spending on child care, lowering the student loan debt, and the “ Green New Deal .” Indeed, no confiscation from “the rich” of any kind could finance any programs for long. As Antony Davies noted , confiscating, for instance, the entire wealth of the 550 billionaires in the US, which would raise 2.5 trillion dollars, would be just enough to run the federal government for less than eight months. Washington’s problem is not revenue then, but spending.       

So while Elizabeth Warren may be correct that the system is broken, she is quite wrong in how and why it is broken, and how to fix it. Instead of intervening even more in people’s affairs as she proposes, fixing the system would mean taking the state out of the system and, when not feasible, at least decentralize it away from Washington to state and local governments.

“Capitalism without rules is theft,” Warren says.

Kai Weiss’ Conclusion:
But instead of financing ‘the Swamp’ even more, real capitalism (i.e., a free market system based on private property rights and voluntary exchange) might just be the way to fix the system.

US-World ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

They're finally getting ready to take back that last 1% of ISIS-held territory...
[[ La Guerra anti-terrorista en Siria la ganó la coalición Rusa y la perdió la coalición US-UK-ISR y Saudis.. SI estos se quedan van a tener que sacar a sus soldados y mercenarios en bolsas de plástico y asap porque se viene otra gue ]]

"...recipients of a basic income had less stress symptoms... more confident in their ability to influence societal issues.. But a hoped-for stimulus to levels of employment has not yet materialized..."

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3



Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos


VEN   Epicentro geopolítico mundial   Ángel Guerra
            Lat-Am y el Caribe buscan soluciones pacíficas Aram Aharonian
            Venezuela y la lucha de clases. Posición crítica  Nicolás Campos
            Apuntes sobre chavismo y golpes de Estado   Óscar Soto
            Las antípodas en Venezuela  Gilberto López
UE      Ucrania: violando la libertad  Higinio Polo
Ecol     Litio y “sacrificio ambiental” en Jujuy  Sabrina Roth
             Agencias neoliberales  Albert Recio Andreu
Opin    Derrotar a Trump   Guillermo Almeyra
            El entrevistador estrella  Jaime Richart
            La verdadera "preocupación" del imperialismo  Homar Garcés
Españ   ¿Adónde vamos?  Albert Recio Andreu
            Mujeres migrantes y pobres expulsadas del país  Vivian Palmbaum




Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..


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