jueves, 18 de octubre de 2018

Oct 18 18 SIT EC y POL

Oct 18  18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

"... all these quantitative trading systems are destroying the structure of the market you know particularly that group that buy strength and sells weakness..."

Basically the things I look at which suggest that the market is OK is not cheap but it’s not too expensive .. you know it’s not an exciting message when I tell you the markets are in a zone of fair valuation. Basically it doesn’t excite you .. but that’s the kind of situate where we’re at.

[Is it more expensive relative to where interest rates are likely to go. Is it that… the big issue here is the biggest fear that people that you bring are going to be put up right now.]

I think all this fixation on interest rates is misplaced [and I show the following chart]:
See Chart:

And the message is abundantly clear. Real interest rates for five, six, seven, eight, nine hundred basis points [is a path to] recessions like in the past. Real interest rates today are zero. The Fed has been extraordinarily accommodative. So you know the market can easily handle the rise in interest rates as long as the slope of the rise is gradual.  The pricing structure in the market allows for a rise in rates.

This art is very bat written.. it needs to be re-write by Tyler Durden

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

With the elections less than three weeks away, the latest takeaway is that expectations for the Republicans to retain control of the Senate has markedly increased.
THIS INVESTOR is not anymore with Trump for several reasons. Check his view:

"In game theory, the worst setup is a situation where all players believe they have the upper hand. It usually results in both sides seeing it through right to the end (however unpleasant the final scene is)..."

I want to speak about the recent “trade wars” that the Trump administration has set in motion. There can be no denying that America has ventured down a road of adversarial trade renegotiations not seen in decades. I am not making any judgments about this policy - it is what it is. But to think it doesn’t have profound implications for your portfolio would be naive.

Collision course with China
Let’s start with the obvious. Trump can insult Canadian leader Justin Trudeau all he wants, but it won’t stop us Canadians from making a deal. Sure, we won’t like it, but we will bite our lip and negotiate the best agreement possible.

Yet Trump’s tactics don’t play as well in China. In Asia, saving face is much more important, and it is foolish to believe the Chinese government will be anywhere near as accepting to Trump’s insults and antagonistic behavior.

Many market strategists are convinced China will be forced to acquiesce due to U.S. stocks’ outperformance versus Chinese stocks since Trump’s ramping up of trade tensions. They believe this to be a signal of America’s stronger hand.
See Chart:

I call B.S. on the idea that China’s recent stock market underperformance means they are desperate for a deal. Not a chance. If anything, Trump’s Adm needs a deal as a serious trade war could result in severe market disruption which would be much more meaningful to Republicans’ chance of reelection. On the other hand, Xi has no such worry.

Trump administration steps up the pressure

Most strategists blame the equity market sell off on the bond market’s recent weakness. The common narrative is that we finally hit the tipping-point where interest rates affected the real economy. Maybe.  .. But maybe there was something more ominous going on. The stock market started sliding on October 4th.
See Chart:

I believe trade tensions were the real reason for the recent stock market decline. Sure, all those other reasons cited in the media helped the decline accelerate, but many of those reasons have existed for quite some time.

What changed on October 4th was that it became clear to those who watch markets closely that the chances of a Chinese-American trade deal had greatly diminished.

Dangerous setup

As I previously mentioned, I used to think the recent Trump aggression was merely tactics before his government cut a deal at the last moment. And although I don’t discount that possibility entirely, I now believe that outcome is less likely.

In game theory, the worst setup is a situation where all players believe they have the upper hand. It usually results in both sides seeing it through right to the end (however unpleasant the final scene is).

Neither China nor the U.S. is ready to blink. Both sides think the other guy has more to lose. If that is the case, then there will be a lot more pain in the financial markets before the problem is resolved.

Time to lighten up

Over the past few months, I have been somewhat more bullish on equities than many of my hedge-fund-brethren. Yet, for the first time in a while, I am worried. I hear all sorts of calls for a year end rally that they are planning on selling into.

Could this happen? For sure. But I am not nearly confident anymore.
And especially when it comes to the American market. It has been screaming higher versus the rest of the world for the past couple of years. It’s due for a pause.

I have a bunch of other trades that I want to implement based on this theory, but I will save that for another day… except to say, gold priced in CNH is breaking out for a reason...
See Chart: ‘Weaker yuan’?

US-WW ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

"If what has been alleged occurred, if an innocent person lost their life at the hands of violence, that's to be condemned..."

An unprecedented volume of Iranian crude oil is set to arrive at China’s northeast Dalian port this month and in early November before U.S. sanctions on Iran take effect.
What was already an ugly day for emerging markets, turned even uglier for Brazil when Bloomberg reported that the head of Brazil's central bank, Ilan Goldfajn, was preparing to leave the central bank by year-end.

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3



Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos


                Nace el  Journal of Feminist, Gender and Women Studies
USA       Ausencia de un mov antimilitarista  Nazanín Armanian 33 reflecc
                Derechos humanos y democracia en Estados Unidos MRE d Cuba
PAL        Imperialismo y sionismo: hipocresía sin fin  Pablo Jofré Leal
Nicar      ¿Una nueva transición en puerta?  Elvira Cuadra
Cuba      En la ONU se gritó ¡Fuera Almagro!  Ramón Pedregal Casanova

                Laboratorio de experiencias antidemocráticas   Emir Sader   
                El enemigo mayor   Pedro Pierre

Lo creo la ignorancia y sirvió para entronizar reyes y dictadores y bendecir sus guerras
Si la mujer los tiene de difer longit podría ser lesbiana o bisexual y el hombre homosexual. Solo si ambos tienen el índice y el anular de la misma longitud podrían ser heterosexuales.

Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3

The Collapse of the American Empire?   By Ch Hedges and S Paikin    Continue
Toda supression de la libertad es fascism. Las guerras son via segura al fascim.  Continue

Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Focus on Trump policies & the Econ & Pol crisis inside US


Fue Trump quien inicio el ataque a la raiz nativa de Elizabeth Warren
Le siguió un neo-facista que también dijo tener raíces indígenas. De
hecho hay muchos blancos que si tienen raíz indígena. EW es una.

Adonde apunta el ataque de Amy Goodman: a resucitar el ghost Hillary,
La mujer que no tuvo escrúpulos en venderse al jihadismo Saudi cuando
se asesinó a Gadafi, lo que ella celebro con risa pública. Mientras tanto
Hillary desatendió el pedido de apoyo a la embajada USA en Bengazi
sitiada por yijadistas Saudis. A Hillary le interesaba el dinero de estos.
No la nación Americ. Luego vino el asesinato del cónsul y dev3 más en
Bengazi. Hillary incurrió así en ineficiencia criminal por no atenderlos. 

Yo también tengo raíces indígenas, desciendo de los quechuas de Perú y
pido a los nativos de esta -mi 2da patria- que no se dejen manipular por
judía Amy Goodman –fue buena periodista pero hoy de vieja traiciona-
y se vende al dinero de Soros y los Clinton. Estos y sobre todo la pedófila
Hillary –denunciada así por un agente de la CIA- son los que están detrás
de los ataques de Trump y Amy G a la senadora E Warren. 

Es triste ver la metamorfosis de gente que fue de Izq y que al final traiciona. 
Solo ocurre
en tiempos de crisis imperial como la que vivimos hoy. Es este el tiempo
de ser más cautos en la selección de nuestros candidatos y de la gente que
está detrás de ellos. A la senadora Warren le temen porque no es corrupta
como ellos, es una verdadera mujer que si merece apoyo de los nativos.

Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..


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