martes, 16 de octubre de 2018

Oct 15 18 SIT EC y POL

Oct 15  18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ


Increíble pero cierto.. Trump (T) le acaba de abrir las puertas del poder a quien más detesta y pretendió deshumanizar: a la mujer. La mujer está hoy representada por Elizabeth Warren (EW), la senadora que aportara el sexto sentido de la intuición política para acabar con las pretensiones guerreristas y neo-fascistas del T y su WW3. T se cerró las puertas a la reelección a la que aspiraba el 2020 y las abrió de par en par a quien quiso deshumanizar y negar su pasado.

Quijotesco como ayer.. quien quiso destruir un molino de viento termino creando el futuro de millones de los molinos que hoy vemos blandiendo sus espadas contra la polución mundial y el mal trato que se dio a la madre tierra.

Estoy seguro de que E W sabrá responder las tareas políticas que le encomienda la historia americana: lograr el balance x-y que se requiere para enfrentar el libertinaje neoliberal que nos hundió en la crisis económica que hoy empiezan a sufrir las naciones del mundo entero. Crisis que solo beneficia al -1% de billonarios del mundo.. cuya avaricia glutonesca no tiene límites.

Se requiere por cierto un NEW DEAL y a nivel mundial, como el que uso FDR para frenarlos. El eje central del nuevo New Deal  debe ser la PAZ mundial, el NO al WW3. Pero esta vez ya no será un hombre quien lidere el pacifismo nacional y mundial. Este Mov aspira a la protección de nuestros hijos y de su futuro, no los queremos lisiados ni contaminados con DU, los queremos sanos. Por esta razón es la intuición femenina la llamada por la historia. Esto es lo que representa EW para el país y el mundo entero.

La otra tarea de EW, es lograr el balance capital-trabajo (labor-finanzas) que reclamaron los grandes economistas (labor-capital son las 2 caras de una misma moneda, si una se devalúa, la otra también). Ese balance tiene que ser logrado asap si no queremos que la recesión mundial en camino nos asesine.

La otra gran tarea es corregir el error anti-feminista y bien pagado en la prensa mercenaria nacional, me refiero al mob que cedió la batuta política a los Clinton y otros billonarios, los que por fortuna son ya cadáver en la política nacional. De lo que se trata es de restablecer los DH y laborales que el sistema neoliberal niega a ambos hombre y mujeres (y a estas más que a ellos).  

A propósito de T.. vale hacerle una preguntas en público, lo que muchos nos hacemos en privado: Es acaso ciertos que los ancestros de T  ingresaron a América legalmente?  No ocurrió así con el común de los pilgrims: esta es una nación de mayoría migrante. La pregunta vale.

Y si los ancestros de T -antes de venir- fueron ya familia de fortuna.. trataron ellos bien al labor que usaron para seguir acumulándo? Lo hizo T en el US? Dio el salario y trato justo a hombres y mujeres? .. sobre todo a ellas?

Y la pregunta final: recibieron los ancestros de Trump el trato que hoy da T a los nuevos migrantes?.. No sabe acaso T que separar a una madre de sus hijos es totalmente inhumano e ilegal y encarcelar a los niños lo es más aun?

Si no lo sabe, hay que recordarle al T que esa fue la práctica de los nazis que hoy se detesta en el mundo entero empezando por la misma Alemania donde hoy su población se vuelca a la calles contra la re-emergencia del nazismo en Europa.

Generar este Mov anti-neo-nazismo es también una tarea que EW debe iniciar pronto  en nuestra nación.  
ELIZABETH WARREN PRESIDENTE!. La historia del US te llama y hay que cumplir!.

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

[[ We waste billions of USD in incentive provided by the Trump tax reform to repatriate the estimated US$3 trillion held by US corp offshore. We create a fake growth (full of inflation) and the benefits of this tax reform are uncertain if we invested in war against RU to eliminate their competition in energy policies (2 days ago we saw the ani-RU phobia in Ukraine, the place in which ultra-neo-nazis took control of the Govt) .. Who are our allies in this pro-WW3? .. of course Saudis + ISR who has interest in the oil from Syria and Iran and UK banks & mercenary  mafias. Meanwhile.. the inflation inside America goes up & up..who suffer it? the US Nation ]]
Read this:

" is a decline in asset prices, not conventional 'overheating' concerns,which is the biggest risk to the American economy and indeed the world economy, given that asset inflation has been the prime driver of growth in the developed world since the global financial crisis..."

There have recently been some dramatic moves in America’s bond market where the US Treasury bond market broke through a 37-year trend line on the upside in yield terms when the 10-year Treasury bond yield rose above the 3% level (see following chart). It is now 3.16%.
See Chart:
Source: Bloomberg

The ostensible trigger for the bond sell-off was a strong non-manufacturing ISM number which rose to the highest level since 1997.


From a more near-term perspective, the renewed steepening of the US yield curve also raises the potential for a greater number of Fed rate hikes than currently envisaged by the markets. The spread between the 10-year and 2-year Treasury bond yields has risen from a recent low of 19bp reached in late August to 31bp (see following chart). That, in turn, raises the probability of more casualties in Asia and emerging markets from the current Fed tightening cycle. Oil’s continuing strength also means that, in many respects, Asian economies are more vulnerable as oil consumers than many other parts of the emerging world.

See Chart:
Source: Bloomberg


The impact of this US monetary tightening, which combines both rising interest rates and ongoing Federal Reserve balance sheet contraction, can be seen clearly in declining money-supply growth in America.

US M2 growth has slowed from 7.5%YoY in October 2016 to 4%YoY in September (see following chart). Still, there is considerable evidence that the squeeze on US-dollar funding has been much greater offshore than in America because of another bullish consequence of tax reform for American corporates and indeed for the American economy and stock market this year. That is the increased incentive provided by the Trump administration’s tax reform to repatriate the estimated US$3 trillion held by US corporates offshore.
See Chart:
Source: Federal Reserve

While reinvested earnings in foreign affiliates declined from US$167 billion in 2H17 to a negative US$210 billion in 1H18, meaning repatriation of dividends has exceeded current-period earnings (see following chart). To make the repatriation point crystal clear, the Bureau of Economic Analysis stated in its balance of payments announcement in September:

The large magnitudes for dividends and withdrawals and the negative reinvested earnings reflect the repatriation of accumulated earnings by foreign affiliates of US multinational enterprises to their parent companies in the United States in response to the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA).
See Chart:
Green: reinvested earnings        Blue: dividends and withdrawals
Source: US Bureau of Economic Analysis – International Transactions Accounts


Repatriation is also suggested by the continuing surge in American corporates’ share buybacks which some Wall Street pundits are now suggesting could reach as much as US$1 trillion this year. S&P500 companies’ actual share buybacks surged by 59%YoY to a record US$190.6 billion in 2Q18, following US$189 billion of buybacks in 1Q18 (see following chart).
See Chart:

Note: Include Ireland, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Bermuda and Bahamas. Source: US Treasury – Treasury International Capital (TIC) System
See Chart


The issue now remains whether US cyclical momentum, in terms of both earnings and GDP growth, is peaking. The base case here remains that cyclical momentum has probably peaked, but that America is more likely to slow back to the trend real GDP growth rate of 2.2% prevailing since 2009 prior to the tax cut than enter an outright recessionAnd that any such renewed slowdown is likely to lead to a stepped-up effort by Donald Trump to implement his infrastructure agenda in the second half of his administration; though the practical ability to do that will be influenced significantly by the outcome of the November mid-term elections.

Meanwhile, America is unlikely to face an outright recession, as opposed to a slowdown to trend growth, without the negative catalyst of a financial shock. And this financial shock will need to be reflected in a surge in credit spreads. In this respect, anyone investing in equities by tracking money supply growth will have sold too early, since US money supply measures have been trending down since 4Q16. Rising credit spreads, however, are the signal that monetary tightening is hitting the real world and that it has become time to sell. And the more the Fed tightens, the bigger the risk of such a shock.

This raises the question of where the private-sector borrowing has been in this cycle. The answer at the macro level is that the US corporate sector has increased debt while the household sector has reduced it, relative to GDP. Thus, nonfinancial corporate debt as a percentage of GDP has risen from a low of 39.7% at the end of 2010 to a record 46.2% in 2Q18, while the household debt to GDP ratio has declined from a peak of 98.4% in 1Q08 to 75.4% in 2Q18, the lowest level since 2Q02 (see following chart).

See Chart:


Source: CLSA, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Federal Reserve

It is also the case that much of this corporate debt has been extended in this cycle outside the highly regulated banking system, as can be seen in the continuing relatively sluggish growth in American banks’ commercial and industrial (C&I) loans.

C&I loan growth was 5.2%YoY in early October. Still, that does not mean that there has been no borrowing. There are estimates of around US$3 trillion of speculative-grade floating rate corporate debt in America of which over US$1 trillion are so-called “leveraged loans”, many of them “covenant-lite” loans.

Many of these loans have been pooled together in tranches and bought by so-called credit funds, which are the fixed-income appendage of the booming private-equity fund industry.
See Chart:
Source: Federal Reserve

A problem in the above area or another one is the sort of shock that can trigger a risk-off move in markets and a Fed U-turn, in terms of monetary policy. This is because surging credit spreads raise the risk of an asset deflation cycle since they indicate forced deleveraging. And it is a decline in asset prices, not conventional “overheating” concerns, which is the biggest risk to the American economy and indeed the world economy, given that asset inflation has been the prime driver of growth in the developed world since the global financial crisis 10 years ago on the back of such a long period of ultra-easy monetary policy.

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

[[ Free press for EW.. the lies on her don’t affect her candidacy to the is on reverse ]]
"Senator Warren is undermining tribal interests 
with her continued claims of tribal heritage" 
[[ We all know that brothers Koch.. the benefactor of Trump energy policies.. affected native populats and that .. US army responded en their support. That was real National patriotism ]]

"Containment around Hillary’s crimes has been breached and all that’s left now is for the people close to her to start turning on each other. The mid-terms were their last, best hope for a stay of execution."          
Political div inside is growing up & up.. that won’t be solved by will make it worse

"Let’s 'Make America Great Again' by making Donald Trump a failed casino operator again..."

"We are at a potential inflection point where the economy is moving from hot to mediocre..."

Assuming developments in the geopolitical realm continue progressing along their current path, maybe Prince's boss's '1937' thesis will be proven correct.
See Figure:
Here more delicacies from MOB’ inspiration

...a 2018 SCAD graduate, started the petition, titled, “Take A Sexual Predator’s Name Off of SCAD’s Building,”

US-WW ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

 "We are moving from synchronized growth to economic divergence." - Bank of France Governor Francois Villeroy de Galhau
In war-time.. Allies changed unexpectedly.. history say so.. it could happen again

There are not one, not two, but three 'weapons' on the "nuclear option" menufor Saudi Arabia to strike back at any US sanctions stemming from its alleged murder and dismemberment of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi's "botched interrogation."
Big Corp financing electoral fraud is still the main lethal interference in US democ election

" far as making the election more resistant to interference, the result of the Alternative Media Purge is the diametric opposite. People will now only get one side of the story."

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3

Does it means nothing happens?.. It happens: KAV did it .. He saved Trump
It will happens here too .. duopoly system is in severe crisis.. independents are going up
The best solution is the US and Turkey OUT OF SYRIA asap
FALSE: a united FRONT is in process
Una raya más en un tigre muy enfermo no cambia la historia
Facebook Weighing Ban on Hacked Info - Cyber Head  La muerte de Facebook esta cerca


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos

BRA        Bolsonaro, tres hipótesis y una sospecha   Atilio A. Boron
ISR          Netanyahu, el veneno de Israel  Higinio Polo
MUN     RU fabrica un Santo :  San Petrov que estás en los cielos  Rafael Poch
                -Hutus y tutsis  Jaime Richart
Ecuad    Pobres escuelitas   Ileana Almeida
                -Con papeles o sin papeles, la lucha sigue  Marco Dávila
COL        El primer pulso del presidente Duque: los estudiantes   Gonzalo Bravo
TECH      Pensar sobre Inteligencia Artificial  Horacio Torvisco
                La fiebre de la soja enferma al Paraguay  Sandra Weiss
                -Bolsonaro y Trump: fascismo neocolonial  Héctor Bernardo
                -Perú   El referéndum de Vizcarra   César Zelada
                -Arg   Mujeres: discriminación en tiempos de inflación y recesión JCG
                -Arg  24 de octubre  CTA convoca Paro Nacional cont Presupues 2019
                -Ven      -Golpe de timón  Rafael Ramírez
BRA        Discurso de Bolsonaro crea unidad contra enemigo común  Rafael T      
ECOL      Por qué las tormentas son más agresivas?  Somini Sengupta
Relig      -Disparates de la fe  Khaled Ahmed
                Sobre el papel del Partido en anteproyec de Constitución  Ovidio D
                Hablando de millonarios estadounidenses   Néstor García

Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Focus on Trump policies & the Econ & Pol crisis inside US


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..


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