jueves, 11 de octubre de 2018

Oct 11 18 SIT EC y POL

Oct 11  18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

US economic situation today: similar or worse than yesterday?

It was all going so well...
China was ugly overnight with about 1000 companies halted 10% limit-down...
Europe plunged (led by Italy)...
US Futures show the chaos and hopeful rebounds that just kept failing today...
See Chart:

Nasdaq flip-flopped desperately around unchanged for much of the day before margin calls hit...
See Chart:

Since October began, Trannies, Nasdaq, and Small Caps are down 9%!.
See Chart:

The Dow was down almost 700 points at its worst and then a headline about a Trump-Xi meeting sparked panic-buying...back above its 200DMA..
See Chart

Small Caps are well below their 200DMA and went red for 2018 today...
See chart:

Only 1.5% of S&P Tech stocks are above their 50DMA...
See Chart:

Bonds were bid as stocks skidded...
See Chart:

The Dollar Index continued to slide to one-week lows..
See Chart:

WTI Crude tumbled to a $70 handle on inventories and OPEC demand downgrades, but PMs were the big winner...
See Chart:

Finally, we ask, are US markets about to start the Great Rotation back into sync with the rest of the world...
See Chart:

"Someone" was in a massive hurry to get out of the market and was willing to hit literally any and every bid in doing so.

Wednesday's selling pressure was actually not that high despite the seemingly relentless push lower in stocks in the afternoon.
See Chart:

Today was different, because shortly after 2:40pm when a massive selling program emerged as if out of nowhere and sent the Dow Jones plummeting by over 600 points in a manner of minutes, the selling volume was indeed one for the ages.

Bay Crest Partners technical analyst Jonathan Krinsky wrote, the sudden and violent surge in selling as measured by the TICK index, when downtick volume overpowered upticks, was the lowest reading since the May 6, 2010 "flash crash" when liquidity dried up in markets, sending the market plummeting for a few minutes, as HFT briefly went haywire (or when a spoofer outsmarted the algos, depending on what version of events one believes).
See Chart;

In any case, "someone" was in a massive hurry to get out of the market and was willing to hit literally any and every bid in doing so.

"There is a mad rush for the exits right now as investors meet margin calls... Bitcoin dropped 5%, for example... People were exposed and suddenly need cash. NOW..."

Market Likely to Drop a Bit More on Margin Calls

Still Bullish, but this Week will be Bad
This week, we will probably see more pain as the margin calls roll in. Or as it is often called, leveraged positions get unwound.

Then bad news: the market drops 5%.
You get a call: your $1M stock is now worth only $950K.  The lender can only allow you to have a loan of $475K, and your loan is for $500K.  Problem part 2: that $500K loan also dropped 5% and you are down to $475K.

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

“It would likely take a much larger 15 percent to 20 percent correction to force a more far-reaching revision to the Fed’s policy plans...”

"Currently, the market is holding support at the longer-term moving average. However,the break below the accelerated bullish trend line from the 2016 lows is very disturbing..."

"I hate days like today..."

Contrary to what the Times’ reporters and the corporate media in general would have us believe, the Russian private sector effort accounted for a minuscule proportion of the election-related output of social media...

"I think there’s going to be a consequence for those Democrats in four weeks from today in the polls."

Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity...

Fire the generals...

"...they're run by tax-and-spend Democrats..."

US-WW ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

“We are concerned about the depreciation” of the yuan, he said, “and want to make sure that it’s not being used as a competitive devaluation.”


Because geopolitics is playing a greater role in driving economies and markets than any time in my over 50 years of investing, I am thinking a lot more about it. As you know, I believe that.

It should now be clear to everyone that this is not just a trade war. Where exactly this broader confrontation/war leads is unknown to anyone, including the policy makers who are setting policy. 

We can visualize a wide range of scenarios - ranging from a conflict limited to tariffs that would raise inflation and lower growth a bit, to a much more serious conflict that disrupts supply lines in ways that have big negative impacts on companies’ efficiencies and profits, to the US prohibiting important technologies built in China from coming into the US (or vice versa) and other products (like luxury brands) that hurt these companies, to a capital war in which China boycotts or sells treasuries, to there being a testing of each other militarily.  
See Chart:

While there will be ebbs and flows in the relationship, as far as the symmetry of the surprises goes, it seems to me that they are more asymmetrical on the downside relative to what the market is discounting.  As this is happening in the later stages of both the short-term and long-term debt cycles while central banks are tightening with the duration of assets long (because interest rates are so low), this is an environment in which we prefer to have a risk-off posture.

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3



Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos


BRA        Cómo se engendró el monstruo Bolsonaro?  Gerardo Szalkowicz
OPIN     Falsedades (1)  Las mentiras del Financial Times  James Petras
                Marx y la crisis de la democracia  Michael R. Krätke
ECOL      La encrucijada climática   Julio César Centeno
                -El ecologismo de Marx  Joaquim Sempere
ARG       "La pérdida del salario en dólares es brutal"  Julio Gambina
ALC        Maristella Svampa:  Del cambio de época al fin de ciclo
                Derecha fundamentalis cataca en Guatemala   Florencia Goldsman
                Perú  Elecciones locales  Un variado domingo 7  Gustavo Espinoza
                Ecuador -De lo demás a la comunidad afroecuatoriana  J Montaño
                Saludo a V Cumbre Cooper debe ser de pensamcrítico y situado JY
USA       Trump: la próxima cumbre con Kim será después de elecc de Nov
                -Bofetada  David Brooks

Cuba      “tendencias” del debate político  "Fake news”, opiniones y evolución
Bolivi    -Réquiem para la justicia  Juan Carlos Pinto
                ¡El clamor de los lápices!  Luis Alfonso Mena S.
La soberanía del Sur no se vende al imperio, saludaremos ingreso Chino a Bra-Pa-Bol-Pe-Ch
Nadie que no sea un idiota puede calificar así el derecho a la libertad polit de 1 mujer en el US
El peor enemigo de una Nacion es el que está dentro del sistema. Hay que evitar su elección

Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3

Fighting For The Human Soul   By Reem Wasay    Continue

Focus on Trump policies & the Econ & Pol crisis inside US


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..


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