viernes, 13 de octubre de 2017




“Making it, and keeping it, are two different things.“
As shown below, through the second quarter of this year, reported EPS, which includes “all the bad stuff,” actually declined in the latest quarter and has remained virtually unchanged since 2014. (But, even that is an illusion as shares have been aggressively bought back in order to sustain that same level of EPS.)

The difference between reported earnings with and without the benefit of share repurchases is substantial. The chart below shows the net difference between gross reported earnings with and without the buyback impact. Importantly, the net effect of buybacks is having less impact which, as was the case in 2007, was a precursor to the crash

Ralph Nader just recently did an in-depth expose on the problems with share repurchases. To wit:
The monster of economic waste—over $7 trillion of dictated stock buybacks since 2003 by the self-enriching CEOs of large corporationsstarted with a little-noticed change in 1982 by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under President Ronald Reagan. That was when SEC Chairman John Shad, a former Wall Street CEO, redefined unlawful ‘stock manipulation’ to exclude stock buybacks.”

Yep, stock buybacks used to be considered stock manipulation, yet today, it is widely accepted by investors as “just the right measure to boost earnings in the ongoing “beat the estimate” game.

As Ralph Nader points outthere is a problem.
“The stock buyback mania was unleashed. Its core was not to benefit shareholders (other than perhaps hedge fund speculators) by improving the earnings per share ratio. Its real motivation was to increase CEO pay no matter how badly such burning out of shareholder dollars hurt the company, its workers and the overall pace of economic growth.

The bottom line is that while companies take trillions of dollars and buyback shares, it only benefits the executives of the company at the expense of both workers and, ultimately, shareholders as companies with excessive stock buybacks experience a declining market value.

[ SIN DUDA: serán las contradicciones internas dentro del modelo neoliberal lo que va a hacer estallar todo el sistema. Si hay WW3, este proceso se aceleraría rápido: los de abajo cortarían la cabeza de los de arriba.. Y no van a usar guillotina .. los van a cazar como conejos ] Vea la distancia entre uno vs el otro sector de la oligocracia: No se pierda la imagen de arriba!

Check the VIDEO with Ralph Nader:  The interview is worth watching, and read the article, and think about it.

HERE THE READINGS for this weekend: 

Trump, Economy & Fed
Research / Interesting Reads

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