sábado, 7 de octubre de 2017


OCT 6  17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Americans across the income spectrum have generally grown wealthier over the past 50 years but those at the top (A.K.A. the "millionaire, billionaire, private jet owners" to use the parlance of our times) have made out much better than the rest of us.
Of course, part of the problem is annual household income distributions.  As the charts below reveal, the gap between real earnings of the top and bottom 10% of households in the country has nearly doubled over the past 50 years with 90th percentile families today making 13x more than the families at the bottom of the income spectrum, compared to 7x in 1963.


"It creates a cash-flow problem.  The benefit payments are going to continue to go up. The contributions are going to continue to go down. That’s just the math of it."
If Bernie Madoff taught us anything it's that every successful ponzi scheme requires precisely one critical component to keep it afloat: a steady stream of fresh capital to fund redemptions.  Absent that key component, even the most carefully crafted ponzi, with the best, most creative accounting fabrications in the world, will inevitably fail from a lack of real, cold, hard cash to keep the illusion going.

Unfortunately, it seems that Kentucky's public pensions are now running into the very same problem that ultimately brought down Madoff's multi-billion dollar 'empire'.  As the Lexington Herald Leader points out today, it's no coincidence that the Kentucky public pension system is suddenly collapsing just as the number ofretirees (redemptions) has surged beyond the number of active employees (fresh capital) required to keep the ponzi going.

Of course, the demographics of the Kentucky pension system are hardly unique.  A surge in Baby Boomer retirements over the next couple of decades, combined with technological advancements that ensure that only a fraction of those retirees will have to be replaced with actual human workers, will inevitably result in a wave public pension ponzi failures as they meet with the same "cash flow problem" as Bernie Madoff.

That said, unlike the Madoff ponzi, no one will go to jail when the public pension ponzi schemes of the U.S. are exposed because, for some reason, defrauding taxpayers, as opposed to investors, is perfectly legal.

After years of speculation that the BLS data may be simply goal seeking its "data" to reach a specific, politically-mandated (or motivated) target, in this case supporting the wage reflation narrative, we finally have proof.
The printing-money machine continue rotten our neoliberal system

"Just like in 2016 (where the cash deficit was $1 trillion), this past fiscal year saw no major recession. No full-scale war. No financial crisis or bank bailout... It was just another year… business as usual."

“In a bear market all stocks go down and in a bull market they go up.“ – Jesse Livermore
With the market recently breaking above 2500, there seems to be nothing to dampen the bullish exuberance. The recent run, which has largely been focused on areas in the market with the most sensitivity to tax cuts, has exploded over the last two weeks to record highs.

That explosion has also lead to a surge in the Market Greed/Fear Gauge which comprises different measures of market complacency and bullishness.

There is the widely viewed CNN Fear/Greed Index.

So,  “We have a Bull Market in Complacency.” – Doug Kass

HERE the readings for this weekend

Trump Tax Cuts…
Research / Interesting Reads

La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

Investigators are "puzzled" by two discoveries: first a charger was found that does not match any of the cellphones that belonged to gunman Stephen Paddock. Second, garage records show that during a period when Paddock's car left the hotel garage, one of his key cards was used to get into his room.

"If we don’t get a grip on this now and begin to marshal our resources against the most dangerous criminals in America - those from the highest echelons of U.S. society - the country will continue to unravel and in an increasingly dangerous and chaotic fashion."
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

European radiation watchdogs said that a spike in radioactivity has been detected in the air in western and central Europe. Elevated levels of the isotope Ruthenium-106 have been reported in Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland and France since September 29.

One day after Saudi king Salman met with Russian president Putin in a historic meeting in Moscow, the Pentagon announced it is halting military exercises with Gulf allies.

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen

ICAN Statement on Nobel Peace Prize 2017  ICAN Int Camp to Abolish Nuke Weapons

Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Corbyn govt will "immediately recognize the state of Palestine". ..  “I want a society where cares for everyone else and an economy that works for all”
“Dems can ride Russia-gate all the way to Trump’s impeachment”.. Trump too with his WW3 plan


Jeffrey St. Clair  The Resident Evil
Jessicah Pierre   The NFL Should Do More Than Just Take a Knee  didn’t say what more

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view


Moron Trump” enough to consider CIA Director Mike Pompeo to take Tillerson's place:  CIA Director Top Candidate for Secretary of State if Tillerson Splits - Report ..  Prohibido decir la verdad”:  https://sputniknews.com/us/201710071058023500-trump-tillerson-replacement-cia-pompeo/   








[[  What history said on arming Americans: 1- When pilgrims (white invaders from Europe) came & stole property of Native Indians, pilgrims were allowed to use arms to keep the stolen property. 2- When Bankers dispossessed those Pilgrims from “their  property”  by using paid police and “Illegal armed team” the Pilgrims demanded the right to defense themselves with arms too.. That demand was incorporated soon after into the Bill of Rights, once the civil movement growth up. Bankers are still stealing properties from US citizens, so we citizen have the right to defend ourselves against the pillage of big bankers.. the illegal owners of Economic and Political power in our country. Hugo Adan]]
CrossTalk   Killing America   In my opinion this was an “academic manipulation of dreams”

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

COL        EPL: La posibilidad de abrir etapa de diálogo Mando Nacional EPL
Mun      La OMC Organización Mundial del Comercio   Alejandro Teitelbaum
Econ      Se lanzó la Confluencia "Fuera OMC"  Confluencia fuera OMC
Opin      Democracia virtual  Alexander Escobar
                La OTAN y la independencia de Catalunya  Nazanín Armanian
                CHE: 50 aniv de su otra vida: Nos saluda en estos días y en tiempos futuros
                - El Che, medio siglo después   Atilio A. Boron  
                - El dilema moral del Che Guevara   Iosu Perales
                - Ernesto Che  Guevara antiimperialista   Eduardo Paz 
                Promo CHE: Caminos, huellas, enigmas (PROMO)
                BRA: Temer se defiende con fondos del Estado  Dario Pignotti  
                Chile  -Las Fuerzas Armadas ya tienen candidatos  JP Cardenas
                MX:  El mundo al revés   José Víctor Rodríguez
                MX:  La industria de las armas   Teodoro Rentería
                Ecuador Corrupción y otros demonios   Pedro Pierre
US          -El país del hombre rifle  Gustavo Veiga
                -Individualismo y barbarie en Las Vegas   Ricardo Orozco
                - Es momento para debatir el control de armas?  Amy G y D Moynihan
                - El negocio de la economía verde   Julio C. Gambina
Cuba      -Calladito te ves más bonito  Ailynn Torres Santana
                -Informe ONU 2017:  Cuba vs. Bloqueo

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences

CALM before the STORM  What does Trump mean by that?

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