domingo, 8 de octubre de 2017


OCT 8  17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

"...the last time we saw a streak of calm like this was the year after John F. Kennedy was assassinated in November 1963...Once again proving that the market rarely does what the masses expect and usually surprises us."
[[ Acaso se cree que el Presid de hoy va a ser acribillado en limosina Presidencial?  .ah ah.  Los cadáveres políticos no mueren dos veces.. SE PUDREN. . Es lo que ya ocurre: la legitimidad del voto ya desapareció, la credibilidad apunta a ZERO.. las renuncias lo dicen claro y vienen las grandes.. Logico: En una guerra el que duerme con muertos podridos, apesta también. .. Es lógico que el herido despierte y que pronto se vaya. La política es una guerra y está ya la perdieron los del Gob actual dentro y fuera del pais.

Lo que viene son los infiernos de Dante y su guerra nuclear, precedido por los deshielos en ambos polos del globo. Vivimos el teatro del destiempo de E.Borges (El Sotano) donde el pasado insepulto se cobra la revancha.. Pero ahora no hay un Cain que asesina a su hermano y pide cristiana sepultura para él. Ahora son cientos de Caines que sacaron provecho del sistema neoliberal  y asesinaron la real vida de millones de seres en la periferia .. de esos que hoy viajan hacia el norte en busca de clemencia .. No habrá clemencia, lo dice Europa .. Tampoco la tendrán Uds, responden los desposeídos de nación y familia .. 

Es el pasado de demencia belicista  lo que aun domina el mundo .. Eso es lo que está detrás de la reciente invasión de ingenuos pagados para aplastar el grito de libertad  y autonomía de los Catalanes.. Este ideal no va a morir, quien va a morir -como ayer- son los franquistas que se resisten a crear una nueva Constitución donde quepan todos. Nadie espera que los que fueron asaltados y brutalizados por la fuerza policial olviden la injuria y las heridas dejadas y busquen consuelo en la distopia neoliberal de Europa .. o cambia la Constitucion y el sistema obsoleto o desterramos violentamente el neo-franquismo de España.. 

Eso es  lo que está por venir y el mundo apoyará a estos catalanes y a los nuevos. Los Caines que están asesinando a la humanidad entera no tendrán perdón.. no habrá cristiana sepultura para ellos. No es ya el Cain que pide que no lo busquen porque jamás lo encontraran .. Imposible que sean ocultados.. son ellos mismos los que acusaran a los mas perversos, como viene ya ocurriendo. No podrán ocultarse.  De eso no hay ni la menor duda. 

El pasado será sepultado y el desmontaje nuclear abrirá nuevos cauces de vida a la humanidad entera. ]]

La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

Parece sorna.. pero es la verdad:

"It's a shame the White House has become an adult day care center... Someone obviously missed their shift this morning.”

The determination to assault the alternative media seems to have taken a big step forward with a recent article in Foreign Affairs magazine. No new legislation may be needed, according to the article. The FBI simply needs to go after people who are supposedly questionable.  Sooner or later this could include the alternative media.

Various far-left anarchist groups have launched a coordinated campaign to destroy monuments across the country on Columbus Day. The NYC-based antifa group Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement made the announcement on September 21, calling on antifa groups nationwide to “decorate” their neighborhoods.
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

European buyers, which account for 25% of Iran’s 2.2 mb/d crude exports, could potentially stop their purchases to avoid falling foul of US secondary sanctions. The key to the global oil market is whether these flows will be curtailed rather than simply redirected to Asia. Net, we would expect that if US secondary sanctions are renewed, they would initially put at risk a few hundred thousand barrels of Iranian exports

[[ Que raro placer el de dispararse a los pies.. si es cierto que son de barro, esto cae pronto ]]

“Economists all over the world are concerned about the increased risks arising from the accumulation of more and more liquidity and the growth of public and private debtI myself am concerned about this, too,” Schäuble told the FT.

"I will admit that I’m not worried about the $210 trillion in unfunded liabilitiesLong before we ever get to having to fund those liabilities, the country will be in a massive crisis."

It's that time again: 3Q earnings season begins this week with Wall Street consensus expecting S&P 500 EPS growth of just 5% (3% ex-Energy), a sharp drop from the last two quarters (Q1 was+14% and Q2 +11%). Here are the three main things Goldman's clients are looking at.

Bitcoin continues to march back towards its record highs, breaking back above $4600 for the first time since September 8th.

Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

'God Has Given Trump authority to take out Kim Jong-un,' President's Evangelical Adviser Says
By Sarah Pulliam Bailey 
Then F… this oligar GOD for promoting WW3.. USD GOD must be burned by Nukes since it leads a corrupt neoliberal system and the manufacture of WMD and wars world wide
Hard Censorship Hits the Internet  By Paul Craig Roberts
Las Vegas Shooter Made ISIS Tape According To Former Trump Campaign Official
By ZeroPointNow  [[
Can he make a more intelligent & reliable story? .. Get help from CIA. ]]
It Hurts When Empires Fall   By Pål Steigan
Jimmy Carter: How The Establishment Gave Us Trump  Watch  The Rise Of Authoritarianism
It Is Evolve Or Die Time  By Caitlin Johnstone


The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view



Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives


Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences



Should Mahmoud Abbas resign?  Palestinians want him to resign


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