miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2017

OCT 18 17 SIT EC y POL

OCT 18  17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

The Senate Judiciary Committee has launched a full-scale probe into a Russian nuclear bribery case,demanding several federal agencies disclose whether they knew the FBI had uncovered the corruption before the Obama administration in 2010 approved a controversial uranium deal with Moscow.

                [[ SIGN A PETITION to investigate and indict her:  STOP her evilness and LIES! ]]

                RELATED 1:         
Watch Live: AG Sessions To Be Grilled By Senate Judiciary On Russian Nuclear Bribery Case  The Senate Judiciary Committee has launched a full-scale probe into a Russian nuclear bribery case, demanding several federal agencies disclose whether they knew  the FBI had uncovered the corruption before the Obama administration in 2010 approved a controversial uranium deal with Moscow.

In Tweetstorm, Trump Slams Comey Who "LIED AND LEAKED AND PROTECTED HILLARY CLINTON", Rips NFL, Democrats  "As it has turned out, James Comey lied and leaked and totally protected Hillary Clinton. He was the best thing that ever happened to her!"

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics



"The undoing of loose monetary policies (NIRP, ZIRP), and the transitioning from 'Peak Quantitative Easing' to Quantitative Tightening, will create a liquidity withdrawal of over $1 trillion in 2018 alone. This will be the first real crash-test for markets in 10 years."
In his latest presentation, Francesco Filia of Fasanara Capital discusses how years of monumental liquidity injections by major Central Banks ($15 trillion since 2009) successfully avoided a circuit break after the Global Financial Crisis, but failed to deliver on the core promise of economic growth through the 'wealth effect', which instead became an 'inequality effect', exacerbating populism and representing a constant threat to the status quo.


And check this graphic:  FLOWS IN REVERSE: The liquidity tide goes out. Let’t see who has been swimming naked, at: http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user5/imageroot/2017/10/17/ff4_0.jpg

And, echoing what Deutsche Bank said last week, when it warned that central bank liquiidty injections will collapse from $2 trillion now to 0 in 12 months, a "most worrying" turn of events, Fasanara doubles down that "such liquidity withdrawal will represent the first real crash-test for markets in 10 years."   


"If you control what people think, then you control a society... And through their vast media empires, the elite are able to shape how we all think to a frightening degree..."

"There is only one solution to the educational morass in which Americans find themselves: Separate school and state, just as our ancestors separated church and state. Repeal all school compulsory-attendance laws and school taxes and sell off the school buildings. End all government involvement in education, including licensing of schools. Establish a total free-market educational system."

Negative cross currency basis swaps indicate that the structural tightness in dollar liquidity never disappeared despite the weaker dollar. If dollar funding markets get a lot tighter again, this won’t be good news for EM markets with offshore (Euro) dollar debt in the region of $10 trillion. Rolling over dollar debt periodically will be uncomfortable, to say the least, for some of the region’s banks.

Narrow Range: World stocks stayed near peaks and currencies moved in tight ranges on Wednesday as China’s 19th Communist Party Congress opened while focus in Europe turned to speeches from top euro zone central bankers before next week’s key policy meeting, as well as Catalonia's ultimatum due on Thursday.

In a surprising warning against Trump's stimulus-oriented tax reform, both Fed's Dudley and Kaplan, warned such changes to the tax code would be "ill timed" and could "harm the economy", likely resulting in an even faster pace of rate hikes in the immediate future.


And the punchline:

...presumably analysts knew of the storms' potential impact when they guessed...

There has only been one trading range in the history of the Russell 2000 tighter than the current one and it immediately preceded a crash...

Following  API's huge 7.1mm barrel crude draw overnight, WTI prices are slightly higher (driven more by OPEC jawboning) as last week's API errors are still on traders' minds, but DOE confirmed a big crude draw but notable builds in gasoline and distillates surprised. However, the biggest headline is likely the 12% collapse in US crude production...the biggest drop since Hurrican Isaac in Aug 2012!

“It is a bad sign for the market when all the bears give up. If no-one is left to be converted, it usually means no-one is left to buy.
The chart below shows several methods I look at to try and determine if buyers are potentially reaching a point of “exhaustion” which might lead to a price reversal in the short-term. The top of the chart looks at the historic deviation between the price of the market as compared to the 200-dma. The bottom 4-indicators are measures of price movement and participation (The bottom two panels are the number of stocks above the 50 and 200-dma.)

The important point, from a money management standpoint, is the determination of the potential risk/reward opportunity for allocating capital to the markets at any given time.  .. The chart is suggesting the market has reached levels where buyers have typically been turned into sellers, it is important to understand that just because the indicator has reached an extreme level – the market will not necessarily fall apart immediately. It is a warning sign that suggests further upside in the market is relatively limited compared to the downside risk that currently exists.

"Despite their meteoric rise as speculative 'assets', there are fundamental economic reasons why they will never act as a general medium of exchange despite the wild enthusiasm for them by the crypto-currency cultists."

With The Donald J. Industrial Average surpassing new record highs every day, questioning this bull market's continued existence remains heresy outside of dark little corners of the internet...
La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

If you live in a state at the top of this list now might be a good time to consider a move...



"It's sad as hell. I am sorry to say it, but I am 100 percent sureWe are in the process of dismantling democracy."


"The State of Illinois is past the point of no return. It does not have the ability to raise taxes or cut spending to the degree necessary to reduce the annual cost of bond and retiree benefits from 33% to a sustainable level...The insolvency is not the result of too much bonded debt, but rather the government promising retirement and other POST-EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS THAT AREN’T AFFORDABLE."

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

Across the globe, people are generally unhappy with the functionality of their political systems, though levels of satisfaction with democracy vary hugely between countries... People in India have tremendous faith in democracy... and many other developed countries, however, faith is waning.
[[  It stand to reason in India: buying elections is prohibited.. US “superpaks” would be considered an illegal crime against democracy.. punished with jail. ]]

So which market is 'wrong' - Bonds signaling EURUSD below par... or FX markets signaling a Bund crash is imminent?

[ I don’t  think so .. We need more DATA.. Let’s see what Bloomberg says .. and others ]

The fate of Europe depends on Catalonia.. EU needs to change State Constitutions to our time

Vs. “If Catalonia succeeds, We All Europe will change and succeed”

"If you think you’ve seen enough, brace yourselves because it may get far more chaotic in the days ahead...The road may be a long one, but invoking Article 155 will mark the beginning of the end for Madrid...it’ll be the equivalent of a political nuclear bomb going off in Europe."
[[ This exaggeration is malicious and pro-violence .. IF happens, the EU lose ]]

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen



Patrick Cockburn  Seizing Kirkuk

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..


Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

                Hablemos de pobreza en el aula y pensemos cómo erradicarla J Mir y Paula V
                Julio Cortazar: Nacido para no aceptar el mundo tal cual es  Luis C  Muñoz
                Historia de la intolerancia en España   Jaime Richart
FEM       Principal causa de la pobreza: ser mujer   Marisa Kohan
CHE        Mirada estratégica del presente desde el Che  Julio C. Gambina
                El Horizonte Guevara    Miguel Mazzeo
                Deuda externa Argentina y fondos buitres  Guillermo Martinez
La cruda verdad sobre la Policia Nacional
   Carlos Meneses
                Negocio  guerra:  Armas e inteligencia para Col y México  Ava Gómez y A García
                Sistema electoral y sistema político en Cuba   Julio Antonio Fernández
USA       Salario-M: Lucha por 15 dólares en USA  Marco Dávila Y la devaluación sigue
Spain      Gasto militar español asciende a 18.776 mill de euros Y la guerra? contra el pueblo

 Hay varias formas de evitarlo. Las Econ son las mejores. En sitios de recursos estrateg se debe crear redes locales e invertir en Ed, salud, techo y comida via coops y apoyo estatal. Si la oposic pide REF para separatismo estudiarlos y movilizar ese  pueblo y si no hay fuerza suficiente, usar la táctica Hong Kong (invadirlos). China se habría partido en mil pedazos y hoy no solo convirtió HK en prospero eje financiero, además neutralizo y hasta invierte hoy en Taiwan. La peor táctica es usar la violencia estatal (solo justif si hay interferencia extranjera. Volvere sobre esto.)

El hecho es que Obama y Hillary son guano del mismo costal: pero cubrieron bien sus mentiras con apoyo de la prensa mercenaria.

1- Obama fue el creador de los super-packs destinados a comprar elecciones. Sin ellos Hillary no habría montado el aparato billonario y corrupto que tuvo.

2- Obama ofrecio el “single payer” en salud y cuando llego al poder tranzo con la Pharma: las mafias que elevaron los precios de medicinas “Brand” a niveles siderales. A los pobres asignaron  la medicina “genérica” de pobre calidad, mientras alentó la privatización del seguro medico (lo que hoy es un infierno). Quien hoy más defiende el “Obama-care” es la pharna (la mafia Pfizer fue uno de sus mejores contribuyentes).  

3- Quien mas se ensaño con los migrantes latinos fue Obama. El tiene aun el record mundial de deportaciones de latinos (hecho silenciado por la prensa Corp) .

4- Los Clinton tienen el record de racismo anti-negro (se los acuso de traficantes de drogas y miles fueron encerrados por mero consumo y tráfico marihuana y otras drogas cuando bien se sabe que son mafias blancas -bien enquistadas en aparatos de seguridad Estatal desde el Iran-Contra gate (financiaban mercenarios de la Contra en Nicaragua y centro America con dineros de la droga) quienes controlaban ese negocio. Estos no fueron a la cárcel, los Clinton acusaron a los negros pobres de ese delito.

Cuanto recibieron Obama y la Clinton de esos negocios turbios, aun no se sabe, pero ya van apareciendo evidencias al respecto (mientras ambos venden “sus discursos” a escala millonaria  y públicamente a la oligarquía más decadente y corrupta del Imperio).

QUE CONSTE:  NO soy republicano ni vote por Trump en las últimas elecciones. Tampoco vote por la Clinton, estuve convencido de que era la mas corrupta entre los dos. Vote por los verdes, pero en las elecciones anteriores si vote por Obama, 1ro porque lo considere una deuda histórica que había que pagar y la 2da vez porque frente a los candidatos blancos el seguía siendo  el mejor candidato. Cuando vote por los verdes en la última elección lo hice fue porque la dama y el moreno de los verdes eran lo mas honesto en el contexto y porque Sanders nos frustró a muchos con su traición (no liderar el Frente Popular como 3ra opción para desmontar el duopolico  sistema oligárquico -la trapa del mal menor- los Dems y Reps, ambos financiados por la nauseabunda oligarquia). Jamas votaria por Sanders si vuelve a incurrir en el mismo error y tampoco por Trump si sobrevive el temporal.

Alguien dijo que en  las elecciones Americanas  hay siempre un grupo de lobos discutiendo como comerse las tiernas ovejas de un rebañó. Esos tiempos ya pasaron, el rebañó no es nada tierno y esta además edificando su propio fuerte y tiene ya poderosos aliados en quienes apoyarse.

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences


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