miércoles, 4 de octubre de 2017


OCT 4  17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Lo que va, viene. En política y Econ todo es espada de doble filo y convertible en boomerang

"You know they owe a lot of money to your friends on Wall Street. We’re gonna have to wipe that out..."

THEY wanted inflation.. prices are going up every-day. It empower more the crooks of our system

Few seem to ponder what global shortages in key commodities might do to prices...

Here is some more terrible news for public employees holding out hope that their pension is anything but a massive ponzi scheme...
As we noted in a post entitled "An Unsolvable Math Problem: Public Pensions Are Underfunded By As Much As $8 Trillion," lowering discount rates from just 7.5% to 6.0% could result in a 65% increase in underfunded liabilities.

But you don't have to take our word for it, even Kentucky's State Budget Director, John Chilton, admitted in a recent letter sent out to the Kentucky Employees’ Retirement System that if pensions were subjected to the same rules governing single-employer private plans that their underfunded level would double and federal law would have already required "that all benefits be frozen and the plans terminated."  Per The State Journal:

...All of which raises two very important questions: (1) how is it possible that pension under-fundings continue to surge when 50% of assets have participated in one of the biggest equity bubbles in history and (2) when the current equity bubble bursts, which in inevitably, will it result in a cascading failure of retirement systems across the country and finally expose the public pension ponzi for great lie that it has always been?

"While rebuilding... after the hurricanes will hopefully boost growth in the fourth quarter, it’s worrying to see business expectations about activity levels over the coming year drop in September. Measured across both manufacturing and services, future optimism is at its lowest since February..."

Following August's huge (4 sigma) beat, ADP reports September's payrolls rose just 135k (meeting expectations) for the weakest growth since October 2016 (presumably affected by the storms - which did not seem to negatively affect ISM). The smallest businesses suffered the most with an 11k drop with service-providing jobs adding 88k (goods 48k).

La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

BYE BYE to the old story of Russian hacker

The former CEO of Equifax, Richard Smith, is about to be grilled by the Senate Banking Committee Wednesday, with some fiery exchanges expected between him and Sen. Elizabeth Warren who has already slammed the company for what may be the biggest hacker in US history.

With the race for the next Fed chair in its final stretch, the three frontrunners to replace Yellen are Kevin Warsh, Jerome Powell, Gary Cohn. But what are their views? Here, courtesy of BofA is the definitive cheat sheet profiling the next Fed chair, whoever that may be.

Since Janet Yellen last spoke (shifting hawkish), the dollar and bond yields have surged (as have the odds of a Dec rate-hike). It is unclear whether today's opening remarks at the fifth annual Community Banking in the 21st Century conference at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, will offer any new insights on monetary policy direction but given President Trump's 'shortlist', it may well be among her last public appearances as Fed Chair.

The public is not being told the truth about what really went down in Las Vegas.

MORE NEWS AT:  Frontrunning: October 4
  • Spanish tensions bar Europe from global stocks party (Reuters)
  • Catalonia to move to declare independence from Spain on Monday (Reuters)
  • Catalan Police Chief Investigated For Sedition (TSR)
  • Trump Suggests Puerto Rico’s Debt May Need to Be ‘Wiped Out’ (BBG)
  • Trump Heads to Las Vegas After Shooting Reignites Gun Debate (BBG)

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

US equity futures were little changed as Spanish stocks and bonds tumbled amid the growing Catalan independence crisis, while concerns over the next Fed chair dragged the dollar lower while euphoria over China's RRR cut sent offshore Chinese stocks to the highest since 2008.
I guess nobody like Israeli training of Police in Spain.. they may end up on the top of a Bldg too
BLIND EYE on police brutality in CATALONIA?
Hugo  Adan. Oct 4, 2017

"We saw women being dragged out of polling stations by their hair, old ladies with gashes in their forehead. The most extraordinary display and what do we get from Mr Juncker today? Not a dickie-bird...it is quite extraordinary to realise that this union is prepared to turn a blind eye."

[[ Blind eye?. Here something for debate.

1- If EU do so, they will dig its thumb by fostering more independence. The rule ”think globally and act locally” will prevail: It is the only way to go beyond the collapsing neoliberal globalism.

2- If trainers and police brutality is placed in Court and convicted.. then there are chances for negotiating a new Constitution.

3- THE TASK today: Political autonomy into a new Federation and Econ autonomy for Banks controlled by people’ customers –with a focus on fostering small coop-business, so middle classes will raise up- THAT WILL CREATE A NEW UNION.

4- Now big EU banks are creating big inequality by printing money from the thin air: that is the path to huge debt and division or secession. Besides , foreign debt service create hyperinflation (M Hudson) then the new Catalonian Central Bank has to declare ZERO DEBT TO Spain Central Bank and to EU.              

5- Possible finance SOLUTION?  The Tobin tax to all transactions in the “market” or bolsa de valores and the adaptation of the Glass Steagall Act of FDR in the US (New Deal) could pave the path to a more fair relation among divided & conflictive classes inside a Nation.

6- For Catalonia, controlling their Bank system is historical imperative, if they got it, everything will be easy. So, make alliance with investors dealing with ECON production and trade, no mere speculators.  If the EU still control central Banks, nothing will be solve. The status quo of neoliberal’ disgrace will continue.

7- In short: Catalonia has the choice of total autonomy by joining BRICKs and adopt 2-3 currencies, or just pushing the reform of the current Spain Constitution toward real autonomous Federation. Inside the current “Federation” Catalonia will dye. SO, Get out .. NOW! ]]

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen

Michael Hudson wrote: “Every hyperinflation in History has been caused by foreign debt service collapsing the exchange rate” For more Read with caution: Why “QE for the People” Need Not Be Inflationary  at: How to Fund a Universal Basic Income Without Increasing Taxes or Inflation By Ellen Brown

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..

The stupid story of RU meddling is arriving to its end

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

COL        Implementación del acuerdo de paz FARC-EP/Gobierno  Iván Marquez
                Sólo se ha cumplido el 18 % de los Acdos de Paz  Camilo Rengifo
Mun      Sobre la independencia kurda   Guillermo Almeyra
                Se acelera peligrosa carrera armamentística en Corea  F Casadó
                El dominio mundial de Monsanto/Bayer  Rodrigo Bernardo
US          Las Vegas: el enemigo interno  Editorial de la Jornada
Entr        Juan Sasturain:   "La literatura es un mundo infinito"  Rdo  Gotta
ALC        NIC: C de Representantes del US  aprueba la Nica Act  G Trucchi
                MX:  Represión, amenazas y asesinatos, en Chiapas   
                Cuba -El culebrón de Trump sobre ruidos y sorderas  P M
                Chile: La racista y violenta represión contra el pueblo mapuche  T T
                LA OMC  Alejandro Teitelbaum  
                Qué viene a hacer Obama por América Latina?  Emir Sader

Impedir que se repita la impunidad de 1985
  Edo Ibarra

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences


Miss match function?  Impossible!  Trump represent “el garrote” y Tillerson “la zanahoria”. Lo que tienen en común es que los 2 mienten: se creen los reyes del “false-flag”.


“My commitment to the success of the president and the country is as strong as it was upon taking office...I have never considered leaving this post... I’m not going to deal with petty stuff like that..."
Iran's defense capabilities  Si respetas mi soberanía, respeto la tuya.. es su ley y la del UN

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