miércoles, 4 de octubre de 2017

BLIND EYE on police brutality in CATALONIA?

BLIND EYE on police brutality in CATALONIA?

Hugo  Adan. Oct 4, 2017

"We saw women being dragged out of polling stations by their hair, old ladies with gashes in their forehead. The most extraordinary display and what do we get from Mr Juncker today? Not a dickie-bird...it is quite extraordinary to realise that this union is prepared to turn a blind eye."

BLIND EYE?. Here something for debate.

1- If EU do so, they will dig its thumb by fostering more independence. The rule ”think globally and act locally” will prevail: It is the only way to go beyond the collapsing neoliberal globalism.

2- If trainers and police brutality is placed in Court and convicted.. then there are chances for negotiating a new Constitution.

3- THE TASK today: Political autonomy into a new Federation and Econ autonomy for Banks controlled by people’ customers –with a focus on fostering small coop-business, so middle classes will raise up- THAT WILL CREATE A NEW UNION.

4- Now big EU banks are creating big inequality by printing money from the thin air: that is the path to huge debt and division or secession. Besides, foreign debt service cause hyperinflation (M Hudson) so, the New Catalonian Central has to declare ZERO  Debt to Spain Central Bank &to the EU.

5- Possible finance SOLUTION?  The Tobin tax to all transactions in the “market” or bolsa de valores and the adaptation of the Glass Steagall Act of FDR in the US (New Deal) could pave the path to a more fair relation among divided & inflictive classes inside a Nation.

6- For Catalonia, controlling their Bank system is historical imperative, if they got it, everything will be easy. So, join investors who are fostering production, no mere speculation. If the EU still control central Banks, nothing will be solve. The status quo of neoliberal’ disgrace will continue.

7- In short: Catalonia has the choice of total autonomy by joining BRICKs and to adopt 2-3 currencies, or just pushing the reform of the current Spain Constitution toward real autonomous Federation. Inside the current “Federation” Catalonia will dye. SO, Get out .. NOW! ]]


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