domingo, 15 de octubre de 2017

OCT 15 17 SIT EC y POL

OCT 15  17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

The U.S. has been expected to pay the bulk of UNESCO's budget for years and it cancelled its financial contributions back in 2011 in protest of Palestine's admission as a full member. In the years since, it has amassed significant arrears of over $500 million...
The farce of Ms Yellen:

Market valuations “are at high level in historical terms” when assessed on metrics akin to price-earnings ratios... but was careful to add that "overall financial stability risks in the U.S. remain moderate."
"Prospects for U.S. fiscal stimulus have buoyed sentiment but not yet had much impact on spending or investment," she said.

Broader financial stability risks depend on more than just asset prices and it may also be important just why asset valuations are high. So one factor that clearly comes into play is an environment of low interest rates and central bankers like many market participants have been adjusting our notions of what”  interest rates are likely to be in the longer term.

Since Janet Yellen's first warning in July 2014: "Equity market valuations appear stretched"
  • S&P +29%
  • Nasdaq +53%
  • DOW +33%

Swiss Finance Minister Ueli Maurer said in an interview with Swiss newspaper SonntagsBlick that:
"the only question regarding next crisis is 'when and where', not 'if'..."

A search for yield has dominated asset allocation for too long, and some severe problems could emerge when portfolios are re-balanced, Carstens says.

 A lack of liquidity can cause severe reactions in some emerging markets, he says.

He's got a point! : [ it was a farce, here the evidence ]:


"I don’t think we’ve ever seen something like this before... majority of citizens disapprove of President Trump while simultaneously having confidence  he’ll get most of the big stuff right and the economy will reflect it."
Almost everything President Trump does has an impact on the economy, and on consumersThat includes national security, immigration, taxes, health care, budgets, treaties, government regulations, and international relations. If the public is optimistic about the economy, that is normally the same as having confidence in the president. At least on the big-ticket items.

The types of presidential actions that have lower impact on the economy include court appointments, opinions on confederate statues, NFL kneeling, transgenders in the military, birth control funding, unpresidential tweets, poorly-executed disavowals, hyperbole that fails the fact-checking, seemingly unnecessary political attacks, and all manner of obnoxious presidential behavior. The majority of citizens disapprove of President Trump on at least some of those topics.

I don’t know whether or not President Trump will seek a second term. But if he ran for reelection today, I expect he would win by a larger margin than the first time, no matter who ran against him. To put it another way, approval ratings aren’t as predictive as you would expect. But consumer confidence is probably close to 100% predictive. Ask Bill Clinton. He’ll tell you  It’s the economy, stupid.

Political  FACTS:
Spring 2017: “Trump is Hitler!
Summer 2017: “Okay, Trump isn’t Hitler. But he’s incompetent!”
 End of year 2017: “Crap. He’s effective. But we don’t like it.”

Consumer confidence is peaking while the president’s approval rating is in the cellar.

That means people expect him to be effective on the big stuff. But they don’t like him because of the other stuff.

Right on schedule.  

[[  What is right? .. Press-freedom cuts and Fake News in big corp media? ]]
[[ Missing points:  Is the crash of US economy real or not?.. what FACTS said on either one?  And Why to go to war if USD is Ok?  Why if huge Debt is not a problem? Why if US bonds are not dumped?. Why if it is OK to export only weapons and wars? Why if everything is OK? ] ]

Too Good For Too Long...

"We humans tend to think linearly and comparatively. In other wordswe usually assume the near future will look a lot like the recent past. And it does much of the time.. But other times it doesn't. And that's where the danger lies."

The impossible dream:  see chart below

In between firing off tweets and defending his decision to end cost-sharing payments to insurance companies, sending healthcare stocks sliding and eliciting accusations of sabotage, president Trump reportedly swallowed his pride and did something he’s been loath to do for months: he called Mitch McConnell.
President Trump picked up the phone yesterday and called the Senate Majority Leader ahead of what’s looking like a make-or-break weak for Trump’s legacy defining, narrative sustaining tax-reform program.

While it may come as a surprise to some - such as Goldman, which still says odds of a tax deal are well over 50% Axios says Republican insiders privately believe the future of tax reform looks bleak. But if Trump and McConnell can patch things up and work together, even temporarily, the GOP has a better chance at avoiding an embarrassing legislative shutout that could imperil the republican majority in Congress.

Axios concludes, the truce is one of necessity. It doesn’t represent a meaningful thaw in frosty relations between Trump and the Senate GOP leadership, who the president blames for the biggest defeat of his administration by failing to repeal and replace Obamacare. Of course, Steve Bannon’s “war” with the establishment, a war being waged with the goal of “saving” the Trump presidency, has added further strain to the relationship. But in a sign that fickle Senate Republicans might finally be falling in line, Susan Collins of Maine said on ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday that she was leaning toward a ‘yes’ on tax reform.

Will the market buy, literally and figuratively, this latest diplomatic detente? For the answer, keep an eye on the relative performance of high-tax corps (to the S&P). As we showed on Friday, following a brief burst of euphoria in the last days of September, the market has once again given up hope that Trump can pull off the biggest tax reform package in decades.


"Bend is a bubble built on a bigger bubble that is still inflating. Bend's continued appreciation is a bet on a few cities' property values (alongside general financial assets) continuing to rise indefinitely and those wealthy folks continuing to flock to BendSo far, so good but the clock is running."

"if we don’t see a sustained cyclical jump in wages, then yields won’t go up. And if yields don’t go up, then the asset price ascent will accelerate. Which will lead us into a 2018 that looks like what we had expected out of 2017; a war against inequality, a battle for Main Street at the expense of Wall Street, an Occupy Silicon Valley movement."

Among the potential scenarios probed by the PentagonHackers could inject false information into stock-data feeds, sending trading algorithms out of whack; or they could flood the stock market with fake sell orders and trigger a market crash.

"confidently declare that we run CryptoRuble for one simple reason: if we do not, then after 2 months our neighbors in the EurAsEC will..."
La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson doubled down on his mission to reach a diplomatic solution with North Korea, and said in an interview Sunday that President Trump wants to continue working toward a diplomatic solution "until the first bomb drops."

"In more recent yearsthe wording of the program may have changed to more pleasing euphemisms. But the idea is the same: how you can use psyops, propaganda and disinformation to sell U.S. government policies abroad and at home."

"...commercial broadcast networks, like CNN and MSNBC, are not in the business of journalism. They hardly do any. Their celebrity correspondents are courtiers to the elite...They sacrifice journalism and truth for ratings and profit... they've embraced identity politics. We saw where that got us with Barack Obama, which is worse than nowhere..."

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

US blah-blah  on China Econ:

"...if you don’t buy a flat today, you will never be able to afford it...The debts are huge to me, but a person without a flat has no future..."

With Hezbollah now in US cross hairs, and as Trump decertifies the Iran nuclear deal, will the region be pushed to war?

With tensions rising in Kirkuk, neocon think tanks have representatives in Erbil calling for US military intervention against "Iranian-backed militias."


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..


[[ Tillerson’  drop the “carrot mask” … in case Deep State need it, if Trump is dump it.]]
R Tillerson’s sentence “Until First Bomb Drops” lit social media on fire. [[ Vs. J Kerry: He made a similar comment: US Security is at stake with Trump policies:   Former US Secretary of State: Trump Is 'Creating an International Crisis'.]]  [ To me: Something is been cook behind screens]

[[ He recant it .. If he is dropped by Trump..  he will lose the chances to be “next President”. ]]

Corrupted Hillary abandon Trump too:  Clinton Lashes Out at Trump Over His 'Dangerous' Policy Toward Iran, North Korea  She said: Trump's approach could result in a nuclear arms race. 

[ The most paid by big-Corp to champion war-mongerism abandon the old mask too ]


PEACE won the streets in SOCHI-RUSSIA
It happens during the opening ceremony of the XIX World Youth Festival

by Jorge Wejebe Cobo  AT: 

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives


Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences




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