sábado, 7 de octubre de 2017


OCT 7  17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

"The establishment of an Economic Freedom Zone, would set off an explosion of      growth..."

Having previously warned of the "disastrous market mania," and told Janet Yellen to "be terrified" in April, legendary trader Paul Tudor Jones has a new message for CEOs, urging them to stop embracing the profit-above-all-else ethic creating massive wealth-inequality, or face the "tearing down of our civilization via war, revolution, or taxes."
in April, Tudor Jones, who runs the $10 billion Tudor Investment hedge fund, said Yellen should be very afraid, warning that years of low interest rates have bloated stock valuations to a level not seen since 2000, right before the Nasdaq tumbled 75 percent over two-plus years.

That measure - the value of the S&P relative to the size of the economy - should be “terrifying” to a central banker, Jones said earlier this month at a closed-door Goldman Sachs Asset Management conference, according to people who heard him.

While the billionaire didn’t say when a market turn might come, or what the magnitude of the fall might be, he did pinpoint a likely culprit.

Just as portfolio insurance caused the 1987 rout, he says, the new danger zone is the half-trillion dollars in risk parity funds. These funds aim to systematically spread risk equally across different asset classes by putting more money in lower volatility securities and less in those whose prices move more dramatically. Because risk-parity funds have been scooping up equities of late as volatility hit historic lows, some market participants, Jones included, believe they’ll be forced to dump them quickly in a stock tumble, exacerbating any decline.

“Risk parity,” Jones told the Goldman audience, “will be the hammer on the downside.”

Indeed, with all that low-vol leveraged, it wouldn't be the first time.



Can we imagine a world without them?
 “There is no more persistent and influential faith in the world today than the faith in government spending,” wrote economist Henry Hazlitt in 1946. If that was the case then, what about today? Nearly every problem in the world calls for the government to solve it. In return for these services, the government needs money—a lot of money.

The federal government of the United States alone is on track to spend $3.65 trillion in the fiscal year of 2017, or 21.5 percent of gross domestic product.

Now, the Trump administration has been in the news for proposing a reform of the tax system, including some significant cuts. However, rather than bicker over the costs and effectiveness of that particular proposal, let’s take a step back and look at the big picture on taxes. We may even consider asking the question of whether we need taxation at all.

No Taxes

There are many arguments in favor of abolishing personal and corporate income taxes altogether.
The first is that taxes prevent private economic activity, the core provider of employment and the products we need to sustain our lives.

From a cost-income perspective, high corporate taxes make many business ventures not profitable, especially for small entrepreneurs and innovators. This is exacerbated by the fact that taxes artificially increase the risk-reward profile for any operation, regardless of profits.

Government Waste

The second important reason is that government is notoriously inefficient in providing the goods and services it promises to deliver better than the private sector could.

For example, looking at the different consumer price indicesvirtually all sectors with heavy government involvement (health care, education, child care) have much exceeded the price increases in other sectors (automobile, clothing, cellphone service, electronics) and even average inflation.

But some expenses are not reflected in the price increase. On top of the cost of the services produced by usually private companies like hospitals and colleges, every government program needs to pay for bureaucrats on top of elected politicians. In fiscal 2016, the federal government employed 2.2 million civilian workers and spent $215 billion in compensation alone for usually better wages and benefits than the private sector. The IRS cost $11.7 billion in fiscal 2016 and employed almost 80,000 people.

So if the government kept a balanced budget by getting out of most non-essentials sectors, saving too would level the playing field.

Of course, reducing taxes to 1913 levels is completely against the incentives of politicians and bureaucrats whose bread and butter is to design and administer government programs that need funding. This is one of the reasons even President Donald Trump’s relatively modest tax proposal will take so long to pass.

La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

"1) Pick a random globally newsworthy event... 2) Blame Russia... 3) Profit!"

"From accusations of Trump campaign collusion to Russian Facebook ad buys, the media has substituted hype for evidence..."

"...when he got elected, I told my classes some of us won’t be affected by this presidency... So far, all he has done is to encourage violence...but others are going to die. Other people will die because of this.”

Trump’ GOPs & DEMs together..  la putrefacta oligarquia se une to defend Big Corp & syst duopolico

It appears another 'chat with Chuck' may result in a deal 'win' for President Trump - this time on healthcare...
[[ Both parties defend big Pharma & more privatiz of health system.]]

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"...in small states the government is closer to its citizens and by that better observable and controllable by the populace..."

"Russia’s desire to break away from the hegemony of the U.S. dollar and the dollar [collapse] payment system is well-known... But Russia is pursuing other dollar alternatives besides gold..."

Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..

[[ Is this a drill on How to evacuate people in case of US-NATO bombing? ]]
On Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who currently serves as White House press secretary,
[[ To finance terrorism?…  Another Iran-contra-gate in which DEA & CIA were involved? ]]

The World According to Jesse   Paid patriotism, the NFL & Dennis Kucinich 

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

US          Corea del Norte y Yemen: los costes del Imperio   Mark Weisbrot
                EE.UU. como una nación imperialista  Ramiro Gómez
COL        La sangre de Llorente, Tumaco: masacre e infamia   JA Gutiérrez
                Camuflajes de la delincuencia estatal 
                El dolor que enluta la paz   Carolina Jiménez Martín
Econ      Municipalismo, economía y feminismos  Coordin  feministas Mac3
A 100 años de Rev Rusa:  Declaración de dirigentes del mov obrero Varios
Opin      La descolonización de Cataluña   Guillermo Almeyra
ALC        Ernesto "Che" Guevara y el hombre nuevo   AF Hernández
                Perú:  Jugando con fuego: Las maniobras de Tabatinga  G Espinoza
                Qué vino  a hacer Obama por América Latina?  Emir Sader
                ARG: Milagro Sala   “Atentan contra mi vida”
                Chile:-Perdida noción de clase en sindicalismo chileno  P Walder
                VEN:  Renta petrolera y electrificación en Venezuela  Varios
Nuke     En el mundo hay más de 17.000 armas nucleares  sufic para eliminar vida global
Ref 1-0 en Catalunya   Impresionante lección de democracia  Juan Carlos Moreno

Catalunya   Sentimientos de octubre  Roger Palà
Tras el 1-O   Horas de esperanza y días de hiel   Manuel Garí
Viento sur   Catalunya. Democracia vs. Estado de excepción   Jaime Pastor

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences

LA 92 Movie
Should Mahmoud Abbas resign?  2/3 of Palestinian poll participants demanded his resignation.

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