martes, 24 de octubre de 2017

OCT 24 17 SIT EC y POL

OCT 24  17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Generally, the longer time passes without an abrupt market correction, the higher the likelihood of it happening. Markets pricing very little potential for a shock seems at odds with still elevated geopolitical and policy risk globally. .. [[ According to Bank of America: BofA ]]

Republican Sens. Bob Corker, John McCain, Rand Paul may not support tax overhaul, CNBC reports, citing an unidentified adviser to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Don't celebrate quite yet...
             Thanks to MMM and CAT (150 of The Dow's 170 points today)...
The Dow is massively outperforming today...   

In fact this is the great Dow outperformance over the S&P since 2008... and that did not end well...  See graph at

So if everything's so awesome... explain this? Panic-buying demand for calls?

Markets were a little chaotic in the last hour as Flake's headlines (along with McCain and Paul) crushes the tax plan and then a Senate straw poll signaled John Taylor as the preferred head of The Fed...  

With 10Y closing above the crucial 2.40% level...highest since April
The yield curve actually flattened into the close and financials (while higher) underperformed the market...

The Dollar Index ended higher but saw some chaos surrounding the Flake/Taylor headlines...

But there's just one thing odd going on with regard commodities... 'futures' are massively outperforming 'physical' raw commodities...

Finally, as ForexLive reports, his chart, from Stephen Jen, is doing the rounds and it argues that asset prices are unsustainably high.

US Household Wealth - stocks, bonds, housing etc... - is now 5 times greater than Nominal GDP - something Greenspan and Bernanke never managed.

BIG COP in the international Econ Context is a big headache, worse if allied to Morgan Stanley

DANGER ahead for  ETF (Exchange Traded Products): an oligopoly Flow Traders NV can put it down

Trading in low cost, passive investment products might be more vulnerable than some thought...
Global ETF trading collapsed by 14% in Q3 2017 versus Q2 2017 – and was described as “unusually slow”. Global ETF trading in September 2017 was 24% lower than the same month a year ago.

For those unfamiliar, Flow Traders NV is a global electronic liquidity provider specializing in exchange-traded products (ETPs). The Company continuously quotes bid and ask prices for ETPs listed across the globe, both on and off exchange, in all asset classes. Flow Traders is a proprietary trading firm with offices in the Netherlands, Singapore, the USA, and Romania.

Flow Traders 3Q Ebitda was 14% below consensus and driven by weaker volumes and margins in Europe, says Morgan Stanley (equal weight). .. More significantly, the bottom three lines in the graphic below show that the total value of ETF trading fell by 14% and 15% in the Europe and Americas, respectively, and by 14% on a global basis.

That's a lot of red for a period, we are told, is the renaissance of passive index investing.   


La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

In a bombshell report, the Washington Post has confirmed that the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign jointly financed the creation of the infamous "Trump dossier" and the implications could be tremendous...
"...the new leadership of DNC were not involved in decision-making regarding   FusionGPS.."

"The American leftwing has been transmogrified. The left, which formerly stood for 'peace and bread', today stands for Identity Politics and war. The working class has been redefined as 'the Trump deplorables' and splintered into separate 'victim groups' - women, racial minorities, homosexuals, transgendered. .."
Arizona about to lose his Senate: until new election?

"We must stop pretending that the degradation of our politics and the conduct of some in our Executive Branch are normal.  They are not normal.  Reckless, outrageous and undignified behavior has become excused as just 'telling it like it is,' when it is actually just reckless, outrageous and undignified."

Watch live as Sarah Sanders enjoys the privilege of fielding questions from the press following a fiery resignation speech from Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona.

US political division got crazy. If the only good sign in Trump (his readiness to open a deal with RU) is depicted as wrong, it mean that we sacrifice Global Peace for narrow-paid polit- games with evil Dems

[[FACT:Trump betrayed the nation on Health & Tax issues and Democ by allowing the military assault on his Gvt .. those things has to be decided at the level of State-regional referendum (that includes his impeachment or Reb if he starts WW3), but we can’t make a Ref to clear world issues, and worse .. based on good or bad  intentions.  We have to consider FACts and reliable evidence to indict him.  If he cut internet, that will be enough for impeachment n National Reb: because it implies hidden info to favor big Corp profiteering on WW3. It endangers our nation (not bunkers to protect them) n World. ]]
Fresh of his latest feud with outgoing Senator Bob Corker, Donald Trump was headed toward a GOP policy lunch in the Senate when a protester threw Russian flags at Trump as he was walking in the Capitol building, while shouting "Trump is treason" as the president walked by.

Make a list of good National radio-news.. Be aware of assault on Human rights & WW3

"Last year, the botnet Mirai caused a massive distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack in October, knocking popular websites off the internet for millions of users. Right now, the next cyber hurricane is on the way, and it could take down the entire internet...

Today is shaping up to be a fairly bad day for Hillary Clinton...

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

The armed opposition in Syria was under the direct command of foreign governments from the early years of the war, according to a new report leaked by Edward Snowden.

...the yuan-based oil contract will be a 'wake up call' for investors ...besides serving as a hedging tool for Chinese companies, the contract will aid a broader Chinese government agenda of increasing the use of the yuan in trade's a 'huge story'..."
Yeah sure!  It was not because of trends to separatism at national level.

The Lira is down over 1% following Bloomberg reports from CNN TURK that Washington has declined to issue a visa to a delegation from Turkey's Justice Ministry.

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Mandela: Apartheid: wrong in South Africa, wrong in Palestine. Free Palestine. Boycott Israel



The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..

Again searching for moderate terrorists?


Keiser Report   Episode 1140  Max and Stacy discuss the meltup in markets and the meltdown in media.  In the 2ND  half, Max interviews the former chairman of the North Carolina...

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

La postura radical del presidente de EE.UU. acerca a la humanidad a su extinción
Econ      Estabilidad y volatilidad financiera  Alejandro Nadal
                La 4ta  revolución industrial no es nuestra revolución  Varios
Mund    China, ¿potencia o imperio?  Mauricio Ramírez  Neither one
FEMI      La consigna del silencio  Carolina Vásquez
Opin      Crímenes de odio, una operación psicológica   Marcelo Colussi
ALC        Guatemala:  ¿Por qué complacencia con corruptos de izquierda?  O I
                -Salto vital   Juan Alberto Remedi
                - Ocupación y genocidio disfrazados   Jérôme Duval
                - Contra el apocalipsis nuclear   Julio Yao  
ARG       Argentina mapuche (II)   Crónica de hectáreas llenas de sangre  C V
                -Colombia sin asbesto, ¿una realidad inminente?   Silvia Gómez
                Por qué volvió a ganar el chavismo?  Manuel Sutherland
Cuba      Un deber ineludible con el pueblo cubano  Andrés Gómez
                Por Cubanos Residentes en Estados Unidos

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences


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