jueves, 9 de junio de 2016



Hugo Adan 6/9/16

(Raquel le encontró la 5ta pata al gato sabiendo que tiene cuatro. Pero quizá acertó .. quizá las patas traseras ya no le funcionaban a "la cucaracha Hillary y ya no podia caminar" ..  como dice la tonada Mx .. le faltaba marihuana para volar .. Es lo que representaria E.W para la "cuca H". )

MSNBC interview two potential VP for Clinton: Biden & E Warren. However, the questions & answers created the impression that the search was for a replacement to Clinton in case the e-mail issue affect Hillary candidacy. Biden said that the attack of Trump to a Judge from the Fed Court is an attack to the judicial system, so Trump arrival to power should be stopped to avoid the reign of chaos. He made emphasis on the conflict between any President vs. he supreme Court and many people got the impression he also was referring the interference of Obama in favor of Hillary (the frozen action in FBI & Court)  regarding the indictment.

E Warren also used the figure Trump as “genuine” threat to America, to base her support to Hillary (Trump cares about nothing but himself” and mentioned the case of the housing crisis, from which he could’ve got benefits. She disregarded  the fact that using “FEAR” as argument against Trump, creates the reverse effect: it gives more power & votes to him, as a social psychology stated.

In the 2nd part of her interview E.Warren changed her position to focus more on policy-issues like social security, the concentration of money-power in Washington, the nasty business of WS and big Corp (the same sins of Hillary).

She also talked about the positive contribution of Sander to democracy debates in America. He pushed democrats to the left (she forgot to mention that one of main contribution of Sanders was the point of corruption in these primaries by the super-delegates and the need to go beyond the duopoly system).

The last question of Rachel Maddow was a tricky one: Will you accept the position of VP with Hillary?  Her answer was YES. The tricky part was: are you ready to act as Commander in chief,  if the case required? She also said YES. Many people got the impression that Rachel was looking for the replacement of Hillary in case the FBI and Court manage to indict Hillary.

If this is really the case .. Rachel’ intention was good .. E.Warren could be the right replacement of  Hillary for the Presidency .. (the new leg could work much better than the original) but as VP with Hillary .. that is dubious .. one female commentator in MSNBC said that “same gender in two executive position always create trouble”. .. I guess she was right : Hillary as State Secretary and Victoria Nulan as Sub-Secretary created a big mess in Libya, Ukraine & Germany .          

IN SHORT:  Rachel Maddow from MSNBC found the 5th leg of a cat .. though it could be the 4th, the right one,  if Mrs Clinton is disqualified as candidate.  LISTEN VIDEO AT: https://youtu.be/QIzntvgIbAA OPEN  Elizabeth Warren interview March 2016 w MSNBC Rachel Maddow ...

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