domingo, 12 de junio de 2016




1-CORRUPTION: well exposed by E Warren since 2004. [Type in Google search: Bill Moyers-Elizabeth Warren and go to: Elizabeth Warren vs. Hillary Clinton (2004) - YouTube or]  Yes, she is the same person that today said  wants to be VP for Hillary. Her horrible change & naïve intro to the issue politics indicates that she stepped-on a trap set by Hillary. Certainly, when E.Warren  was interviewed by an icon on honest journalism, Mr. Bill Moyers (2004) , she had totally different opinions .. But only until June 10-16 .. when Warren was “tempted to get inside politics”  by a paid & phony-journalist from MSNBC who go beyond the intention to neutralize Warren’ right stand on Dems super-delegates, stated  days before. [ Evil trap for a naïve rabbit .. Is the rabbit still alive in political terms?  ..  only Sanders-Warren  know it.]

Hillary’s corrupted ties with WS speculators & big Corp frauds was also denounced by Snowden, the great consciousness-objector & dissenter who expose Obama’s regime-war-criminality.  Hillary  openly announced that she will follow Obama’s path, knowing that such strategy already got a cul-de-sac. Meanwhile, Obama congratulated her fake “victory in CA” knowing that there were 2 million votes lost (enough to overcome her official victory with 400 mil votes difference);  and knowing that Hillary candidacy depends on the advance of her indictment -that he is obstructing- with the intention of legitimizing impunity -to her now & by rebound to him-  later on. On Hillary ‘corruption,  Snowden made the best contribution. Open:   OR  Here you will notice that many of Hillary’ super-delegates: 467 of them, are registered as lobbyist and donors.

2-DANGEROUS WAR-MONGER & REGIME-CHANGE ADVOCATOR. In Hillary discourse to AIPAC  Read Hillary Clinton's Speech to AIPAC | TIME  she promised war to IRAN to defend genocide & land expropriation of Israel against Palestine. In other statement the hawkish Hillary promised support to US-NATO nuke-war against the Hitler of Russia, Mr. Putin & against China,  knowing that they will respond. All neocons coincide on these points. Israel is their bank for tax-evasion & money laundry to many of them, Saudis their financier for war on Syria-Lebanon  & Turkey the dirty trafficker & black-mailer. It been said that Hillary already got money from the Saudis to deposed Gaddafi and that some of big Copr that profit from wars are financing her candidacy.

Besides her nasty failure in Libya, Hillary criminal record indicate that she was involved in DRONES assessinations… Clinton Approved CIA Drone Assassinations With Her Cellphone, Report Says  by Ben Norton; .. not to mention her special pro-business on “regimen change” in Latin America.

IN SHORT: HILLARY is a neocon similar to TRUMP .. they are the same dirt, la misma porqueria ..  BUT SHE IS MORE DANGEROUS THAN HIM,  given her criminal connections. We as a NATION had to defeat the 1% oligarchy one by one, starting with Hillary & her super-delegates in the fake DNC of July.
3-LISTEN CHOMSKY to better understand politics & democracy in America ,


According to CLSA economists, who have updated an analysis we first did in the summer of 2010, if the participation rate stayed at the levels before the financial crisis, the unemployment rate would be 9.6%, more than double what it is today.  So the next time you hear that the economy is doing well because of "falling unemployment", refer them the "fringe" CLSA economists, and whatever you do, don't tell the Washington Post.

While everyone loves to focus on the headline unemployment rate as a reason to say the economy is doing well, especially those at the Fed trying to justify hiking rates into a recession, or those in the current administration trying to establish a legacy of being a market whisperer, the facts get in the way of that narrative.
We continuously remind those who are interested in the truth that the number of Americans who are no longer in the labor force has hit an all time high of 94.7 million. If one were to factor in the low labor force participation rate, the actual unemployment rate would be significantly higher than the 4.7% headline.

According to CLSA economists, who have updated an analysis we first did in the summer of 2010, if the participation rate stayed at the levels before the financial crisis, the unemployment rate would be 9.6%, more than double what it is today.

Minimum wage advocates seek to solve a legitimate problem facing American workers:their dollars buy less and less every year.But simply mandating employers fork over more dollars is a little like putting a band-aide on an amputation. It doesn’t do anything to address the underlying problem. Our money is broken, and we need to fix it.
Obama calls it "peddling fiction." For the rest of America, it's called reality, and it is getting uglier with every passing day.

The fact that the government and some economic "experts" continue to tell Americans that the economy is healthy, or, even "better off" since the financial crisis is mind numbing. As we succinctly showed with just 9 charts recently, nothing could be further from the truth.

There is undoubtedly a narrative being reported by the media that "everything is fine", it's ok to go back to sleep now. However that's not the case, and for many, if not most Americans, it's an every day reality that things are not fine.
A recent piece by the AP takes us through a few realities of this errant message the media has been giving everyone.

The article points out the fact that overall income growth is being skewed by the fact that the richest are seeing large increases, while the poor are seeing actual income decline. A point we have discussed many times when referring to the growing income inequality that the Federal Reserve has decided to accelerate. And that jobs "recovery" - mostly part-time and low paying opportunities, as we have also pointed out.  
The ever-tightening noose around the neck of man shows no sign of slippage: all actions by all of the governments are anent control and dominion.  The path to global governance is plainly marked, visible through all of the turmoil.  It is that turmoil, those “incidents” that are created and fostered by the governments that enable them to further constrict the nooseThe economy plummets in Cyprus and Greece?  Time to limit the cash withdrawals.  The European banks are having a “hard time” in places such as France or Spain?  Time to pillage people’s savings and their IRA’s. Manufactured crises are the norm, not the exception, and all of them are designed to facilitate one purpose: global governance and the enslavement of mankind.
When an asset rises by almost 30% in a few weeks, it tends to attract attention. Recently, that asset was bitcoin (BTC). Are these cryptocurrencies mere fads? Or are they potentially game-changing alternatives to the conventional currencies such as the U.S. dollar, Chinese RMB, Japanese yen or European Union euro? There’s no lack of skeptics and critics of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies; yet despite concerns about security, criminal use and volatility, cryptocurrencies have proliferated at a dizzying pace. So what are those who can't follow the technical arguments supposed to make of all this?


We're now well into what I call The Greater Depression. A lot of people believe we're in a recovery now; I think, from a long-term point of view, that is total nonsense. We're just in the eye of the hurricane and will soon be moving into the other side of the storm. But it will be far more severe than what we saw in 2008 and 2009 and will last quite a while – perhaps for many years, depending on how stupidly the government acts.
"The credit card companies have [givent the most] money, and they have influence.[Hillary] has taken money from the groups, and more to the point, she worries about them as a constituency."


It appears the reality of the rising probability of Britain leaving the EU is dawning on the rest of Europe. So much so in fact that Germany's Der Spiegel magazine unleashes an English-language front-page urging "Please Don't Go! - Why Germany needs the British."




The neoconservatives are going all-in on Hillary Clinton being the best vessel for American power in the years ahead.
FBI is investigating Hillary's classified emails on State Dept. approval of CIA drone killings in Pakistan
Edward Bernays, discovered that preying on the subconscious mind was the best way to sell products people don't need, and wars people don't want.


Helena Norberg-Hodge - Steven Gorelick. Globalization and the American Dream
Sam Husseini  #BernieAndBoom


There is another gap in play: The shrinking distance between Google and the Democratic Party. Former Google executive Stephanie Hannon is the Clinton campaign’s chief technology officer, and a host of ex-Googlers are currently employed as high-ranking technical staff at the Obama White House. Schmidt, for his part, is one of the most powerful donors in the Democratic Party—and his influence does not stem only from his wealth, estimated by Forbes at more than $10 billion.

According to campaign finance disclosures, Clinton’s campaign is the Groundwork’s only political client. Its employees are mostly back-end software developers with experience at blue-chip tech firms like Netflix, Dreamhost, and Google.
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VEN  La nueva Venezuela  Raúl Zibechi



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