lunes, 20 de junio de 2016


JUNE 20  16  SIT EC y POL



“93% of the people who are locked up in the U.S. in order to meet the minimum legal requirements must be locked up with possible violations of U.S. immigration laws: they are locked in for-profit prisons, which are owned by corporations that heavily fund a few politicians, including Hillary Clinton

“On 6 October 2015, Vice News revealed that fact when they headlined “How Private Prisons Are Profiting from Locking Up US Immigrants”and showed that Hillary Clinton was by far the top recipient of funds from Corrections Corporation of America, and that Marco Rubio was by far the top recipient from the other of the industry’s giants, GEO Group, and that both candidates had raked in around the same total amounts from the industry. Furthermore: “The political contributions are the visible tip of the iceberg of the influence these folks wield.”

In a DB note over the weekend titled the "Illusory Benefits of Cheap Money" the author Oleg Melentyeb turns his attention to relative performance in broad equity benchmarks. Surely, Oleg writes, "easy monetary policy now coupled with direct involvement by central banks in pushing down the price of credit risk, equity performance distribution must be in direct proportion to those efforts." He finds something unexpected: "Wrong, the answer is exactly the opposite."
To prove that he shows the charts below which depict relative performance of US, EU, and Japan broad equity benchmarks against the MSCI World index (MXWO) since Jan 2008. The timeframe here was chosen to fully capture the period of extraordinary central bank activity around the globe.

DB's conclusion:
if the central banks behind extreme policy measures have little to show for the risk they have taken on their balance sheet to this point, and the pressures they have subjected their savers and financial institutions to, why should we expect such actions to be extended much further into the future? Any benefit of additional central bank accommodation appears to have been largely exhausted at this point in the cycle.

If that is indeed the case, it is much more likely that a year from now we would see those programs on their way to curtailment rather than further expansion. Fundamentals would once again prevail over technicals, just as they always do over time. Recent market moves suggest investors are beginning to position themselves accordingly in anticipation of such an outcome.


1- Imagine the collapse of an extended speculative tech bubble, resulting in a broad economic recession.
2- Imagine that investors found the higher yields they sought in mortgage securities, which had historically always been safe, and that Fed policy inadvertently created voracious demand for more of that debt.
3- Imagine that this Fed-induced yield-seeking speculation changed the dynamics of the housing market, and produced a bubble in home prices, coupled with overbuilding and malinvestment. 
4- Imagine that this second speculative bubble collapsed anyway, producing the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, and that persistent easing by the Fed failed to stop any of it, just as it failed to do so during the preceding collapse.
5- Imagine that the Fed violated the existing provisions of section 13.3 of the Federal Reserve Act (later rewritten by Congress to spell it out like a children’s book) and created off-balance sheet shell companies called “Maiden Lane” to take bad assets off of the ledgers of certain financial institutions, in order to protect the bondholders of those companies and facilitate their acquisition by purchasers.
6- Imagine that the crisis continued, and that what actually ended the crisis was a change in FASB accounting rules in the second week of March 2009, which relieved the need for financial institutions to mark their distressed assets to market value, and instead allowed them “significant judgment” in valuing those assets, instantly removing the specter of widespread financial insolvencies with the stroke of a pen.
7-Imagine that legislation following the crisis was heavy on paper regulation, signed assurances, and living-wills, but was light on capital requirements, and contained provisions that essentially tied the hands of the FDIC and instead gave veto power to the Treasury and the best friend of the banking system, the Federal Reserve Board itself, in deciding whether a “too-big-to-fail” bank would actually go into receivership (where bondholders often lose money, but depositors are protected) if it was to become insolvent.
8-Imagine that in response to the collapse of a yield-seeking mortgage bubble, a resulting global financial crisis, and a 55% collapse in the S&P 500, the Federal Reserve insisted on pursuing more of what created the bubble in the first place; refusing to admit the weak cause-and-effect relationship between monetary easing and the real economy, pushing interest rates to zero, and expanding the monetary base to the point where $4 trillion of zero-interest hot potatoes constantly had to be held by someone in the financial markets.
9- Imagine that despite pursuing this experimentation for years, the response of the real economy was no different than could have been predicted using prior values of non-monetary variables alone.
10-Imagine that the main effect of this unprecedented intervention was to drive the most reliable measures of stock market valuation (those best correlated across history with actual subsequent 10-12 year market returns) well beyond double their historical norms, and that it prompted massive issuance of low-grade, “covenant lite” debt, in much the same way yield-seeking speculation encouraged the issuance of low-grade mortgage debt in the preceding bubble.
 11 Imagine that the Fed not only refused to take serious account of the distorting impact of yield-seeking speculation on the financial markets, but actually welcomed it, citing it as an example of the “effectiveness” of quantitative easing, in the appallingly misguided belief that “wealth” is inherent in the price you pay for a security, rather than in the long-term stream of cash flows that the security will deliver over time. Imagine that investors adopted the same overconfidence in a Fed “put option” that they held before the 2000-2002 and 2007-2009 market collapses.
12-Imagine the Fed failed to take any steps at all to reduce the size of its balance sheet at historically low interest rates, and painted itself into a corner because despite the weak relationship between short-term interest rates and the real economy, any normalization of policy threatened to burst a bubble that was already at a precipice.
13-Imagine that as a result of a massive combined deficit in the government and household sectors after the housing collapse, corporate profit margins temporarily soared to the highest level in history (an implication of the saving-investment identity under assumptions that typically hold in U.S. data).
14- Imagine that because of this temporary elevation of profit margins, many of the borrowers that issued debt most heavily during this yield-seeking bubble were companies with elevated short-term profitability, but more fragile prospects over the full economic cycle.
15- Imagine that energy and mining companies were among these, but were only the tip of the iceberg, exposed sooner than the rest because of early weakness in commodity prices.
16- Imagine the collapse of an extended speculative tech bubble, resulting in a broad economic recession. Imagine if the Federal Reserve had persistently slashed short-term interest rates during the downturn, to no avail, leaving rates at just 1% by the time the S&P 500 had lost half of its value and the Nasdaq 100 collapsed by 83%.
17 Imagine that the Fed kept rates suppressed, in the initially well-meaning hope of encouraging lending, growth and employment. Imagine that the depressed level of interest rates made investors feel starved for yield, and drove them to look for safe alternatives to Treasury bills.
18 Imagine that investors found the higher yields they sought in mortgage securities, which had historically always been safe, and that Fed policy inadvertently created voracious demand for more of that debt.
19- Imagine Wall Street had weak enough requirements on capital and underwriting standards that financial institutions had an incentive to create more “product” by lending to borrowers with lower and lower creditworthiness.
20-Imagine that by the magic of “financial engineering” and lax oversight of credit ratings, Wall Street could pass these mortgages off to investors either directly by bundling, slicing and dicing them into mortgage-backed securities or by piggy-backing on the good faith and credit of the government by transferring them to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in return for funds obtained from investors in these “agency” securities.
21- Imagine that this Fed-induced yield-seeking speculation changed the dynamics of the housing market, and produced a bubble in home prices, coupled with overbuilding and malinvestment.
22- Imagine that the Federal Reserve, focused exclusively on exploiting the very weak links between monetary policy and its “mandates” of employment and price stability, ignored the phrase “long-run” in those mandates, and wholly disregarded the speculative effects of its actions, which any thoughtful central banker should have viewed as a significant risk to the long-run economic health of the nation.
23-Imagine that the then-head of the San Francisco Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen, answered questions about 1) whether speculative risks existed, 2) whether the Fed had any role in addressing them, and 3) whether there was any doubt that the Fed could halt a resulting economic downturn if it occurred, responding with a dismissive “No, No, and No.”
24 Imagine that this second speculative bubble collapsed anyway, producing the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, and that persistent easing by the Fed failed to stop any of it, just as it failed to do so during the preceding collapse.

There are many more imaginations

Now imagine what might happen next.

A side-note. Though I was one of the few market participants who correctly anticipated the tech and housing collapses (also adopting a constructive or aggressive investment outlook following every bear market decline in three decades as a professional investor, and navigating complete market cycles admirably over that span), I regularly acknowledge that my 2009 insistence on stress-testing our discipline against Depression-era data, coupled with a Fed policy focused on intentionally encouraging financial speculation, inadvertently created an Achilles Heel for us in the advancing portion of this market cycle. We addressed those challenges in mid-2014. See the “Box” in The Next Big Short for the complete narrative.

A few charts

Some of the following charts have appeared in prior market commentaries, but are presented again below to provide a graphic overview of the current situation. 

That said, MarketCap/GVA, shown below, has a stronger correlation across history with actual subsequent S&P 500 total returns than any of a score of alternative measures we’ve examined, including the Fed Model, price/earnings, price/forward operating earnings, the Shiller CAPE, Siegel’s NIPA CAPE, Tobin’s Q, price/dividend, and numerous other metrics.

Finally, the chart below shows the median price/revenue ratio of S&P 500 component stocks, which recently pushed to the highest level in history, exceeding both the 2000 and 2007 market peaks.
This dispersion has created a headwind for hedged-equity strategies in U.S. stocks, particularly value-conscious strategies, but investors should understand that beneath the surface of this short-term outcome is singularly the most extreme point of overvaluation for the median stock in history.

For those concerned that there may be a conflict of interest for US Attorney General Loretta Lynch as it relates to the Clinton investigation, you can rest at ease. On Sunday, Lynch promised that there is no conflict of interest, period. In an interview with Fox News Sunday, Lynch told Chris Wallace that there is nothing to worry about, even if her boss is openly campaigning for Clinton to become the next president of the United States.


U.S. and Russian fighter jets bloodlessly tangled in the air over Syria on June 16 as the American pilots tried and failed to stop the Russians from bombing U.S.-backed rebels in southern Syria near the border with Jordan. The aerial close encounter underscores just how chaotic Syria’s skies have become as Russia and the U.S.-led coalition work at cross-purposes, each dropping bombs in support of separate factions in the five-year-old civil war.
As we warned last week was likely, Nigeria's decision to throw in the towel on maintaining its currency peg has resulted in a collapse in the Naira. Ending a 16-month-long effort to 'fix' its currency, Nigeria's shift to a free float has resulted in a 30% crash in the currency as the central bank began auctioning dollars to try and clear backlogs of orders for hard currency. However, as the forward market suggests, the pain is far from over as the hyperinflationary endgame remains more than likely
- "My 60 years of experience tells me the pound will plummet, along with your living standards. The only winners will be speculators" - George Soros
- "All the evidence shows that Brexit would be a disaster" - Jacob Rothschild
- "You cannot in the end protect people from the economic shock that leaving the EU would bring about." - George Osborne
Mises argues that whenever the state meddles with the free market, it reduces the standard of living that had prevailed prior to any state intervention. Essentially, a Brexit will remove another layer of government intervention from the lives of Brits, and therefore there shouldn’t be any fear of a Brexit. On the contrary. A Brexit may hold the key to make Europe abandon a doomed course, bringing it to its senses and back onto the road of freedom and prosperity.




By Patrick Martin  Global Research, June 20, 2016


Elliot Sperber  The World is a Gas Chamber
Kathy Kelly  Why Go To Russia?


Western officials “pull the wool over [their news outlets] eyes,” who in turn misinform their audiences.
If You Value Life, Wake Up!  By Paul Craig Roberts
The crazed, insane, nazified, neoconized government in Washington, is driving the world to extinction in nuclear war
These hawks are so eager for more war that they don’t mind risking a direct conflict with Russia.
Imprison people and exploit them for cheap labor — often at 50 cents an hour or less.
Chris interview Dmitry Orlov this week about the potential likelihood for actual direct conflict to break out between the world powers
The FBI dispatched an informant to "lure Omar into some kind of act and Omar did not bite."


On contact Kshama Sawant: How to counter establishment politics  Kshama Sawant, the only socialist on the Seattle City Council. RT Correspondent Anya Parampil reports on the obstacles third party...
Keiser Report Episode 929  Max and Stacy discuss Ronald Reagan’s warning that inflation is as ‘violent as a mugger, as frightening as an armed robber and as deadly as a hit man,’ yet forgetting to warn us that so were...


93% of the people who are locked up in the U.S. in order to meet the minimum legal requirements for the number of people who must be locked up on possible violations of U.S. immigration laws, are locked in for-profit prisons, which are owned by corporations that heavily fund a few politicians, including Hillary Clinton.

That 93% finding was published on June 20th, in a study by the Center for Constitutional Rights, titled, “Banking on Detention: Local Lockup Quotas and the Immigrant Dragnet”.
On 28 April 2015, the Washington Post published an article, “How for-profit prisons have become the biggest lobby no one is talking about: Sen. Marco Rubio is one of the biggest beneficiaries.” It failed to include one crucial fact: Hillary Clinton is the other.
On 6 October 2015, Vice News revealed that fact when they headlined “How Private Prisons Are Profiting from Locking Up US Immigrants”and showed that Hillary Clinton was by far the top recipient of funds from Corrections Corporation of America, and that Marco Rubio was by far the top recipient from the other of the industry’s giants, GEO Group, and that both candidates had raked in around the same total amounts from the industry. Furthermore: “The political contributions are the visible tip of the iceberg of the influence these folks wield.”
By Paul Craig Roberts

Great Danger: US-NATO Missiles Threatening Russia.
For a number of years I have been warning that the recklessness of a half century ago has reappeared in spades. The crazed, insane, nazified, neoconized government in Washington and Washington’s despicable Europeran vassal states, especially the UK, Germany, and France, are driving the world to extinction in nuclear war. See, for example,
Keep Reading


Perú.  #KeikoNoVa Yorka Gamarra.  Ya fue y perdio .. por que pelar gallina?
VEN Llueve Soberanía. Luis Britto si arrecia el invierno podrian nevar penas


I got the impression that Erdogan is going to be wiped out first

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