viernes, 24 de junio de 2016


JUNE 24 16  SIT EC y POL

A- NEW  DNC  LEADERSHIP .. if removed,  it’ll prove that there were fraud
B- RID OFF THE SUPERDELEGATES .. if accepted it proves rigged primaries 
C- OPEN PRIMARIES .. if accepted, No point to have duopoly system, a trap
D- SAME DAY REGIST for VOTERS .. if accepted  .. NO point in having DNC

The Brexit opened the 27 door for EU dissolution
The Berni-exit will create similar effect in US politics

Is there a chance for Bernie to open a soft transition from her to him?

This idea belongs to Gar Alperovitz; he called “Evolutionary Transition” to 
this Approach (See his Video “The Next American Rev”). This thesis really 
works in Economics (he provide US examples) but not in politics. 

The realm of power has only two choices: REV either from the left or right 
(State’ assault follow by destruction of the old system of power) vs Reform 
(gradual changes that could include the breaking of big Corp). Current exper 
in Europe shows the failure of this appr (case Brexit &  posib deconstruction 
f the whole EU). 

The failure of the 4 Ref mentioned above shows NO winner (neither Bernie 
nor Hillary); instead it shows “stalemate” crisis, that cannot overcame with 
the story-tell of fighting Trump. This tactic will smoke away 48% of Dems 
electorate (not Hillary nor Trump). This will end up with the defeat of Hillary 
and Trump if the liberals manage to split his party. The only winner of 
“stalemate” is Sander if & only if he runs as Independent. 

 In short

A-no point in pressing reform nor attending the DNC..

B- with Hillary'dishonesty & her uncertain FBI-Court indictment, Hillary can 
take advantage of Sanders' change from Rev to evolution. 

C- In politics any stalemate is resolve by people's ACTION. Sanders' can't 
control this. 

D- If he attempt to STOP people's ACTION he will be demolished by them 
as traitor. 

In such a case, Green Party & Abstention as last resort, are the options.

Just when you thought The Fed's credibility could not drop any further... it does. For the first time since the financial crisis, the market now sees a greater probability of a rate cut than a rate hike... for the next year. In fact, "bets" on an eventual dip into NIRP have surged to record highs, and we suspect even higher today...

As rate-hike odds collapse...


The SEC announced on Thursday that Bank of America's Merrill Lynch unit admitted wrongdoing and has agreed to pay $415 million to settle charges that it "misused customer cash to generate profits for the firm."  Hillary can say that it was not her fault .. though she intentionally left her pockets open

For European banks, today is worse than Lehman with a 13%-plus collapse in the broad index. The major banks - like Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank - have crashed over 15% to record lows as "Lehman moments" loom. This crisis prompted massive demand for USDollars, sending basis swaps (and other funding vehicles) spiking which it appears is why The Fed said it was ready to provide liquidity.
"This is the worst period, I recall since I've been in public service. There's nothing like it, including the crisis — remember October 19th, 1987, when the Dow went down by a record amount 23 percent? That I thought was the bottom of all potential problems. This has a corrosive effect that will not go away. I'd love to find something positive to say."
Once this process gets going it will quickly clear out the inventories of the Western exchanges, leaving nothing for future arbitrageurs. The exchanges will then force those wanting delivery to accept cash instead, in effect defaulting on their promises. Then it’s game over, with the big futures manipulators no longer a factor in pricing.
The 'dead cox bounce' is over...


On "The Late Show" on Thursday night, just last night, Bernie Sanders gave a clear "No" when asked if he was going to endorse Hillary Clinton, because Sanders wanted his supporters to be heard, and the Sanders camp wasn't sold on Clinton's ability to move in the direction that was necessary. The next morning, like magic, Bernie pulled a Dennis Gartman, and flipped when he told MSNBC that he was going to vote for Hillary after all.
The overwhelming underlying principle that we see at work here is that centralization is dead, because the economy has perished. But that is something we can be sure no politician or bureaucrat or economist is willing to acknowledge. They’re all going to continue to claim that their specific theories and plans are capable of regenerating the growth the system depends on. Only to see them fail. It’s high time for something completely different, because we’re in a dead end street.
That didn't take long. Only hours after the final results came in for a British exit from the EU, political leaders in Scotland are talking about renewing their drive to secede from the United Kingdom. While secession of American states is often dismissed as absurd, there are few reasons to believe that a state like Texas - to name just one example - could not immediately transition from state to nation-state. With a large economy, port cities, oil, and easy access to European, Latin American, and even Asian economies by sea, economics arguments against such a separation fall flat.
One more in Hillary “THE SAINT OF LIARS”
When the AP compared Clinton's 1,500 page official calendar with the detailed planning schedules, what the AP found was stunning. The names of at least 114 outsiders who met with Clinton were missing from her calendar, and at least 75 meetings with longtime political donors, Clinton Foundation contributors and corporate and other outside interests were not recorded or omitted from the official calendar.
The last one for today on THE LIAR OF THE CENTURY
The number of non-Defense Department federal officers authorized to make arrests and carry firearms (200,000) now exceeds the number of U.S. Marines (182,000).
As the US government cuts into people's social security payments in order to reduce costs, it is not lost on everyone that the US is simultaneously jacking up expenses for things such as massive warships that cost taxpayers $4.4 billion, and extending the war in Afghanistan which will cost another $10 billion. However, it's not only the massive defense spending projects that the government does that bleeds US taxpayers dry, it's little one's as well.


Yesterday, we warned "EU is nothing without Britain," and it seems that is being borne out by today's price action. There are two big losers from the Brits' decision to "Leave" - UK Billionaires... and the rest of Europe.
Brexit. Grexit. Departugal. Italeave. Fruckoff. Czechout. Oustria. Finish. Slovakout. Latervia. Byegium.




GLOBAL RESEARCH blocked. To read open



Bernie Sells Out. Says He'll Vote For Hillary Clinton By Cooper Allen and Nicole Gaudiano AND
Sanders Crusade For Change Is Phony By Stephen Lendman MELIFLUOUS support to Hillary . The war for power is on .. false flags is used in both sides .. Beyond Bernie: Still Not With Her is more coherent view on the current situation .. Bernie responded to an IF and reality behind IFs always change..


Gary Leupp Why God Created the Two-Party System  GOD or Mr SATA ..  the other American?
Brad Evans – Henry Giroux The Violence of Forgetting  What about forgiven?
Cesar Chelala The Sad Truth About Messi  Nice story-tale..  I like the ending.. though it require plots work

WASHINGTON BLOG:  two opposite views on Brexit

By Michael Snyder, the Economic Collapse Blog.

Has the next Lehman Brothers moment arrived?  Late Thursday night we learned that the British people had voted to leave the European Union, and this could be the “trigger event” that unleashes great financial panic all over the planet.  Of course stocks have already been crashing all over the globe over the past year, but up until now we had not seen the kind of stark fear that the crash of 2008 created following the collapse of Lehman Brothers.  The British people are certainly to be congratulated for choosing to leave the tyrannical EU, and if I could have voted I would have voted to “leave” as well.  But just as I warned 10 days ago, choosing to leave will “throw the entire continent into a state of economic and financial chaos”.  And “Black Friday” was just the beginning – the pain from this event is going to continue to be felt for months to come.

The shocking outcome of the Brexit vote caught financial markets completely off guard, and the carnage that we witnessed on Friday was absolutely staggering…
-The Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged 610 points, and this represented the 9th largest one day stock market crash in the history of the Dow.
By Dan Sanchez,

History has come full circle; in a sense, today we are seeing the American Revolution in reverse. In many ways, the European Union is a lever of US global hegemony. By seceding from the EU in spite of threats from Washington, Britain is declaring partial independence from America.

It must be noted that independence is not isolation. This is the key distinction that is intentionally blurred by the “Better Together” rhetoric of the “Remain” camp. When they scaremonger about “leaving Europe,” it conjures images of Britain abandoning Western civilization. But “the West,” as in the US-led alliance of neo-colonial powers, is not the same thing as Western civilization. And the European Union is not the same thing as Europe. Exiting a mega-state in defiance of an imperium is not withdrawing from civilization. In fact, such an exit is propitious for civilization.
Keep Reading


Cuba Ir al fondo de los desafíos Darío Machado Aunque no haya fondo..
Ecuador  -No robarás Jaime Galarza No alinearse al neoliberalismo y neocons
US Estados Unidos tiene un problema No podrán regresar a Europa, IF WW3
Venezuela  -OEA, ¿qué pasó ayer?  Néstor Francia
España  Historia de mi voto Raúl García Raulito eres tu? .. huiste a Spain y yo al US
OPEN  OR para leer estos 11 Arts:


Sanders: I will probably vote for Clinton false flag .. Fact is that the struggle..
continue & will continue.. If he betray, big Corp in his State will be blames 1st
Related   [In the parallel meeting to the DNC we will see who is Sanders.]
At this point Sanders doesn’t belong to himself. He belong to a National ..
movement he ignited and he won’t be able to stopped. ABC of Rev leadship
Brexit turning point for Europe: Merkel & is coming France & Holland
Brexit not onset of EU collapse: Juncker  dream on .. EU will be hard affected

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