sábado, 18 de octubre de 2014



Introduction by Hugo Adan. Oct 18-2014

Neo-liberal economy is like a terminal cancer. Rescue plans from governments are a waste of time. They don’t rule the economy. Goldman Sacks rule it and these financiers don’t care about what the FED does or don’t. The market has its own dynamic and it is lead to a crush. For “traders” or speculators a crush is just the opportunity to make a lot of money. This is what they said in these videos. Listen these interviews, especially the 2nd  one from BBC. The 1st one is related to the black Monday (oct 12) when the market collapse for few hours. High financial volatility (ups & downs) are spasms announcing death as thunder announce heavy storm. The Fed injected liquidity and keep the monster alive. That liquidity or money is that bankers and bankrupted Corp wanted, among them the oil ones. The secret pact between the US and Saudis hurt them and these Corp wanted reparation. They got it. The intention was shooting Russia, Venezuela, Iran and they shot their feet. How long this  drug will last? Nobody knows, but is certain that Corp drug-addiction for free USD will come again, until they totally destroy the dollar.  


HAPPY 27TH ANNIVERSARY BLACK MONDAY (1987-2014) Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/17/2014 Federal Reserve , Paul Tudor Jones .  [History repeat itself]
"It could never happen again... right?"

"This is a market that has been seriously overvalued for some time," exclaims Paul Tudor Jones, "and what we are seeing today is the piercing of the bubble..." adding that "Wall Street was uniformly unprepared for this kind of a drop."

And if you think this time is different - just take a look at the 'tricks' they used 27 years ago to stop the fall - A Fed statement and broken/halted exchanges... and check this chart:

Charts: Bloomberg and Yahoo
*  *  *

2- Speculators called “traders” rescue plans don’t work and the “traders” get money from crisis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRHCYu4tafw  in BBC
3- Why the VP of Golman Sachs quit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LM2iVXAA770  60 minutes

Of course Bill Griffeth asks should we buy this dip?... Tudor Jones replies - so ironically -
"we should see massive Federal Reserve and Government intervention in the FX and debt markets to stem what has unquestionably been a panic."

But Tudor-Jones cautions:
                "prudent investors should use any rally to scale back into short-term Treasuries."

The legendary trader goes on to explain he is trading fear as investor, fear on deflation and disinflation and warns
"every American needs to get their house in order, needs to be conservative in their investments, the next few years will be about capital preservation”

Wise words for record highs...  yat sure!



WILL THE FED LET THE STOCK MARKET CRASH BEFORE AN ELECTION?. by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/13/2014 waiting around for the panic to deepen is not a winning strategy. If $1 trillion doesn't do the job, make it $3 trillion, or $5 trillion. At this point, it doesn't really matter, does it? So what is it-- expecting a crash or expecting a bounce and rally? http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-10-13/will-fed-let-stock-market-crash-election
THE COLLAPSE OF "WELL-ESTABLISHED" STOCK MARKET CONVENTIONS  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/14/2014. Equity markets live and die on several well-established conventions, according to ConvergEx's Nick Colas, noting that these are the rules that investors use as the bedrock of their fundamental analysis. The volatility of the last few weeks shows that some of these paradigms are now under attack. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-10-14/collapse-well-established-stock-market-conventions


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