lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014



INTRODUCTION by Hugo Adan, October 20, 2014

This title suggests a political scenario in the US (mere propaganda in favor of democrats in electoral time) and the content refers a Nuclear Confrontation (NC) that could  derive from the geo-political crisis in Ucraine.  The topic is peace vs. war, but when dealing with nuclear war the real issue is not war, it is instead how to build peace, that is, how  to dismantle the whole paraphernalia of nuclear war in existence today. Why?  Because 1st, if NC comes,  the nuke power accumulated at this point in time will not leave winners,  and 2nd because the social costs and destruction left overran any possible gain that the shortest NC can provide temporarily.

NC will be the end of history. If some people survive, think about the level of Radioactive contamination and/or Nuclear fallout, also known as Black Rain, that is the residual radioactive material propelled into the upper atmosphere following a nuclear blast. Nothing  will remain alive, not person, not animal, after one single day of nuclear confrontation. (check The Effects of Nuclear War, Office of Technology Assessment (May 1979), (Available Online) ,or the Radiation Research, 2006, 47 by T. Imanaka,,  or NATO Handbook on the Medical Aspects of NBC 1996, (Available Online).

The myth of 1st nuke strike = winner, does not exist anymore, what exist is the simultaneous mutual disaster in both sides, the US-NATO allies and Russia-China block, and that involve effects on the whole world. The tech advances are set for mutual nuke-destruction, whoever launch the 1st strike will be responded immediately, it  is already set for automatic response and the whole humanity will perish, that will be the end of history.

In rational terms, war is obsolete. However, there is irresponsible people among the military in both sides, this also includes some psychopaths among civilians, all of them still believing in “militaristic supremacist idiocy”, such idiots exist and so the dangers of NC exist,  if they get access to nuclear arms. Under this scenario let’s check the logic of Eric Zuesse.

At political level, Eric’s title suggests that NC is possible if GOP get the Senate in the coming elections. In my opinion they are going to win the election but that won’t  change nothing because the Senate  do not decide on wars, though legally it is said so. What about other ifs? What if the senator of Vermont or Ran Paul leads a United Front against fascism in America, that means Peace among other things?.  Too late?  Then what if the United Front call for abstention against both parties’ candidates because they are involve in fascistic wars and demand the pull back of troops and the close of US military stations worldwide?. That will pave the route for a 3rd option in the next election. There are more ifs, but  let’s go to Zuesse’s logic:

a- “Rep not Dem creates the chances for NC, so if the GOP wins the Senate we’re voting for NC”. The fact is that both Dem & Rep were involved in unjust type of wars (imperialist fascistic wars) and these unjust wars have created and feed the “militaristic supremacist idiocy” that supports the NC.

b- If NC is an effect of changes in the Senate, then the Senate precedes and causes wars, suggest Eric. The fact is that most US imperialistic and fascistic wars (including the drone wars) have not been decided by the Senate. One more fact: the Hiroshima and Nagasaki  nuclear attack the days 6 and 8 of August, 194,  was decided by Democrats in the Government, not by Rep or GOPs. The same with the war in Vietnam, everybody knows that   the  American involvement began to escalate under President John F. Kennedy’s administration.

c- If the GOP get the senate, even with senates like the warmonger McCain- they won’t decide war, unless they impeach the President and the VP submits to them. Even though, US wars are decided by the Deep State not by the entire government. "The Deep State is a hybrid of National Security Council and law enforcement agencies: the Department of Defense, the State Department, the Homeland Security, the CIA and the Justice Department. I also include members of the Department of the Treasury because of its jurisdiction over financial flows. All these agencies are coordinated by the Executive Office of the President via the National Security Council. Certain members  of the judiciary belong to the Deep State, such as the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, whose actions are mysterious even to most members of Congress. Also included are a handful of vital federal trial courts, such as the Eastern District of Virginia and the Southern District of Manhattan, where sensitive proceedings in national security cases are conducted. The final government component is a kind of rump Congress consisting of the congressional leadership and some (but not all) of the members of the defense and intelligence committees".  Seen this way, wars are decided at the Presidential level, not at the Senate level.

d- What about the ruling classes in America,  Do big corporations and bankers agree with nuclear war? It is clear that they profit from wars, but while wars do not involve nuclear confrontation or NC. Will they finance senate candidates and Presidency later on –with their super packs- knowing that NC implies their destruction?. What about the yuppies, the upper middle class who run small business, including some of the speculators in Wall Street? The later of course profit from crisis as long as the Central Government allows their nasty business, will they be happy to know that the Senate will declare nuke war with Russians and China? I don’ think so. There are more chances that they support the 3rd option for democracy and peace. 

The logic used by Eric has not bases at all, anyway here it goes,   Open it :


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