jueves, 27 de junio de 2019

TWO GREAT NEWS: The big one is

TWO GREAT NEWS: The big one is

YA TENEMOS PRESIDENTE: We Got it, we have it
1. This 2nd Debate defined who is going to be the next President:
He made the most coherent presentation on all issues debated.

2. This debate also added one more option for VPs:
Sen. Kamala Harris of CA: she buried the nasty past of US Politics

Now comes the big problem for Sanders:
to select who is going to be the VP.
The options are:
Elizabeth Warren, Tulsi Gabbard y Kamala Harris.

IF the socialist future of the US is a factor,
one more name has to be added to the list of potential VPs:
AOC: Alexandra Ocasio Cortez

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