sábado, 22 de junio de 2019


ND  JUN  21 19  SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

EL TITANIC se hunde: no hay botes salvavidas.. A desembarcar a quienes lo tienen

Gold!!! Dramatically outperforming since The Fed capitulated...
See Chart:
Gold vs USD

The market's response to Powell's promises this week... It's Never Enough!!
Global stocks are pushing up near record highs once again (but BAML points out that consensus 12 month forward global EPS growth expectations has turned negative (-0.3%) for first time since Sept'16)
See Chart:
Global Stocks vs. Global Stocks forward EPS

Global negative-yielding debt exploded this week, now at a record $13 trillion market-value...
See Chart:
Not surprising with so much of European sovereign debt now trading below 0... 

US equity markets love war, love dismal economic data, and love Fed promises of moar liquidity - that's all there is really...Nasdaq outperformed, Trannies were the laggard but still managed decent gains.  [[ We are wasting love.. pero no nos aman ]]
See Chart:

Small Caps are unch post-Powell...
See Chart:

S&P is on target for the best June since 1995
See Chart:

Bank Stocks are at their weakest relative to the S&P since Sept 2016...

Global bond yields are collapsing as global stocks soar back to record highs...
See Chart:

The Dollar (DXY) suffered its worst week since Feb 2018 (down over 1%), dumping to its lowest weekly close since March ...
See Chart:
DXY Dollar Index:  Payrolls vs FOMC

A weak dollar and safe-haven flows from Iran sent all commodities higher this week...
See Chart:

Finally, some chart food for thought...
It's all about Fun-Durr-Mentals...
See Chart:

Because all that matters is Central Bank Liquidity:
See Chart:
S&P Global Money Supply Proxy vs. US MACRO Surprise Index

The private “greed war” escalates

Behind the scenes, the financial war between America and China is escalating dangerously into a war to secure global financial resources.
At a time of growing liquidation of dollar assets by foreigners, the US Treasury’s internal analysis will highlight future government funding problems in the light of a developing US recession. This will result in an over dependency on inflationary financing, threatening to destabilise the dollar’s purchasing power. For these reasons, America needs foreign portfolios to invest in US Treasuries, at a time when China also needs them to help finance her infrastructure plans and future development. We face a battle for these funds, and the outcome will determine all our futures.

The British involvement
America’s strategy has included putting pressure on her allies to fall into line with her interests against China. All NATO members have been told not to buy Huawei equipment. Protective of the special relationship, the British have gone along with it. But Cheltenham’s GCHQ (the UK’s cyber monitoring agency) has at least given Huawei the opportunity to address the security issues that have been raised.
A greater problem is bound to arise, and that is the role of the City of London. In 2014, the then Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, agreed a plan with the Chinese leadership for the City to work with Hong Kong to internationalise the yuan. The Chinese wanted to bypass New York for obvious reasons.
Depending on how Johnson acts, China may have to put her plans to internationalise the yuan on hold. The risk for China is that with her international financial plans threatened and the Americans determined to strengthen the dollar in order to undermine the yuan, she will not have access to the international portfolio flows she needs to help finance her infrastructure plans and her Made in China 2025 project.
Put another way, we face no less than a dangerous escalation of the financial war between America and China, with America trying to close off international finance to China.

China’s policy predicament
In a tactical retreat, Hong Kong has put plans to introduce the new extradition legislation on hold. All it has achieved is to redirect demonstrators’ demands towards Hong Kong’s Chief Executive to resign, and the demonstrations continued.
One option would be to increase interest rates, but this will risk being read as a panic measure. In this context, an early and definite rise in interest rates would be better than a delay or a lesser adjustment to monetary policy. For the domestic economy, this would favour savers in an economy already savings-driven, but disadvantage exporters and many small and medium-size businesses. It would amount to a reversal of recent economic and monetary policies, which are intended to increase domestic consumption and reduce export surpluses.
The economic theories that the central planners in Beijing actually believe in will become centre-stage. China has adopted the global neo-Keynesian standard of economic planning and credit expansion. When the country moved rapidly from a peasant economy, credit was able to expand without the regular pitfalls of a credit cycle observed in an advanced economy being noticeable. This was because economic progress eclipsed the consequences of monetary inflation.

How will it be resolved?
If the funding of the US deficit is the underling problem, then a continuation of China’s longstanding policy of not reacting to America’s financial aggression is no longer an option. A weaker yuan will be the outcome and a second Asian financial crisis involving China would be in the offing. It also means the progression of China’s economy would become more dependent on domestic inflationary financing through the expansion of bank credit at a time when food prices, partially due to the outbreak of African swine fever, are rising as well.
It must be clear to the Chinese, who are no slouches when it comes to understanding political strategy, why America is taking a far more aggressive stance in their financial war. The absence of foreign buyers in the US Treasury market could turn out to be the most serious crisis for America since the end of Bretton Woods. The Deep State, driven in this case by the US Treasury, will not permit it to happen. For both China and America, these are desperate times.
China must therefore counter dollar strength by means other than simply raising interest rates. Inevitably, the solution points towards gold. Everyone knows, or at least suspects that China has accumulated significant undeclared reserves of gold bullion. The time has probably come for China to show her hand and declare her true gold reserves, or at least enough of them to exceed the official gold reserves of the US.
If Xi attends the Osaka G20 at the end of this month, the purpose would be less to talk to Trump, but more to talk to the other leaders to make it clear what the Americans are up to and to ensure they are aware of the consequences for the global monetary system when China takes positive action to protect her own currency and domestic capital markets.
This is the first year in a little over a century since life expectancy fell for three consecutive years.
See the suicide rate increase more than 33%
See Chart:

Decades of stagnant wages, deindustrialization, the largest ever wealth gap between rich and poor, financialization of the economy that only benefits rich, insurmountable student loans, a housing affordability crisis, and automation and artificial intelligence, have culminated into the perfect financial storm that has not just financially rapped millennials but has also led to unintended mental health consequences: suicide is the second-leading cause of death for 10- to 34-year-olds.
With President Trump requesting rate cuts and more quantitative easing that will only drive the wealth inequality gap further, the middle class is expected to feel more financial hardships that will ultimately lead to increased suicides and drug overdoses into 2020.
El gran capital dice que paso el test, abra perdidas, y  goza de buena salud..PERO

"The results confirm that our financial system remains resilient..."
See Charts:

 US banks have been dramatically underperforming the market as rates and the yield curve have collapsed...
See Chart:
KBW Bank Index S&P
Probably nothing.
Full Report below

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

Oficially, political division has started

"I’m not going to be a political prisoner in the state of Oregon." 
The only option is absolute power to the current monarchy, not fascism
IF Free educ for all was agreed & debt condemnat was expected.. is it salary intention?
U.S. college students currently working on their degree are in for an unpleasant surprise when negotiating their first salaries... [[ Who is unpleasant with it? ]]
See Chart:
IF SO, only those parents who don’t have students or don’t expected, may be “unpleasant”.. most of them must be happy.. if the salary is intended to pay for students “debt”.. or to continue their studies. IF so, stud are in the right track!.
Only ANTS are really FREE in America.. QUE VIVA la patria del “real working labor”!
"...ants ants ants spill out, running in every which direction."
Al diablo with “United Fricks” .. we must welcome the ANTS & learn from-them
Los Chinos tienen sentido de lo que es “equivalence & reciprocity”. We threaten them..
Though a negotiated settlement or a managed continuation of the status quo are possible, a sharp escalation is now the most likely scenario...
Yes, We threatened them.. by given “heavy arms” to Taiwan, before 1st meet. Now we must learn to eat rice with china chopsticks.. even if rice come from JA
Si se viola la Constitucion.. cada “US citizen” tiene obligación de defenderla con su vida
...if passed, this would set a dangerous precedent...
IF passed there will be many death in both sides., those in favor & Agst Constitu
Toda tirania criminal tiene su respuesta.. siempre existe la posible respuesta
Nanny state rules on driving seek to control every aspect of your life...
La obesidad es la puerta por donde ingresan muchas enfermed.. la obesid es un crimen
"People are eating away at their brain with a really bad fast-food diet and little-to-no exercise." 
Lo grave es que se quiera legitimar este crimen poniendo obesas en Propag-TV

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

The real inferno will come if we Start WW3.. al diablo vende weapons no les importa
"In other words, before any of the science had been done, the IPCC’s assumption was that man-made activity was responsible and that Nature was not an active participant in a process within its own sphere of interest."
.. pero a nosotros SI nos importa.. no queremos morir fritos por resuid-nuke..
Good news.. the opposite to teck-trap: la migra tendra puerta abiert cuando se necesit

"DHS S&T is interested in evaluating robotic communication capabilities to characterize underground structures, contents, threats and obstacles along the U.S. southern border" 
Es cierto: los US-farmers del SUR necesitan la migra para bajar L “salary-rates”
COCKED SENSE OF “RECIPROCITY”.. we canceled the massacre after 150 Iranians killed..
"I am in no hurry... 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it, [150 Dead Iranians] not proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone..."
Sera cierto que los diablos tienen “Corazon” y hasta podrian irse al cielo?
Sigo creyendo que la Nation Irani no está dispuesta a morir sola..que se llevar imperial
The first message is that Iran is ready for an all-out war, no matter what the consequences. The second message is that Iran is aware that the US President has cornered himself...
En Buena hora si se llevan varias bases imperialistas con su suicidio: real tit-f-ta
The teck-avanza a la creación del “new enslavement” o “new servants” of fascist State

The possible consequences of this technology are horrifying to ponder...
La llamada “trampa del progreso” es ya una realidad: es real involución del progreso humano. No se podrá detener eso si no se cambia los megalómanos del Gobierno que creen que allí reside el poder del Estado.. Si los inhumanos que manejan el poder no son sacados de allí cualquier desgracia puede ocurrir desde que esa Teck esta privatizada y apunta hacia el “greed”.
Iran tiene amigos en quienes tien- iguales intereses..Si allí emp la guerra.. será el WW3
Russia on Friday announced it was ready to help Iran export its crude and ease restrictions on its banking system if Europe fails to launch its dollar-evading SPV, Instex.
Aprende a defenderte 1ro y sin amenazar.. nosotros haremos el resto, dijo China
To say that Pyongyang rolled out the 'red' carpet for President Xi would be both a bad pun and an understatement.
El Capital no tiene amigos.. tiene socios abiertos y encubiert.. será cierto que enviaron..
"The Communist Party of China has used its access to U.S. consumer and capital markets for a predatory economic strategy..."
será cierto que enviaron similar carta a China.. por que hay muchos alli?
Orgullosos de querer destruir el mundo en pocos minutos.. problema psicopathico
Hypersonic missiles - which travel at more than 15 times the speed of sound - are touching off a new global arms race that threatens to change the nature of warfare.
La pregunta clave es How many minutes will take the dismantle of all threats against Human PEACE and survival? Es el problema que solo los socialistas en el poder podrian resolver si rápido se desmantela el sistema de poder anterior .

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3

- US Media Reveals Who Stop Trump From Strik Iran After Spy Drone Downing  That  Was false flag according to new info.
- Trump Talks Dem Impeachment Failure, Iran Strike Trump face credibility issue
- Texas Sends Additional 1,000 National Guard Troops to US-Mexico Border  La invasion militar del US a MX prosigue con el cuento stupido de controlar la migra. Que viene?

Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos

US:  Los incendiarios del estrecho de Ormuz Nahúm Monroy y G Almeyra
Cult:  El tiempo lee poemas  Miguel Casado
Opin:  Gramsci, Fanon y después  Raúl Zibechi
ARG:  Emergencia de un nuevo ciclo político?  Adrián Piva y Martín M
MX: Cosecha magra y producto sin mercado  Miguel Ángel Ferrer

Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3

FALSO: Repetidas veces Trump amenazo Iran, lo que significa que either no sabe calcular el efecto de sus palabras (prueba de su incapacidad como diplomático y Pres del US) o que el White House se informó que iniciada la guerra no podría ser  controlable por el  US y el WW3 si afectaría la nación directamente, algo  inesperado en lo inmediato pues el plan de ataque a RU-China no está totalmente preparado. En este caso el objetivo guerra existe y  Trump y todo su equipo son los peligrosos y directos los responsables a los que de inmediato hay que retirar. Sin ellos la agenda guerra no deja de existir pero si el temor a su estallido inmediato.  De otro lado, la fabricación de armas y más guerras continuara, por tanto el WW3 seguirá siendo real peligro mundial. Es el actual guerrerismo lo que sostiene este Estado y esto es lo que hay desmontar, y esto tiene que empezar  por bajar al Gob de Trump y el equipo que controla el Estado. Mejor si ocurre un golpe al Estado desde arriba y antes de las elecciones. Eso es posible con apoyo de la Corte suprema y los del deep-State, o como lo hicieron con FDR . Hay muchas pruebas de que T es peligro para la Nacion y el Mundo.
- VIPS Memo to the President: Is Pompeo’s Agenda the Same As Yours?
By Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity
- From Tel Aviv to Tallahassee  By Stanley L. Cohen
- The veneer of democracy  By Craig Murray

Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics
Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies
Amy Goodman’  team
ALL THE REST WE CAN TAKE IT TOMORROW :  el resto lo dejamos para mañana

Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..


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