miércoles, 5 de junio de 2019


Hugo Adan. June 5, 2019

This article contain my reflections on excellent Mish art below:
My premise is that we can’t go back to gold for our USD if we can’t pay attention to the political and Economic context –domestic & foreign- we face now.

Some view gold as an inflation hedge...It isn't... Gold is a hedge against the notion that the Fed has things under control.

See Chart:

Gold fell from $850 an ounce in 1980 to $262 an ounce in in 1999 with inflation every step of the way.
People believed Greenspan, the great "maestro" had everything under control. IT WAS AN ILLUSION.

“Faith in central banks is about to be tested again”, said Mish in this article.

                My comment: 

A post-neoliberal Econ depend on supporting USD with GOLD.. Our Economic  system is obsolete. It was based on the Keynesian myth that Spending drives Econ Growth. He expected to correct the neo-classical imperfections of the free-liberal market.. and make it worse. The consumer (common people) was & is misguided to buy whatever merchandise is promoted in TV.. he didn’t care about saving and didn’t understand the trap of Interest rates and financial games.. he is not prepared to face the Econ crash that already starts. Germans, China & RU are doing it and they will change to gold as soon as France and others (India among them) do it. US & UK depends on expanding neoliberal capital via WW3.. If this happen they will be hit.

The problem with adopting gold in the US Economics implies that:

1- Trump & war mongers must be took  out from power via impeachment or else. By ‘else’ I mean via Top-Down or Bottom-up REV. Read the debate   between Ellen Kay Trimberger, Block & Theda Skocpol (chap 19:  Trimberger, Block, and Skocpol and Neo-Weberian Theorizing)  in SOCIAL THEORY by Berch Berberoglu .  Or focus on:  EK Trimberger: “Rev from Above  Or get the PDF:

2- To agree in the dismantle of all nukes world-wide.

3-The adoption of gold should not enrich the super-rich (specially all speculators from Wall-Street) ; instead. It should protect the middle financial sector involved in Economic production, not on speculators.

4-The political control of the Regional FEDs should be in the hands of the working classes and minorities already excluded & oppressed. The electoral system must be adapted to this aim.

5- These new FEDs or autonomous States will be in charge of common national concerns like best health and education for all.

6- The State Owned enterprises must control all natural resouces (oil, gas and others) to finance the reconstruction of a new society.

7- The dilemma “public need” vs. “private greed” will be resolved in favor of the public and on cooperation and fraternity . Meaning: Coop and collective org will be fosterd against inexistent “individual liberty” and their  “explotation”. Such freedom was erased by big monopolies & huge corp. They must be dismantle and their resources nationalized if they evade taxes or commit similar-felonies

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