domingo, 30 de junio de 2019


ND  JUN  29 19  SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

1-      Econ & political oriention to serve “Public need” not “private Greed”
That implies public-State control of all means of production given by nature (minerals, gas-oil, water, pure air, rivers, etc) and Banks. All this in coordination with productive investors + coops (excluding WS speculators).

2-      PEACE at national & internat level. Peace means 

A- dismantling inside the US all Institutional apparatus related to WW3: Penta-NATO and the Military Industrial Complex involved in the production of WMD & wars abroad.
B- PEACE also means support of Nurenberg  codes we signed on Peace-crime, war-crimes & crimes against Humanity.  
C- PEACE also means indicting President Trump for military support and operations against Syria, Yemen and other developing countries.
D- Peace also implies rejecting Trump’s threats on  IRAN, VEN and N-Korea and the piracy of imposing US economic sanctions on them. That is illegal, inhuman and totally an-ethical.

1- Mobilize all progressive people inside the Democratic party toward State and  Washington demonstration against the Government. I guess Soros and other philanthropic investors are ready to collaborate with free buses for traveling of people to Washington. We need to start depowering politically this Govt right now.

2-We also need to inject power to the PEACE MOV world wide. The whole world is observing what our nation think on this Gvt: we are ashamed. Our labor and the middle classes, even top investors are against this Gvt. Once the electoral process was initiated with the recent debate inside the Democratic Party we decided to mobilize the Nation against Trump. We are going to succeed. VENCEREMOS!

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

If 87 is the final number for the second quarter, it will mark the second highest number of S&P 500 companies issuing negative EPS guidance for a quarter since FactSet began tracking this data in 2006
The number of companies issuing negative EPS for Q2 is above the five-year average of 74. In fact, if 87 is the final number for the second quarter, it will mark the second highest number of S&P 500 companies issuing negative EPS guidance for a quarter since FactSet began tracking this data in 2006 (trailing only Q1 2016 at 92).
See Chart:

At the sector level, seven of the 11 sectors have seen more companies issue negative EPS guidance for Q2 2019 relative to their five-year averages. However, the Information Technology and Health Care sectors are the largest contributors to the overall increase in the number of S&P 500 companies issuing negative EPS guidance for Q2 relative to the five-year average.
See Chart:

In the Information Technology sector, 26 companies have issued negative EPS guidance for the second quarter, which is above the five-year average for the sector of 20.4. If 26 is the final number for the quarter, it will tie the mark (with multiple quarters) for the second highest number of companies issuing negative EPS guidance in this sector since FactSet began tracking this data in 2006, trailing only Q4 2012 (27).

the model currently implies a bearish outlook for equities over the next 1-3 months with a DOWN signal for horizons 1M, 2M and 3M. The S&P500 signal for the 6M horizon is bullish, however..

So what do these five signals look like right now?
Figure 1 shows that while flow momentum and equity price momentum turned a lot more positive in recent weeks, the remaining three signals look rather negative for the equity market and risky markets more broadly. The 2-month momentum in the global manufacturing PMI remains rather weak (Figure 2).
See Chart:
Global Manufactuirng PMI

Meanwhile, the slope of the market risk-return tradeoff line in Figure 3 looks rather low by historical standards making equities rather  unattractive from a value point of view. So at first glance, the combination of the five signals, i.e. the blue area  on the Market Health Map, emits a rather mixed message for the future direction of the equity market.
See Chart:

Continue reading.. more charts:

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio


Under our current Orwellian doublespeak paradigm where forever war is the new normal, the opposite of war is no longer peace, but isolationism...
NOW ON: The voice of the soldiers for PEACE will be hear & and loudly

US Army create threats of war to kill US Econ.. if income to young gen is aim:Ed is invt

With the possibility of war approaching, the Army is having difficulty recruiting millennials. ..
The right investment in millennials future is free Educ at all level & cancel debt

"Humanity has been contemptuously used by vast digital empires. Thus it is now necessary to replace these empires with decentralized networks of independent individuals, as in the first decades of the Internet."
This is a delicate issue for freedom of info in US.. We need more info, a balance one to decide on it. If centralized Wikileaks has been captured by “greed” Corp then Decentraliz could be the solution, otherwise it will facilitate inter o b-corp
IF migrant millionares can easily buy houses in US it is because USD is collapsing

“This is compelling evidence that...foreign ownership is the primary culprit...”
Trump’ neoliberal policies put Amer  in auction. Saudis’ took advantage on it

YES, we need socialism understood a right power balance between Capital & Labor

...everyone knows that regardless of who is running this crooked, corrupt, and immoral system, nothing fundamental is going to change, at least not with respect to genuine freedom...
It is what we got it with FDR and his NEW DEALs.. more tan 40Y of sustain-devel

Loan forgiveness doubles down on the failed federal policies that led to the $1.6 trillion student loan crisis...

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

"Now comes the hard work of finding consensus on the most difficult issues in the relationship, but with a commitment from the top we’re hopeful this will put the two sides on a sustained path to resolution."

In Economics love is negotiated .. not implored. . Trump implored & Xi le dio 1 sonrisa

Since the first shot in the US-China trade war was fired in March 2018, few have closely examined the extent of China’s retaliatory tariffs on US exports, and more importantly, what a full-blown trade war could mean for US exports.
Here is clear that xenophobia is running out of imagination

“Financial markets are unlikely to significantly reduce their expectations for Federal Reserve rate cuts despite global trade tensions easing."

Si RU decide bajar los precios del petroleo mundial.. se va al diablo el “US Weapon”

..a little like the US dollar, LNG is becoming a tool Washington intends to use against Moscow at the expense of Washington’s European allies...
Con una ligera baja de precios & Merkel YES, RU conserva Mdo EU, bye-bye US

...while tensions mounted in the Strait of Hormuz, a report about a growing threat to shipping in a different part of the world largely flew under the radar.

The moral bankruptcy of Western powers was exposed – inadvertently – with the recent publication of three separate news reports. Taken together the reports out last week illustrate the rank hypocrisy of Western governments...

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos



Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..

Mexico seeks close China ties as US intensifies  pressure MX: peon del imperio

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