jueves, 27 de junio de 2019


ND  JUN  27 19  SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

TWO GREAT NEWS: The big one is
YA TENEMOS PRESIDENTE: We Got it, we have it

1. This 2nd Debate defined who is going to be the next President:
He made the most coherent presentation on all issues debated.

2. This debate also added one more option for VPs:
Sen. Kamala Harris of California: she buried the nasty past of US Politics

Now comes the big problem for Sanders:
to select who is going to be the VP.
The options are:
Elizabeth Warren, Tulsi Gabbard y Kamala Harris.

IF the socialist future of the US is a factor,
one more name has to be added to the list of potential VPs:
AOC: Alexandra Ocasio Cortez

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Clearly unacceptable China pre-conditions for a trade-deal and ugly consumption and housing data was just what the doctor ordered for a buying spree in stocks today (presumably because the worse things get fundamentally or geopolitically, the closer The Fed gets to delivering its 50bps "insurance" cut in July)... WHAT A BLOODY JOKE!
So before we start, there's this... "Soft" data has collapsed (Kansas Fed joins a long list today) catching down to "hard" data's dismal levels...
See Chart:
Soft data & hard data vs. HOPE

And that bad news sparked a dovish push in market expectations for The Fed...
See Chart:
FED rate-change expectations

Which was all that was needed to bid bonds and stocks higher on the day...
See Chart:
Which was all that was needed to bid bonds and stocks higher on the day...

Small Caps and Trannies surged on the day (which means it was all a short-squeeze) with Dow underperforming (weighed down by Boeing)...Total meltup short-squeeze at the close in small caps...
See Chart:

And indeed, it was the biggest short squeeze in June as "Most Shorted" spiked...
See Chart:

Treasury yields tumbled on the day with the long-end outperforming...
See Chart:

The Dollar was unchanged, remaining in the very narrow range since the post-FOMC plunge...

Commodities and Bonds seem convinced all is not well (as stocks near record highs)...
See Chart:

Finally, as Bloomberg's Ye Xie notes, the collapse in regional Fed surveys leaves the stock market vulnerable.  With the Kansas City Manufacturing Activity Index posting a reading of zero, all five regional Fed surveys of business activity deteriorated this month. That points to the risk that the ISM manufacturing index next week may fall below 50, the dividing line between growth and contraction. Take a look at this chart tracking the ISM PMI and the excess year-on-year return of the S&P 500 over three-month Libor.
See Chart:

Have trades given up on giving a shit?
See Chart:

Besides... when did fun-durr-mentals matter?
See Chart:
S&P Global Money Supply vs. US MACRO

"I'm expecting the possibility of a significant market downturn."
Earlier today, in a stark reversal from its traditionally cheerful demeanor, a Goldman Sachs strategist warned that  "purely based on elevated equity valuations, as measured by the S&P 500 Shiller P/E, and current growth, according to our US Current Activity Indicator (CAI), the risk of an equity drawdown of more than 10%", i.e. a sharp market drop, or for lack of a better word, crash, "is the highest since the GFC."
See Chart:
Purely based on Equity Valuations

It's a stagflationary mess... Incessant reporting of strong economic health and the defiant dismissal of declines is not the behavior of a Fed that is about to capitulate on tightening...


Once central bank credibility is lost in one place, very soon the market will test to see just how unstable the entire house of cards is.
See Chart:
Survey expectations of US Inflation [ surveys are not reliable if not details on sample ]

Rapid curve steepening is now occurring, suggesting recession may indeed either be imminent or else it has already arrived
See Chart:
Steepening on US yield curve is well underway in longer maturities

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

Juan Guaidó and his gang are merely following in a long line of CIA crooks and criminals who conduct their illegal affairs with a wink and a nod from Langley and a sizeable financial cut for neo-cons like Abrams, Kissinger, John Bolton...
Newly uncovered photos from the border protest attended by a tearful Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez show thatshe was crying over an empty parking lot...
Perhaps she repented not to postulate to Democratic Presidence.  IF is this the case.. nothing have been lost… you will have many chances
The city of Los Angeles is quickly descending into a cesspool of decay and disease...
Las ratas del Gbno son peores: WW3 amenaza asesinar toda la humanidad.
Inside the trap of Teck-progress: Private greed makes obsolete Saudis suicide terrorism
Put your hand up if you know what an autocallable is. Put your other hand up if you also know that ground zero of the next volatility catastrophe could be autocallables.
See Chart:
But not only with Korean cars
Does this include “the horseshoe “ of animals in the Gov? If so, not need to steal money
The blue blood extracted from the horseshoe crab is called Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL) and is worth its weight in gold.
Que extraña coincidencia: Los señoritos del Gov siempre se creyeron de “sangre azul” y miraron a los latinos con desprecio: racistas hasta el tuétano, solo que el tuétano no lo tenían arriba, en el cerebro, sino en las pezuñas.

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

“This liberal idea presupposes that migrants can kill, plunder and rape with impunity because their rights as migrants have to be protected... in conflict with the interests of the overwhelming majority of the population."

Estoy seguro que RU no esperan ninguna ‘détente’ de Trump: From a clown only Circ
The Trump-Putin meeting in Japan is crucial for both leaders... and for the world.
Y no es que no lo quiera a mi Presid.. la verdad: si me divierten algunas de sus payasadas. Pero el Gobierno no es un circo. Y si me gustaría tener Presid real.
...appears that any possibility of a diplomatic solution is completely dead, and the clock is ticking because two exceedingly important deadlines are coming up within the next two weeks...
I HOPE after the debate this night we can say: We got the Presid wee need

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos

US-Iran: El amague militar de Trump en Irán  Simón Rodríguez
USA: John Bolton controla al Gobierno y a Trump  Manuel Yepe Evidenc?
Cuba: Che, el amor y la subversión  Miguel Alejandro Hayes

Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics

Michael Galant   Time for a Global Minimum Wage

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Amy Goodman’  team


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..


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