domingo, 30 de junio de 2019


ND  JUN  30 19  SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

"Low interest rates, while they have a lot of benefits, have a lot of costs for society as well..."

Far from propelling middle class consumers to ever-higher levels of prosperity, low-interest rate policy is leading either to stagnation of losses in wealth.

But these revelations should not be shocking.

After all, Edward Wolff's 2014 article "Household Wealth Trends in the United States, 1962-2013" suggests that our low-interest-rate world has done little to increase economic well being or counteract the effects of recessions:

From 2007 to 2010, house prices fell by 24 percent in real terms, stock prices by 26 percent, and median wealth by a staggering 44 percent. Median income also dropped but by a more modest 6.7 percent and median non-home wealth plummeted by 49 percent. The share of households with zero or negative net worth rose sharply from 18.6 to 21.8 percent.
However, from 2010 to 2013, asset prices recovered with stock prices up by 39 percent and house prices by 8 percent. Despite this, both median and mean wealth stagnated, while median income was down by 1.3 percent but mean income rose by 0.9 percent. The percent of households with zero or negative net worth remained unchanged.

According to Wolff in this 2017 follow-up, as of 2016, "median wealth was still down by 34 percent."
See Chart:
Median Wealth , 2016 Dollars

The evidence is mounting against the usual narrative which states that low-interest rate policy has been a clear good because it has stimulated demand and consumption.

On the contrary, there is reason to believe low-interest rate policy has lowered productivity, lessened economic growth, and favored large firms at the expense of small firms and innovation.

Median incomes have also suffered.

But central banks are clearly afraid to do anything but kick the low-interest can down the road. The Fed's multi-trillion-dollar balance sheet isn't going anywhere, and the Fed has no appetite for raising rates. But when the next recession hits, it's likely the Fed and the world's central banks will dish up more of the same: near-zero rates in the name of recovery and wealth creation. But this strategy's record of delivering has been questionable at best.

Here is the moral decay of America's ruling elites boiled down to a single word...

There are many reasons why Imperial Rome declined, but two primary causes that get relatively little attention are moral decay and soaring wealth inequality. The two are of course intimately connected: once the morals of the ruling Elites degrade, what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine, too.

I've previously covered two other key characteristics of an empire in terminal decline: complacency and intellectual sclerosis, what I have termed a failure of imagination.

Michael Grant described these causes of decline in his excellent account The Fall of the Roman Empire, a short book I have been recommending since 2009:

There was no room at all, in these ways of thinking, for the novel, apocalyptic situation which had now arisen, a situation which needed solutions as radical as itself. (The Status Quo) attitude is a complacent acceptance of things as they are, without a single new idea.
This acceptance was accompanied by greatly excessive optimism about the present and future. Even when the end was only sixty years away, and the Empire was already crumbling fast, Rutilius continued to address the spirit of Rome with the same supreme assurance.

This blind adherence to the ideas of the past ranks high among the principal causes of the downfall of Rome. If you were sufficiently lulled by these traditional fictions, there was no call to take any practical first-aid measures at all.

Peter Turchin explains in War and Peace and War: The Rise and Fall of Empires, was gradually replaced by one of personal greed and pursuit of self-interest.

“Probably the most important value was virtus (virtue), which derived from the word vir (man) and embodied all the qualities of a true man as a member of society,” explains Turchin.
             He added:
The richest 1 percent of the Romans during the early Republic was only 10 to 20 times as wealthy as an average Roman citizen."

Do you see any similarities with the present-day realities depicted in these charts?
See Chart 1:
Top 1% US Pre-Tax Income Share 1913-2012

See Chart 2:
Share of National Income, including capital gains

And how many congress people served in combat in Iraq or Afghanistan? How many presidential candidates had boots on the ground in combat theaters? The answer is none. Here is the moral decay of America's ruling elites boiled down to a single word.

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

US women's soccer co-captain Megan Rapinoe has accepted an invitation to visit the House of Representatives by Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) following a public spat with President Trump. 
"Consider it done"

Those who believe that futbol is only a matter of controlling the perimeter of one stadium and making goals as she did it..with such a majesty.. they  are wrong, futbol goes beyond that stadium. In the mind of many  futbol players also count the perimeter of the whole political stadium of our NATION, the one in which we fight against the  private greed” to defend the “Public need”. Definitely, our start in Futbol Megan Rapinoe and others in Futbol teams are taking  position in favor of PEACE against war, JUSTICE  against oppression , and FREEDOM against neoliberal enslave to the rich. We are all in this stadium and we dream with Megan goals here too.

Xi is operating from a centuries-old blueprint for victory in battle... China clearly won this round, and the pressure is now squarely on Trump to get a deal done before the 2020 election. That isn’t likely going to happen.
In the ART of WAR of Sun Tzu the “vs” doesn’t exist. “You don’t start preparation for war if you don’t win the art of negotiation” . In other words, you have to know the enemy  first; you have to talk & negotiate with them on what is in dispute and get a glimpse on their plans. If you don’t win this stage called “art of peace” you won’t be able to design tactics and strategy. You have to win first “the art of peace”, then you will be able to  apply your war rules.

If only 26% can afford to buy a house: this Am is not F Am-average, is for rich & saudis

"Despite falling mortgage rates and rising wages, the cost of owning the typical home remains out of reach..." 
Recent info said that a lot of Saudis are buying houses in Am.. Old info said that Saudis and same Am were involve in 9/11 terrorism.. Also: the next day Saudis  got plane to get out from our country.. no 1 of Saudi- terrorist is in jail.. Who knows If they have houses in US too. IF so, they’re part of the 26%. In short: 9/11 is the 2nd crime never rinse or clear properly, the 1st one was JFK crime .

Nunca sufrimos los efectos de una Guerra. Nos gusto ser spectators. Eso se acabo

From the Civil War to Vietnam, Americans have always been captivated by war’s spectacle...
El WW3 que prepara Trump.. si nos va a golpear a todos. Eso está muy claro

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

Nothing is resolved yet.. only negotiations are “back on track”

"Now comes the hard work of finding consensus on the most difficult issues in the relationship, but with a commitment from the top we’re hopeful this will put the two sides on a sustained path to resolution."
The 1st round of negotiations started wrong: with a blackmail on China: They put letal weapons in the hand of Taiwan Govt.. Is the US ready to bring back those weapons? . For China this is more important than Econ trade with US.

So what does the outcome of the election mean for the future of Turkey, and in particular, its powerful president? For starters, an internal political realignment, but also maybe a dangerous foreign policy adventure...

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos


Trumpismo: nueva barbarie Interregno global y derech reaccionarias JP
Antisemitismo: De qué hablamos?  Enzo Traverso


E es miembro de N: Nadie sabe si son para NATO + US  Ni para que los quiere.

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..


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