sábado, 26 de enero de 2019


ND JAN 26 19  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

"One of the most popular recession hedges among rates investors is forward curve steepeners"
See Chart:
Curve steeping precedes recession!

FED Cuts mark de beginning of the curve steepening move
See Chart:

See more charts on the debacle of US Econ at:

I guess this NEWS has been adulterated.  Check original chart

If a substantial amount of VXX shares do not switch to comparable products, the note's issuer could have a large amount of VIX futures to sell at Tuesday's close, putting pressure on the February and March VIX futures...
See Chart
The VIX is High in the original Chart: the right stick was full

Taxpayers are playing a growing role in Corcept’s expansion plans...

Southern Investigative Reporting Foundation found after its investigation of Insys Therapeuticsspeakers bureau programs (if not carefully monitored) can devolve into frequently questionable, if not illegal, quid pro quo inducements.
See Table:

The expectation for a peer-reviewed medical journal article is that an investigator’s research is conducted independently from consultations with a drug’s manufacturer. But the emails obtained through the FOIA request, as shown in the image below, show that Corcept was entirely in control of this project conceptually and editorially. (The image also reveals where the VA redacted the name of the person directing the project for Corcept and other related identifiers.)

See Chart:
Real data has been intentionally hided by VA sponsors

It's a process, not an event...

Read the content in this subtitles:

Committing Ecocide

If you recall, we’ve also recently reported on the findings showing that phytoplankton levels are down 50% (these are a prime source for thiamine, by the way). Again, here's a possible “trophic cascade” in progress: 
See Chart:

A World On The Brink

The bottom line is this: We are destroying the natural world. And that means that we are destroying ourselves. 
The collapse is underway. It’s just not being televised (yet).
The bottom line is this: We are destroying the natural world. And that means that we are destroying ourselves. 

Either path means enormous changes are coming, probably for you and definitely for your children and grandchildren. 

In Part 2: Facing Reality we dive into what developments to expect as our systems continue further along their trophic cascade. Which markers and milestones should we monitor most closely to know when the next breaking point is upon us? 

To reiterate: Massive change is now inevitable and in progress.
Collapse has already begun.

“So far, neither AOC [Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez] or DJT [Donald John Trump] has suggested such an elegant repair.  And don’t hold your breath...”

"...the more government spends - i.e. the more it takes from wealth generators - the more it weakens prospects for a recovery..."

The proponents for strong government outlays when an economy displays weakness hold that the stronger outlays by the government will strengthen the spending flow and this in turn will strengthen the economy.

Given that, the government is not a wealth generator, whenever it raises the pace of its outlays it has to lift the pace of the wealth diversion from the wealth-generating private sector.

The Importance of Real Savings
What is missing in this story is the subject matter of real savings. 
Continue reading at:

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

FRAUD and LIES everywhere

"Every single instance of illegal voting threatens democracy in our state and deprives individual Texans of their voice"

US-W ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

How much the Ven defense attaché in Washington received?

[[ Este payaso no tiene la menor idea de lo que significa “Defender la Soberania Nacional” ]]

"Enough already! Let’s recognize the man who under the law is the true president of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó"
[[ Too late.. VEN has been armed to defend themselves from US Attack. Col’ military is against US meddling in VEN.. The chances that Lima-cartel & OEA plus other puppets support this US adventure against a sovereign country are remote. This will divide Lat-Am internal nations and People’s brigades will attack any Econ-Pol US station there. This could be Pompillo “false flag:  VEN’ Embassy was closed y 1 putito quizo US-ID. Pompillo will be responsible for what happens in all US spots in Latin America  ]]

Russian bombers are cruising over skies near Canada AS TENSIONS OVER VENEZUELA MOUNT...

"I have not received a single robust argument in favor of Trump’s Venezuela interventionism, but I have received a whole lot of really, really stupid ones..."

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3



Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos


USA     Trump’ objetivo: acabar con el chavismo   Alex Anfruns
            Red bipartidista que ayuda a los fondos buitre  Andrés Villena
            En Miami se condena golpe de Estado en Venezuela  ALIANZA M
Neo-mach   'Not all women'   Miguel Lorente
CULT    Kant   ¿El derecho contra la economía?  Miguel León Pérez
ALC      Venezuela y la conciencia latinoamericana  Cristóbal León
            Guatemala: la mafia contraataca  Sandra Weiss
            Honduras  Mujeres siguen luchando y resistiendo Giorgio Trucchi
            VEN Caricaturesca intervención EU en Am Lat  Carlos Debiasi
            ARG Laura Marrone "Nos quitan la luz, el gas y la escuel noctur"
            COL  Hablemos de terrorismo   Carlos Meneses
VEN     Guaidó, fantoche del siglo XXI  Manuel Cabieses
Mund  La red global del comercio de armas (II)  Agustín Velloso
MEX    EZLN: reconocimiento solidario  Gilberto López
            Reformis, anticapitalis y socialistas (y III)  Gmo  Almeyra
Cuba   El socialismo de ellos  Miguel Alejandro Hayes



Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..

Programs    Britain Plan A, Plan B

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