sábado, 19 de enero de 2019


ND JAN 19 19  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Here is the schedule that JPMorgan says "traders tape to their screens, blogs and email chains": the complete QT calendar consisting of past and projected Fed Balance sheet QT periods.
See Chart:
To sea other charts on US Economic situation today.. OPEN:

ETF DEFINITION or Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) An ETF, or exchange-traded fund, is a marketable security that tracks a stock index, a commodity, bonds, or a basket of assets. ... The price of an ETF's shares will change throughout the day as they are bought and sold. Source: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/etf.asp

Short News:

FREE stock and ETF analysis like you've never seen! A full analysis of 8 key fundamental metrics.
[[ You can open this site but there is a WARNING NOT to: Search other ETF-a ]]

Good news related to ttrade:

"Expanding growth is bullish. Slowing growth is bullish too. Got it..."
See Chart:
CEO Confidence

Markets are back inside the consolidation range they broke below last December. What crash? What correction? It’s as if nothing has happened. But actually a lot has happened.
SEE Chart:
Earning Expectations have crumbled

See Chart:
See more Charts at:

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

Distrust growth UP bet Dems-Geopis.  Both are finance by big-evil Corp & serve them

"...his proposal is a compilation of several previously rejected initiatives, each of which is unacceptable and in total, do not represent a good faith effort to restore certainty to people's lives."

Nothing “curious”: Trump plans for WW3 are open.. He could use ‘impeach’ as pretext. The worse: Dems are OK with WW3 too. Anti-RU press-prop.. say so. T-Govt-shut-d: the same

"The neocon survival and rejuvenation is particularly astonishing in that they have been wrong about virtually everyt hing,most notably the catastrophic Iraq War..."
[[ WW3 can be stopped for huge MOV of people in favor of PEACE & nuke-dismant]

T-buying the corrupt Pelosi is not a Prob.. The problem is the Wall-intention: avoid the invasion of Mexican & Central Americans to rescue their land stolen many years ago. Current US state in the South will join them to create a real united independent N-S Americ region.

"deal" or "no deal"...?

"Not everything needs to turn into a nationwide systemic problem when the federal government encounters a political impasse. We ought to take steps now to limit the damage the feds can do."

[[ This will be part of SOLUT to NO-WW3 and NO-stupid RACIST WALL agst Latinos]]

Infecting Guatemalan hookers with sexually transmitted diseases was one of many eugenic programs the US government conducted during the 1940s...

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

The question heading into 2019 has always been "how much" and "how fast" the US economy is going to slow down, as opposed to the "if" question. Here are three possible scenarios.

"Yes, a government that issues its own currency can pay its bills. But piling up debt for no urgent reason is lunacy..."

A ESTE SUJETO  Michael Strain le pagaron para decir una tonteria sobre Ocasio Cortez, lo que no afecta en absoluto su objetivo de fondo. A Ocasio Cortez decía  “estamos mas cerca de lo que se cree cuando decimos que ciertas agencias de Estado pueden ser rápidamente convertidas en instrumentos a favor del pueblo, dentro de una perspectiva socialista”. Restaurar el balance capital-labor es el objetivo y asi lo hizo el mismo Lenin con la NEP en RU y  FDR en America con los New DEALS.

Michael Strain –el autor de este Art-, y varios de Bloomberg simpatizan a destiempo con la tesis Keynesiana de que hay que estimular el SPENDING (a) del labor o consumidor directo hasta convertirlo en un esclavo de las deudas. (b) estimular tambien el spending del Gbno en fabricacion de WMD y generando guerras genocidas abroad (tenemos cientos de bases militares que ya no podemos financiar y que no sirven para nada sino para asesinar pueblos inocentes y hasta asesinarse ellos mismo como ocurrió recientemente). (C) estimular tambien el spending de inversores privados (no del Cap productivo sino del especulador del WS) y alli los tenemos saciando su glutonny a mas no poder, con los inversores del Mil-Indust-Complex a la cabeza y a otros que recibieron QEs, bail-outs  (dinero regalado para reciclar el USD con grandes corp a nivel mundial). A estos no les interesa America ni la inversion productiva y son los 1ros que se estan yendo de America. Finalmente (d) tenemos el  llamado balance NX: rate de exportac favorables a nivel mundial y ya no podemos vender ni siquiera los carros Ford que nos dieron vida las 2 1ra decadas del siglo pasado. Fuimos en cambio “nacionalistas” como Musolini de Italia y peor quiza pues desafiamos a China que nos estaba dando vida economica con su trade. Ese fue un fracaso horrible del que no podemos salir hoy. Todo esto es lo que oculta Bloomberg –salvo contadas excepciones en las que no esta Michael Strain- La mayoria de estos dedica sus cantos de  sirena a realzar la politica Econ de Trump y ocultar la  debacle económica a la que nos estamos hundiendo.

Y esa es una forma de ocultar el WW3 que stupidamente creemos solucionara nuestros problemas. Lo cierto es que si hay WW3 no habrá vencedores y los pueblos de America y el mundo serán las 1ras victimas. 

"Yes, a government that issues its own currency can pay its bills. But piling up debt for no urgent reason is lunacy..."
Read this:
If you thought from the start that the whole idea sounded like lunacy, you were right, even if it’s possible to admit some sliver of sympathy for it. So why is MMT, as it is known for short, generating such intense interest now?

The bedrock observation of MMT is correct: Any government that issues its own currency can always pay its bills. This observation allows policy makers to show less concern about the budget deficit than is typically the case.

In my reading, this is about all that can be said favorably regarding modern monetary theory. As a political program, the observation that a government issuing its own fiat currency can’t involuntarily default — an observation with which mainstream economists largely agree — has been used to advocate for extremely expensive spending policies, including a universal jobs guarantee and single-payer health care. There’s no need, some MMT advocates argue, to let paying for these proposals through tax increases get in the way of enacting them; government can just increase the deficit.

So what does MMT have to say about inflation when it does materialize? Since under MMT the central bank is responsible for financing government programs through printing money, it falls to the institution with authority over tax and budget policy — the U.S. Congress — to make sure prices are stable by raising taxes and moving the budget deficit into surplus. As part of a series of columns last year for Bloomberg Opinion, leading MMT exponent Stephanie Kelton called on fiscal policy, not the Federal Reserve, to manage the business cycle.

But it is extremely difficult to imagine Congress responding to an overheating economy by legislating tax increases. If anything, the opposite is easier to imagine: When households are being hit with price increases, the natural inclination of an elected representative might be to increase their disposable income by lowering taxes, not raising them.

But tax policy changes the way income is distributed across households — the after-tax income of high-earning households is reduced, and households to which income is redistributed see increases — and Veuger argues that for this reason it should not be conducted by an agency that is independent of politics.
Monetary policy also has distributional implications. For example, low interest rates are good for borrowers but bad for savers.

We typically think of inflation as being generated from an overheating economy with excess demand. But prices can also rise because it has become more expensive for businesses to produce goods and services. For example, this situation could occur if the price of oil were to increase rapidly — the economy could experience stagnation and inflation at the same time.

In this scenario, MMT seems to call for tax increases in order to restrain inflation. But the economy is already slowing. Raising taxes would only make a downturn worse, increasing unemployment and further slowing the economy.

Modern monetary theory is seductive in its promises and, occasionally, in its observations. But if enacted it could cause great harm to the U.S. economy. Like Medusa, it may seem beautiful. But if you look it in the eye you will turn to stone. 

US-W ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

"No one wins" says Moscow.

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos


ECOL   Planeta en crisis: El calentamiento nos invade  Dahr Jamail
PAL      Quién quemó a Sondos y sus niños?  Muhammad Makram
USA     Racismo en: una historia de dos Kings  Amy G y Denis M
            Modelo brexit "menos malo" para el laborismo  Owen Jones
            Legado de Rosa Luxemburg a los que aún resisten  R Zibechi
ALC      Panamá   Una bomba de tiempo de mecha corta  J E Stoute
            Amazonía en peligro   El pulmón puede tener cáncer  JGP
            BRA:  Un soldado al servicio del tío Sam"  L F y Nina Fideles
            Chile: Frente Amplio: balance crítico y desafíos de urgen OM
Ecua    Perspectiva ecuatoriana  Estos 60 de Cuba  Juan Montaño
Cuba   El problema   Alina B. López Hernández
COL     Por qué Paula es una perla negra  Julia Chacón


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..


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