martes, 29 de enero de 2019


See at the end of this art my answer to this Qt.


Hugo Adan  JAN 29 2019

Let’s start with a simple fact: What if you were assaulted in streets and rob all the salaries of the month to feed your Kids. And what if you have an arm with you? Of course you wait for the first chance to shoot them. An what if your arm is not a 22 nor 35, but a 45 caliber gun.. of course you will kill them. You will get you money back and smoke away from that place. And what if your gun is not registered in your name but in the name of your ex-husband?  He may be incriminated & accuse you of taking his gun.  Legal issues depends on Lawyers.. you will say.. that is true.

But this is not a simple story of rats (Guaidoo) and sharks (US-UK). The US is planning to frozen all accounts of VEN in foreign Banks of allies and they start imposing sanctions on VEN oil Co PDVSA and CITGO, su filial en EE.UU.  Read this: Guaidó ordena la toma "progres y ordena" de activos de Ven en el exterior   and this: Washington otorga a Juan Guaidó el control de los activos del Gobierno venezolano en los bancos de EE.UU.  Con la toma CITGO,  dijo Maduro  "pretenden robarnos la empresa Citgo a todos los venezolanos" All of this as part of the strategy to take out Maduro & transfer the power to Juan Guaido.

US sanctions on VEN are no new and they didn’t affect Maduro system of power,  but the current one was brutal and it paid off in part of VEN people. How it happens,  thanks to private control of mass –media and open riots paid by NED (Nation Endowm for Dem) Read: The Dirty Hand of the N E for D (NED) in Venezuela  By Eva Golinger.  So, people in Streets were blaming socialism over high food costs, empty grocery stores, medicine shortages, and throwing garbage bins on streets. These paid riots didn’t blame US sanctions but the assumed failure of socialism. Regarding the other shark: Britain. They are demanding  to confiscate the gold of VEN deposited in Bank of England (BANK OF ENGLAND URGED TO HAND OVER VENEZUELA'S GOLD TO GUAIDÓ) . It is done.  

Of course VEN is responding and today –in a tit for tat- the International media announced:  Venezuela's Prosecutor General Asks Supreme Court to Ban Guaido From Leaving Country, Block His Accounts.  The most interesting thing is that some people paid by NED are denouncing the institution that convert them into mercenaries against their National sovereignty. The worse: two of them sword to kill Guaido. What if this happens?  Bolton already said that “Habra  "respuesta signific" a cualquier acción violenta en Ven en referencia a Guaido. Y anuncio ademas el envio de "5,000 TROOPS TO COLOMBIA" TO QUELL VENEZUELA CRISIS? . Bolton is sin duda the main Shark in the attak to VEN y la rata Guaido un simple peon descartable.

So the key Qt is: What could happen if  an ex –mercenary of  NED kills Guaido? .. The answer from Bolton will be the military attack of VEN.  And of course Bolton will be responsible for initiating WW3 and since Bolton is the main advisor of Trump,  the US Presid will be also involve in genocide and war crimes.. He is already involved in crimes against humanity (the kids of migrants). All this is more than enough for impeachment and to take both out of the White House.   

But people already think that this is not a simple story of rats and sharks. It is not either a naked plunder of a developing Nation.. Many people is thinking  that it is a calculated crime of an entire nation deprived from food while is captured and jailed under the net of the Empire terrorism. A US veteran of war said that all the sanctions is more than a declaration of war against VEN and if they have arms, they have the right to defend themselves and RU-Chi –the assumed donor of nuke missiles- have the obligation to support Ven, or they will incur in treason.  

A Prof in the Univ of Pittsburgh said that we are arriving to the final point of abuses of our Empire.. what is been done with VEN could happen to whatever other nation of the world. Many other Prof lead by Noam Chomsky demanded the immediate stop of US attacks on Ven… We are one step close to WW3 and if we don’t stop the rulers of the US .. our whole nation will suffer the consequences.

 VEN rulers has been said clear: “preferimos morir luchando que vivir de rodillas”. They are not going to put their head under the guillotine for the executer to cut their neck.  It is clear then that they will launch their missiles to several military post in the US (collateral damage to civilians are expected, as happen in all wars).  “They wanted war, they will have it”, said Maduro.  This will be the start of WW3 and RU-China will be forced to help under the penalty of treason.  At the end, the UN INTERNATIONAL  ASSEMBLY if called (the US of course will oppose) will be convinced that the US started WW3 with the Econ terrorism on VEN.

Articulos in Spanish (Rebelion, Alai-Net y RT en Español) ask the QT what will happen if VEN in self-defense hit US Military stations with their missiles? Such  Qt depart from the thesis that there is Not sense to repeat the experience of the missile crisis in Cuba during the 1960. There won’t be negotiation to take out VEN missiles this time. The life of an entire nation is under threat with US-UK Econ terrorism and they have the right to respond, people said. So, VEN has the right to respond and that will be the end of nuke threats & blackmails. Most art in Spanish concluded in this perspective.

If the US  respond to VEN –as expected-,  RU-China will have the chance of wipe out 4 to 6  international points used to blackmail them. NATO will disappear, but  Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) will prevail: not winners, only world destruction. The survival nations, if any, will construct a new International  institution instead of the UN, it will be a coalition of nations against any empire.


In the part of US, there is only one solution: NOT INTEREFERENCE IN DOMESTIC AFFAIRS of VEN. That means

1-      1-Not imposition of new election in 8 days as demanded by US  in UNSC.
2-     2- Disasemble all Econ power gave to Guaido by Bolton. 
3-      3-Return the VEN gold from the BANK OF ENGLAND.
4-      4-Dismantle the NED

In the Part of VEN:
1-     1- Re-define the State System and Democ procedure to empower all political groups and their  right to participate in Free Elections (New electoral rules).
2-     2- Protect the life of Guaido inside VEN (his life has been threat by 2 ex-NED mercenaries). If the Court decide to put him in jail, protect their life inside jail. He must not abandon VEN.  
3-      3-VEN  has the right to possess Missiles until the UN National Assembly decides how to proceed with NUKE DISASE MBLE worldwide.
4-      4-Re-open diplomatic and friendly relation with the US.

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