sábado, 12 de enero de 2019

JAN 12 19 SIT EC y POL

JAN 12 19  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

This could create huge headaches for investors, business-owners and policy makers...

For equity market bulls, Friday's CPI data couldn't have been more of a gift if the report came wrapped up with a bow. Falling neatly in line with the market's expectations, headline core inflation downshifted to 1.9%, the weakest reading since August 2017. Even more importantly, relenting price pressures sent one of the most widely watched inflation gauges back below the Fed's 2% Maginot Line, handing the "data dependent" central bank more justification to put off hiking rates until H2.
See Chart:

But as is often the case with US data - particularly measures of inflation which chronically under-represent the true level of inflation in the economy, as we have explained in the past - the devil is in the details. And Friday's print was no exception.
To wit: While headline inflation slipped, the subindex for full-service food and snacks - which represents the costs of dining at full-service restaurants - climbed 0.5%, its largest month-over-month increase since 2011.

So why the reason for the divergence?
See Chart:

Particularly considering that the cost of food - which, as we understand it, is the primary product sold at restaurants - remains below its levels from the beginning of 2018.
See Chart:

Here's a summary of Devonshire's summary conclusions:
  • US official CPI calculation is governed, and possibly distorted, by numerous and complex technical decisions
  • Inflation reporting is less a measure of purchasing power (and therefore a financial tool), and  increasingly a process of affecting macro-economic policies (and therefore a policy lever)
  • Real gross domestic product (GDP) measures, yield curves, and treasury issued inflation protected securities (e.g. TIPS), government and union / minimum wages all rely on official US inflation indices that are subject to these distortions
  • Most financial, wealth management models rely on a price stability assumption and default to 3% inflation input – what would happen to these models if the true value was closer to 7-11%?
  • If we re-compute a purchasing power CPI, de-sensationalize contrarian reporting, and remain disinterested with modern economic policies, we arrive at a 7-9% practical CPI rate over the past decade
  • This has profound implications on reported vs. actual standard of living, and might explain the rapid appreciation of American consumer debt, potential reduction in perceived vs. reported quality of life, not to mention unexpected political trends
  • Post-1990 inflation of 7-9%, not 3% would also suggest near “bubble-like” conditions exist across many consumer sectors
* * *
For anybody who doubts the CPI's importance as a policy-setting tool, consider the following comments made Thursday (a day before the latest CPI print) by Fed Vice Chairman Richard Clarida, who hinted that the recent "slowing" in inflation had lessened the pressure on the Fed to raise interest rates (according to the median projections in the central bank's latest "dot plot", Fed policymakers anticipated in December that the central bank would hike rates only two times next year, down from three previously, while expectations for the long-run terminal rate declined to 2.8%, from 3%).

Clarida said in a speech on Thursday that “inflation has surprised to the downside recently, and it is not yet clear that inflation has moved back” to the central bank’s goal on a sustainable basis.
Despite the various sub-indexes published to give investors a more comprehensive breakdown of where pricing pressures are showing up in the economy, the methods used to boil all of this down into a headline number - which is often all anybody looks at - remain surprisingly opaque.
Which means the data are much more prone to manipulation than many might understand.

"Those short-vol products, those VIX ETPs, the weak hands of the table, that was just the first phase of what is going to be a multi-year cycle and rebalance in the vol regime as many of these institutional short volatility strategies come unwound...."
Listen to the full interview below:
Short news:
"...many growth stories priced for future perfection may continue to rely on private capital to avoid pricing in the new reality..."
America's energy policy blunders are nowhere more obvious than in the shale oil space, where it's finally dawning on folks that these wells are going to produce a lot less than advertised...

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

"Krugman’s academic research pinpointed the optimal tax rate on high earners to be more than 80%... So, Ocasio-Cortez’s proposal doesn’t go far enough to produce economic salvation for the masses..."

"The anti-war Democrat gaslit themselves into ignoring or forgiving their president’s expansion of George W Bush’s wars, aided by a corporate media which marginalized, justified, and often outright ignored Obama’s horrifying military expansionism."

"There is one main issue that is central to the rest, and that is the issue of war and peace."

"...add these and a few other negative feedback loops together, and you get a societal breakdown that’s being reflected on big screens and small..."

"Americans like to imagine ourselves as rough-hewn, freedom-loving, don't-tread-on-me rebels. But after decades of corruption and conditioning... today’s Americans may well be among the most docile people on earth."

[[ Help to put him down 1st… Then the answer could be: QUE SE VAYAN TODOS! ]]

"I offer here an idea to drive a stake into the heart of the ruling elite while requiring no effort, no rallies, no demonstrations and no violence..."

"...supporters of the status quo are likely to respond that the TSA 'keeps us safe' [[ safe from what?.. from the terrorism  we practice with our Saudi friends ]] and only a federalized version of airport security can work... Unfortunately, for them, there is no evidence to support this position..."

[[ The main reason to abolish TSA is ACOSO SEXUAL as defined by Marianne Leyton. Or read what Bety Friedman –the founder of NOW (Net Org for Women)- said on this regard. UNESCO took her suggestion & said that ‘acoso sexual’ is a kind of violence against women. So “los pajeros del TSA” can be put in Court & send to prison. ]] 
US-W ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

It's our concern that "American service members not be put in jeopardy, especially by a NATO ally." 
[[ Does Putin will trust the worse war-monger in the US?.. I guess he may say: take your troops out of Syria and Asap, if you really interested in US soldiers.. he may not say it.. but..  Meanwhile, you can take ABC lessons on Geo-political chess-game.. CHESS not checkers. ]]

Worst... Putin Puppet... Ever...
Ahora ellos son la amenaza mundial.. para la jauría de Trump

"the global liberal order is under threat

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3

Para evitar diseminen la plaga –no fumigarlos- pero encerrarlos con una muralla de acero: T
Mexican Police Discover Third Drug Tunnel Near Arizona Border  Pedira T 1 muralla subterranea para que no cruzen nuestros financistas de las drogas a Mex?
Airlines of UAE, Oman, Bahrain Preparing to Resume Flights to Damascus Por que el imperialism Sirio funciona y el nuestro NO, se pregunta T.  Porque el de ellos no es imperialism.. es solidaridad.. idiot  
Detras del mas machista siempre hay ‘el otro sexo’ decía una francesa y también un Americano:  Mencken HL: “In Defense of Women”

Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos


CULT      El orden reina en Berlín   Rosa Luxemburg
MEX       EZLN: 25 años de lucha anticapitalista  Gilberto López
                Reformistas, anticapit y socialistas (I)   Gmo Almeyra
Chile     La real interferencia de la ultraderecha   Ricardo Candia
ECON    Huele la comida contaminada a libertad?  Paul Krugman
Peru      Por elección universal de jueces y fiscales  César Zelada
Franc     La dictadura perfecta  Jose Francisco Fernández
Cuba      Debates de la década de los 60 en Cuba  Martagloria M


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..

Programs    US A miserable defeat  in Syria

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