viernes, 1 de junio de 2018

MAY 31 18 SIT EC y POL

MAY 31 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

International debacle continue:

As if the market needed something else to spur volatility, The Bank of Japan chose tonight to cut the size of its purchases of 5-to-10 year JGBs (from 450bn to 430bn yen).
See Chart:

Bloomberg's Mark Cranfield notes that the BoJ's timing coincides with the JGB contract trading near the top end of its range for this year, which suggests net market positioning had been skewed long.
SEE Chart

After two consecutive and not immaterial misses,  and 6 misses in the past 8 months, it's about time for a solid payrolls "beat", even if nobody cares anymore about the number of part-time waiter and bartender jobs created
See Chart:

Finally, via Goldman, here are some bullish, bearish and neutral considerations ahead of tomorrow's report:
See Chart:

"At some point the process of kicking the can down the road will meet its inevitable conclusion in this game of chicken as consumers continue to leverage themselves to extremes and neglect to save in order to support their standard of living..."
See Chart:

But even that measure of disposable personal incomes in deceiving because the top 20% of wage earners overly skew the data versus the bottom 80%. For the bottom 80% of income earners, disposable incomes are actually more disappointing.
See Chart:

But even for those who are making ends meet, they aren’t saving either. Northwestern Mutual’s 2018 Planning & Progress Study, which surveyed 2,003 adults, found that 21% of Americans have nothing saved at all for their golden years, and a third of Americans have less than $5,000. To put that into perspective, it means that 31% of U.S. adults could last only a few months on their savings if they had to retire tomorrow.
See Chart:

Only So Much To Go Around
Of course, when the consumer is under pressure at home, they eventually must reduce consumption. The chart below shows inflation-adjusted oil prices as compared to inflation-adjusted disposable personal income and oil prices. Since oil prices are a direct input cost to so many different aspects of the daily lives of the average “American,” price spikes in oil have a very real impact on the way that consumers “feel” about their ability to make ends meet.
See Chart:

"Today, systemic risk is more dangerous than ever. Too-big-to-fail banks are bigger than ever, have a larger percentage of the total assets of the banking system and have much larger derivatives books."

The next crisis could well begin in the private bank debt market. The specific culprit is a kind of debt called “contingent convertible” debt or CoCos
See Chart:

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

For the first time ever, China has overtaken America
 in healthy life expectancy at birth...

"The problem is, we aren’t free and haven’t been for quite some time. And no matter who gets elected, we get more police, more violence, more 'criminals', and higher taxes."

US-WW ISSUES (World & War):  M-East .. plus
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"The writing is now indisputably on the wall: The Syrian regime is going nowhere." - The Washington Post

"These moves are subtle.  They operate below the headlines in the practical world of actual markets, not the avaricious dreams of Certified Crazy People like John Bolton, Mike Pompeo and Nikki Haley."
US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..News

Keiser Report   Episode 1234   Max and Stacy discuss high prices in ‘Scamville’ where consumer debt is on course to hit $4 trillion by the end of 2018. They also discuss United Health Group. In the second-half of the show Max interviews Seth Shapiro of Alpha Networks on his platform

Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

ECON    Negocio con las enfermedades humanas   Hedelberto López
UE          Italia: cuestión de fe  Gorka Larrabeiti
P-Or-p  -- El castillo de naipes saudí   Madawi al-Rasheed
Cult        - Diez días de un siglo siguen estremeciendo el mundo    S López
ECOL      - -Compromiso por naturaleza  Mariela Lanza
                - proyecto levanta sospechas de intereses petrol en Baleares Lucía V
                - tratados contra la vida: no son impactos, es el sistema  Amaia P
OPIN     - -Neoliberalismo dogmas y alternativas  Aldo Fabián Hernández
                -Nicaragua   La eclosión social de los jóvenes  Francisco Ramirez
                -Macri vetó ley del Congreso y  se viene el paro general  Rodolfo Koé
Mund    - US y UE aplican sanciones imperiales al mundo  Diego Olivera
MEX       - Un izquierdista muy cerca de la presidencia  Gerardo Villagrán
                - Las zapatistas: rebeldes entre los rebeldes  Blanca Juárez
                - Fraude electoral en tres tiempos  Miguel Ángel Ferrer
USA       - -Niños y la migra   David Brooks
Cuba      - Apuntes sobre Cuba  Guillermo Almeyra
                -Posada Carriles: al servicio de Washington  Atilio A. Boron
COL        -Petro, Duque y Colombia   Narciso Isa Conde
                     - Encrucijada histórica   Alberto Bejarano Ávila
                       - Marx en Venezuela y el FMI en  Argentina   Paula Klachko
                      - Por qué el cartel de Lima ignora su propia ignoranc? J Ch García
"Nos encontramos en el ocaso del imperio"   y ES TRISTE AQUÍ pues vivo en el US

Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Fact, Wishfull Thinking Or Just Propaganda?
In Syria, Putin and Netanyahu Were on the Same Side All Along  By Anshel Pfeffer   Continue
Miles de migrantes judios Rusos viven en ISR y Putin prefiere se negocie paz entre ISR- Iran-Siria
Syria's Assad: Improving Air Defenses to Stop Israeli Strikes, Ready to Confront U.S. Troops
Must Watch Interview 
Apoyo Ruso a la auto-defenza Siria-Iran es innegable.   Continue
The Purpose Of The Babchenko Hoax  By Moon Of Alabama    Continue

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global situation described by Iranian observers..


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