domingo, 3 de junio de 2018


JUN 3 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

The market continues to tread water currently. The current question is whether it can keep its head above water until it is rescued, or will fatigue finally drag it under...

See Chart:

The good news is that we did gain a VERY small bit of ground over Friday’s close, but not much.
There wasn’t any “bad news,” so to speak, so the “mediocre” news is that despite the solid rise in the markets from Tuesday’s low, we remain very range bound between the 100-dma and the closing highs over the last couple of weeks as shown below. The tan shaded area is the current consolidation process from the March highs.
See Chart:

HOWEBER  our current equity exposure remains under strict guidelines:
  • Overweight cash in portfolios as the “risk” of a failure has not been absolved as of yet,
  • Positions are carrying a “tighter than normal” stop-loss level, and;
  • We will quickly add negative hedges as necessary on any failure of support. 

In last week’s missive I updated our “pathway analysis” for the current changes to date.
See Chart:

Historically, sharply rising rates have been a catalyst for a debt-related crisis. As long as everything remains within the expected ranges, the complicated “math” behind trillions of dollars worth of financial instruments function properly. It is when those boundaries are broken that things “go wrong” and quickly so.
In just 365-days, Bear Stearns stock went from $159 to $2, with about half of the loss occurring within a few weeks.
See Chart:

Bear Stearns was the warning shot for the financial markets in early 2008 that no one heeded. Within a couple of months, the markets dismissed Bear Stearns as a “non-event” and rallied to a higher level than prior to the event, and almost back to highs for the year.

Remember, there was “nothing to worry about” at the time, even though the Fed was increasing interest rates, as the “Goldilocks economy” could handle tighter monetary policy. Sure, housing had been slowing down, mortgage delinquencies were rising, along with credit card defaults, but there wasn’t much concern.

Importantly, our current equity exposure remains under strict guidelines:
  • Overweight cash in portfolios as the “risk” of a failure has not been absolved as of yet,
  • Positions are carrying a “tighter than normal” stop-loss level, and;
  • We will quickly add negative hedges as necessary on any failure of support. 

In last week’s missive I updated our “pathway analysis” for the current changes to date
See Chart:

Today, we are seeing similar signs.
Interest rates are rising, along with delinquencies, defaults, and a slowing housing market. But no one is concerned as the “Goldilocks economy” can clearly offset these mild risks. And no one is paying attention to, what I believe to be, one of the biggest risks to the global financial markets – Deutsche Bank. 
See Chart

Despite the improvement of the markets on Friday, there has been little done to solve the issues that plagued the market this week.
  • Italy is still a problem
  • The elected officials in both Spain and Italy are not particularly “EU” friendly with both recent appointments primarily anti-establishment officials. 
  • The “Trade War” is just starting to heat up with tariffs begin levied on multiple countries and products.
  • China is still a “wild card” in the current negotiations.
  • Deutsche Bank, as discussed below, is a major issue of concern.
  • Fed continues to tighten monetary policy despite signs rates are already becoming problematic.

I suspect these issues will likely bubble to the surface again over the next several weeks.

As noted above, we are still giving a 70% weighting to a more bullish outcome for our holdings. While there are those who wish to focus on the other 30% and proclaim we are bearish, I assure you we are not.
However, when it comes to investing, and the financial markets, nothing is a certainty. Disregarding the potential for a negative outcome layers excessive risk into portfolios which can damage long-term returns. As I penned previously:

“It should be obvious that an honest assessment of uncertainty leads to better decisions, but the benefits of Rubin’s approach, and mine, goes beyond that. For starters, although it may seem contradictory, embracing uncertainty reduces risk while denial increases it. Another benefit of acknowledged uncertainty is it keeps you honest.

Oh, and just one last chart. During 2007, and into 2008, the S&P 500 traded sideways in a 150-point range. That range was extended to 300-points before the crash actually occurred.
See Chart:

This is probably a good time to review the 15-risk management rules we employ in our process.
While our fundamental, economic and price analysis forms the backdrop of overall risk exposure and asset allocation, the following rules are the “control boundaries” for all specific actions.

  1. Cut losers short and let winner’s run. (Be a scale-up buyer into strength.)
  2. Set goals and be actionable. (Without specific goals, trades become arbitrary and increase overall portfolio risk.)
  3. Emotionally driven decisions void the investment process.  (Buy high/sell low)
  4. Follow the trend. (80% of portfolio performance is determined by the long-term, monthly, trend. While a “rising tide lifts all boats,” the opposite is also true.)
  5. Never let a “trading opportunity” turn into a long-term investment. (Refer to rule #1. All initial purchases are “trades,” until your investment thesis is proved correct.)
  6. An investment discipline does not work if it is not followed.
  7. “Losing money” is part of the investment process. (If you are not prepared to take losses when they occur, you should not be investing.)
  8. The odds of success improve greatly when the fundamental analysis is confirmed by the technical price action. (This applies to both bull and bear markets)
  9. Never, under any circumstances, add to a losing position. (As Paul Tudor Jones once quipped: “Only losers add to losers.”)
  10. Market are either “bullish” or “bearish.” During a “bull market” be only long or neutral. During a “bear market”be only neutral or short. (Bull and Bear markets are determined by their long-term trend as shown in the chart below.)
  11. When markets are trading at, or near, extremes do the opposite of the “herd.”
  12. Do more of what works and less of what doesn’t. (Traditional rebalancing takes money from winners and adds it to losers. Rebalance by reducing losers and adding to winners.)
  13. “Buy” and “Sell” signals are only useful if they are implemented. (Managing a portfolio without a “buy/sell” discipline is designed to fail.)
  14. Strive to be a .700 “at bat” player. (No strategy works 100% of the time. However, being consistent, controlling errors, and capitalizing on opportunity is what wins games.)
  15. Manage risk and volatility. (Controlling the variables that lead to investment mistakes is what generates returns as a byproduct.)

Everyone approaches money management differently. This is just how we do it.

"It is essential that we freeze all discretionary spending to ensure we can support the crucial functions that keep the state operating..."

As we noted in March, New Jersey's fiscal situation is so dire that new Governor Phil Murphy has proposed taxing online-room booking, ride-sharing, marijuana, e-cigarettes and Internet transactions along with raising taxes on millionaires and retail sales to fund a record $37.4 billion budget that would boost spending on schools, pensions and mass transit.
The proposal which is 4.2% higher than the current fiscal year’s, relies on a tax for the wealthiest that is so unpopular it not only has yet to be approved, but also lacks support from key Democrats in the legislature, let alone Republicans. It also reverses pledges from Murphy’s predecessor, Republican Chris Christie, to lower taxes in a state where living costs are already among the nation’s highest.
See Map
NJ Composite Cost of Living

[ Which State is next? ]
Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

"It is unlikely that the White House can convince trading partners that tariff threats are credible without also convincing financial markets."

“Construction and maintenance will be funded by private donations and no taxpayer money will go to the foundation”? That’s what an Obama Foundation spokesperson said.

US-WW ISSUES (World & War):  M-East .. plus
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"If the U.S. rolls out trade measures including tariffs, all the agreements reached in the negotiations won’t take effect."

"It is undeniable that… there are soldiers that are stationed there and there are weapons that are deployed there. It is a symbol of China’s sovereignty. The weapons have been deployed for national defense."

“This change allowed the government to get hold of the under-the-mattress gold to help stabilise the banks and the underlying economy,”


US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..News

NATO stations to be wiped out world-wide if WW3 breaks.. Starting in ISR and COL
Only international  currency for trade & banking will stop cryto currencies.. it is up to IMF-reformed

Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

VSur      -Cuadernos-Post crisis 8: Devaluación salarial  Albert Recio
                -Bégica. Fondos Buitre: Victoria total contra NML Capital  CADTM
                - Amércica Latina: a 50 años del mayo francés  Elizabeth Jelin
                -Ent a G.Belli: “En estos días vimos  que se perdió el miedo”  V A
                -fusión nuclear: ¿energía del futuro?  D Jassby y R Goldston 
                -[[ En el calor de hoy cualquier árbol seco del pasado da sombra ]]
                -Francia: Los claroscuros de la movilización  Léon Crémieux
                Irlanda: Referéndum: una gran victoria  Penélope Duggan
                Elecc en Turquía Como un robo durante incendio  Emre Öngün
                [[ Si es asi: a España lo desvalijaron desde que se ejecutó a F Franco
y ya no quedo nada para los nuevos bribones de la seudo-democ ]]

China replica a EE.UU. y lo acusa de "coacción"  Lease blakmail , arsonimo o Chantaje
Los 10 Ejércitos más poderosos [[ Hoy en crisis y a punto de cruzar la línea roja del MAD ]]
Los 5 ejércitos más poderosos de Am Lat  [[ Mas grande.. mas pobreza para el pueblo ]]
                China advierte a US contra una guerra comercial [[ No necesita del US le basta Pacto Shang ]
                Keiser Report   "El yihadismo del mercado"

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


Global situation described by Iranian observers..



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