miércoles, 6 de junio de 2018


JUN 6 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

THE US  Economic collapse’ process:

Everything is awesome again...
The S&P 500's dip negative around 11ET (right around the European Close) was met with a wall of buying, until Europe actually closed at 1130 then stocks went sideways. until around 1400ET (after Trump's NAFTA comments), US equities were panic-bid... Even Trannies gained despite oil's weakness... The Dow (breaking above 25k) led the markets today (thanks to BA, GS, and UNH)
See Chart:

VIX tumbled to an 11 handle...
See Chart:

For the first time since Feb 1st, RVX/VIX (Russell 2000 VIX / S&P 500 VIX) ratio rose above 1.2 - the 85-day stretch below that level is the longest in history...
See Chart:

And the yield curve steepened a little more...back to Memorial Day levels...
See Chart:

The Dollar Index tumbled early on but once again found support...
See Chart:

The Gold/Silver ratio tumbled today to its lowest since Feb 1st
See Chart:

And silver's relative outperformance of oil has sent the ratio notably lower..
See Chart:

But while The Dow hits 3-month highs, once again, the SMART money ain't buying it...
See Chart:

"We're going to get a synchronized global dynamic, but it won't be 'growth' and stability, it will be DeGrowth and instability..."
In terms of Stockman:

RELATED 2:  More clearly..  or..  buen sarcasmo

The only question: why did Trump not tweet about this in advance?

"US high yield debt has grown larger and riskier since the financial crisis. The combination of lower ratings and covenant-lite lending points to the next downturn being longer and having lower recoveries with over $500 billion of defaults likely. "

Whilst the timing of a downturn in high yield debt isn’t predictable, the outcomes when it does happen are. More debt, of lower quality, with weaker covenants means the coming downturn will be bigger, longer and uglier. A quick review of some key data makes this clear.
Firstly, the size of the US high yield bond market and leveraged loan market are both close to double what they were in 2007.
See Chart:

Not only is the debt outstanding larger, but the credit ratings have shifted downwards on leveraged loans. Lower credit ratings mean a higher percentage of the outstanding debt will default when liquidity dries up.
See Chart:

The other key indicator to watch is the share of the loan market that has weak covenants. In 2007, 17% of outstanding loans were covenant-lite. Today it’s over 75% with over 80% of new issuance lacking decent covenant protections. Weak covenants delay the occurrence of an event of default, which allows zombie companies to continue operating until they either exhaust their cash reserves or cannot refinance maturing debt.
See Charts:

Interest coverage ratios are also benefitting from two deviances from historical levels. Libor has been low but is now on an upward path. For companies that have hedged, either via interest rate swaps or by issuing fixed rate debt, their protection will last for a time. For those with floating rate debt and no interest rate swaps their interest coverage ratios will generally have started to fall already due to higher Libor.
See Chart:

US high yield debt has grown larger and riskier since the financial crisis. The combination of lower ratings and covenant-lite lending points to the next downturn being longer and having lower recoveries with over $500 billion of defaults likely. Investors are currently receiving minimal spread over historical average loss levels making the status quo an unattractive position. Switching to cash, de-risking portfolios or changing sectors are all legitimate ways to reposition portfolios with a view to reinvesting at lower prices in the medium term.

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo


As the global war on cash continues to accelerate, outspoken libertarian Ron Paul summarizes the effort to eliminate cash perfectly - as an “attack on individual freedom.”

Watch the complete interview, which includes an extensive discussion of economic issues and the Federal Reserve, here:

So we know how is hurt by the cashless society, consider now who is gaining from this war on cash.
The banks, of course, are charging as many fees as they can think of. More importantly, your cash card leaves a wide data trail detailing your buying preferences, used by merchants and advertisers to entice you into more buying. How convenient. These thoughtful companies even offer reward points every time you use the card. Cash offers the ultimate in privacy. Your cash card might as well be a walking billboard.

The government, of course, is extremely interested in your spending habits. The taxing authorities use an electronic money trail to monitor your spending and ensure against tax evasion. In addition, cards save the government the cost and trouble of printing and storing additional currency.

Your electronic purchase trail is nirvana to large corporations. Knowing your spending habits allows them to customize their ads to an ever-larger consumer base. They know what you need before you do and are ready to entice you with specials, sales and “act now” deals.

US-WW ISSUES (World & War):  M-East .. plus
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"By attributing the trade-related news flow to the performance of the US market, we estimated the impact on US equities to be negative 4.5%... this translates into $1.25T of value destruction for US companies."
See Chart:

The US is set to fine Google for abusing its dominance
through its Android operating system.

“The world is on fire. Wherever you look you have conflicts. Now you are lacking leadership and this is why autocrats have a more easy game to play.”

Citibank got paid... The policy is to recover the gold..."

"The problem since 2008 is that politicians keep calling it a recovery when it’s not. That can only make things worse, sowing further mistrust and even, as recent events have shown, the very real possibility of total political breakdown. Brazil is not some extreme outlier, it is merely ahead of the curve."
Stupid blackmail:

...nations must make sure “Iran and its proxies are not exploiting your companies to support their nefarious activities.”
[[ Meaning: US don’t want allies..  Perfectly fine:  US big Corp deserve to go a la merda solos  ]]

US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..News


Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

Posible.. solo que tendría que ser FED con Estados Indep y sin Capit Jerusalen
COL        Ent a Alejandra Gaviria, del grupo H.I.J.O.S: afectados por viol polític
PAL        -BRAVO: se suspendió partido en Jerusalen.. Es el 1er gol de Messi
                 Habrían jugado en  césped regado con sangre palestina” Suhail Hani
COL        Vargas Llosa y la violencia  Atilio A. Boron
Cultu     - Sobre el “marxismo ortodoxo” de G. Lukács  Manuel Sacristán
OPIN     - ¿qué debe ser el socialismo hoy?  Iosu Perales
                Que es que no es el socialism?. Lo respondió el MRS de A.Quijano
ALC        -  La niñez triste de Guatemala  Carolina Vásquez
                Si se espera un milagro.. nos quedaremos sin país” dijo Carolina
                - Brasil: -Petrobras sobrevive al golpe  Emir Sader
                -BRA: result de la huelga de camioneros y petroleros y su efecto Nac
                Hay dos historia diferentes, la de Albani es una. Yo admiro L kurdas
                Pero K merce se aliaron L US, Saudis e ISR contra Syria, Iran y Turcos
                Hay posib de pacto con K si se negocia ataque al US-Saudis e Israel.
MEX       - Los dos escenarios a un mes de las elecciones   Carlos F. Diez 
IRAQ      - Vict sadrista :  ¿Victoria para quién?   Immanuel Wallerstein
Cuba      -El sector privado, ¿enemigo?   Oniel Díaz
                --A nosotros, el pueblo grande…   René Fidel González
COL        - -La ultraderecha está de fiesta en Colombia  Vicky Peláez
                - -La traición   Fernando Dorado
                      - cerco político y econcontra Vense profundiza  J Martorano  
Se necesitaba mujeres de cojones pues a los hombres los castro el imperio
                Mourinho ES PREDECIBLE… EL MUNDIAL NO.. Hubo y Habra siempre sorpresas

Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

The U.S. at War with Itself    By Lawrence Davidson     Continue

Focus on US issues

Serge Halimi    Trump’s EU Doormats

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global situation described by Iranian observers..


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