miércoles, 13 de junio de 2018

JUN 13 18 SIT EC y POL

JUN 13 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

The recession today:

The Initial Euphoric/Dysphoric reactions to Powell's rate-hike and hawkishness (Dollar spike, stocks down, yields higher, yield curve plunge, EM dump), but everything turned around during Powell's Presser.

In his presser, Powell reminded investors that despite the hawkish interpretation of today's meeting and his confident view of the economy, the economy is not yet overheating. Powell says "there is no sense in our forecasts'' that inflation will take off. "If we thought inflation would take off, we would be showing higher rates.''
Also tomorrow's ECB meeting now looms and likely takes the shine off some positioning.
See Charts:

All major equity indices were lower on the day... knocked lower the China tariffs headline..
See chart:

Tech and Financials exchanged roles after the Fed... 
See Chart:

The entire yield curve tumbled flatter.
See Chart:

The yield curve plunged to fresh cycle lows with 5s30s now within 1 rate hike of inversion..
See Chart:

The Dollar Index broke out intraday after the hawkish Fed from its recent extremely narrow range but quickly fell back to close red...
See Chart:

Which sent Gold/Silver tumbling...
See Chart:

Read this:
Let’s talk about inflation.
According to Williams, the way inflation has been calculated in this country has been repeatedly changed over the decades

Williams argues that U.S. statistical agencies overestimate GDP data by underestimating the inflation deflator they use in the calculation.

Manipulating the inflation rate, Williams argues in Public Comment on Inflation Measurement , also enables the US government to pay out pensioners less than they were promised, by fudging cost of living adjustments.

This manipulation has ironically taken place quite openly over decades, as successive Republican and Democratic administrations made “improvements” in the way they calculated the data.

In the end, all that any of us really need to do is to just open our eyes and look at what is happening all around us.  We are on pace for the worst year for retail store closings in American history, and this “retail apocalypse” is hitting rural areas harder than anywhere else

Of course it isn’t just the U.S. economy that is troubled either.
We are living in the terminal phase of the greatest debt bubble in global history, many nations around the globe are already experiencing a very deep economic downturn, and our planet is literally in the process of dying.

...the combination of rising U.S. interest rates and fiscal deficits
 is like a "suicide mission"

Having explained that the combination of rising U.S. interest rates and fiscal deficits is like a "suicide mission" - which notably escalated the intensity from last month when he referred to the trend as a "pretty dangerous cocktail" - Gundlach concluded that the debt burden will rise to such a level that borrowing costs will surge.
See Chart

To be specific, Gundlach said, the 10-year Treasury yield would rise to 6% by 2020 or 2021 adding that "we're right on track" for that.
That would be the highest yield since 2000..
See Chart:

Bear in mind Gundlach alternatively signaled that a recession is possible by 2020, which could make the next presidential election “a wild ride," and notably reduce interest rates.
Judging by the record short positioning across the Treasury complex, there are plenty that agree with him...
See Chart:

Coming just weeks after 10-year yields set an almost seven-year high above 3 percent, the bets amount to a bold call targeting a drop to as low as about 2.6 percent before the biggest chunk of the contracts expire Aug. 24.
See Chart:

Description: https://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/styles/teaser_small/public/2018-06/2018-06-13_14-57-36.jpg?h=06adec26&itok=maI4wTfD
"... there are no USD supply in the market. The only one selling dollars is the Central Bank."
See Chart:

[[  Somos una sociedad obesa y amantes de la insulina  ]]

Why does the United States government insist on getting involved in dietary affairs?
See Chart:

Public Choice theory  in its rawest form.
Moreover, since the US became increasingly involved in diet policy in 1961, obesity rates in American men and women have increased substantially. This doesn’t prove a causal relationship, of course, but it does suggest that the government’s involvement has done nothing to keep obesity rates down.
See Chart:

Are Free Markets the Solution?
Even if scientific research demonstrates that current government dietary standards have deleterious health effects, the government should stay away from dietary affairs.
Critics will argue that the government must play a proactive role in policing food choices and keeping the public healthy because the private sector is simply incapable of doing so.
But this contention is laden with government conceit.
A cottage industry of dietary alternatives like the Atkins DietThe South Beach Diet Paleo Diet, and the Keto Diet has emerged in the past decade to address supposed failures in conventional nutritional strategies.

We can debate which of these diet strategies are likely to produce more healthy people, but given the federal government’s record on this matter, it’s hard to argue that the status quo offers better options.
See Chart:

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

"While these types always cheer U.S. overseas belligerence, nothing gets them clutching their pearls more fiercely than Donald Trump doing something reasonable."


"Mueller could subpoena the president but probably doesn’t want to. He faces some litigation risk. Trump could fight the subpoena, but he also faces a political risk."

“The village tried to disguise its extremism as an amendment to an existing ordinance. The ordinance bans possession of legally-owned semi-auto firearms, with no exception for guns previously owned, or any provision for self-defense.”

US-WW ISSUES (World & War):  M-East .. plus
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"Chinese hackers had compromised the computers of a Navy contractor and stolen 614 gigabytes of data... including the secretive new 'Sea Dragon' a sub-launched supersonic anti-ship missile..."

US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..News

Trump’s recent deal to protect ZTE’s interests in the US. Penalties against the Chinese telecommunications company are favored by congressional Democrats.

They are demanding that trans and third gender candidates should have their own gender registration category. New rules must go beyond the binary code “M-F” .. Trans & Third sex or “I sex”  exist and must be respected. “I sex”  means “Interior Sex” and that includes “M-F” sex in one single person. They already suffer since the day of birth , when Dr declared them “undefined sex” and exclude them from special care these persons deserve  (starting  by denning their own restroom inside schools). The FEMinist Mov  in Pakistan consider that this discrimination in politics is intolerable, un-ethical and unjust. New research on sexology accept it & their HR must be accepted worldwide.

Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

PAL-Or-Me    ¿Te han lavado el cerebro?   Ury Avnery
ARG       Ent a Toussaint: “vamos a crisis económ-social aún más aguda  S F
USA       Trump vs Corea-Norte e Irán, en 15 puntos    Nazanín Armanian
COL        Polos opuestos en elecciones colombianas   Hedelberto López 
-LA MUJER Y EL SER  JAIME RICHART JR se pregunta por que no hay filosofas ni cread de religiones

R: Filosofas hay muchas.. Creadoras abundan: la mujer crea hombres a imag de un Dios q no existe y lo veneran hasta un cierto límite, si violan el limt los tiran al basural, no rezan a santos que no lo son. Eso si se trata de mujeres, no de esclavas. De esto no tienen la culpa.. las religiones y los M la tienen.
ALC        -Fracasa el retorno de las oligarquías?  Nacho Dueñas
                -Esperanza: Petro en Colombia y López Obrador en Méx  DP-C
                -Gob-Guatemala: Con una señal en la frente  Carolina Vásquez
                -Nicaragua:  La rev de los “tranques” en momentos decisivos  OB
                - Méx y Centroamérica: el expansion mexicano en ciernes   AAR
                - Palabras que amarran y desamarran   Antonio Maira 
                - Un Tratado para gobernarlos a todos  Corporate Europe

Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Putin and Xi top the G6+1   By Pepe Escobar    Continue

Focus on US issues

George Ochenski    Crackdown in Yellowstone
Anthony Tarrant    Gaza and the Psychopaths

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global situation described by Iranian observers..

Porgrams    U.S. Unilateralism  The Debate


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