lunes, 25 de junio de 2018

JUN 25 18 SIT EC y POL

JUN 25 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Today US economic debacle:

US Futures were ugly overnight and as everyone waited for the ubiquitous buying panic at the open, it never occurred and every bounce was offered... Nasdaq 100 dropped 3% - the biggest drop since April 2nd.
See Chart:

And then Trump Trade Advisor Peter Navarro rescued the markets by telling CNBC that there are no plans to impose investment restrictions... and the market bounced...
See Chart:

FANG Stocks clubbed like a baby seal... on a cap-weighted basis down over 5% - the worst day since Feb 2016
See Chart:

Tech underperformed relative to financials - erasing the month's relative performance...
See Chart:

Finally, before we leave equity-land, we would like to note that Goldman did it again - Muppet'd their clients...
See Chart:

That is the biggest drop in 3 months.
 The yield curve flattened ‘very modestly’ but made a new cycle low

It certainly seems like someone was desperate to put on a trade war bet as volume in the GOVT (government bond) ETF exploded on Friday to a record high with around $600 million traded...
See Chart:

The Dollar Index continued its slide today - back below the peak of the Fed-day spike and erasing much of the ECB spike...
See Chart:

And while the dollar was dumped, commodities found no bid, with copper hit worst...
See Chart:

Finally, we note that despite the Navarro reassurances, the VIS term structure closed inverted.
See Chart:

"Eventually, what’s going to happen is it’s going to be the demand for those dollars is going to collapse, not the supply. And when the demand for dollars collapses, then the price of the dollar collapses. You get massive inflation. That is what is coming..."

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

GOP & DEMs hand on hand on racism & xenophobia on new migrants .. lanzan sus piedras mediaticas y luego esconden la mano

Furthermore, 51% of respondents said that a border wall would be a good idea, even if it doesn't cover the entire border.
RELATED:  few timid exceptions..

"...let’s not talk about that. Let’s focus on the children. That’s what this is all about..."
Only ignorant & stupid people love these comedians:

Last week, the attorneys for the plaintiffs in the suit submitted a supplemental authority letter in the case, arguing that the DNC’s suit against Russia was relevant to the DNC Fraud Lawsuit.

US-WW ISSUES (World & War):  M-East .. plus
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"Trump's not born in lower Manhattan...and he's not part of the New York aristocracy, the establishment that's been there for some 150 to 200 years... and he still doesn't understand that the retaliation is going to be really huge from the Chinese and they have ways of hurting badly..."

“In the West you have the notion that if somebody hits you on the left cheek, you turn the other cheek. In our culture we punch back." - Xi Jinping

"...if the view of the ‘good cop/bad cop’ approach is wrong and Trump is really following a long-term policy of backing Navarro and Lighthizer by targeting China's 'Made in China 2025' policy and actively seeking to undermine it, then a total confrontation is coming. "

"The worst thing, by far, for a world economy of interconnected financial and capital markets, is monetary inflation and credit expansion. It is never a cure, and always a curse. Trade tariffs are, however, the second worst threat to a global market - often likely to make the bust much worse and the recovery slower..."
US-UK-ISR dream to steel it after nuke & invad them: opium dreams .. not space for winner in WW3

"The U.S. has been keeping the price of gold artificially low via paper contracts to prevent the further devaluation of the dollar. But this has made it easier for Russia and China to buy up and increase their already massive reserves. Other countries are following suit..."

US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..News

That violates animals standard.. please  do not mention the name of the animal
Israeli Air Force Adds 12th F-35 Fighter  Terrrorist uses of our weapons.. is it the business purpose?

Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

USA       - "mala memoria"?: Abusar de niños es valor histórico USA  M M
UE          Rep-Pop de Donbás: Guerra civil ucraniana, tiempo emancipador PM
Cult        - Fútbol es cultura ¡Animal!   M Marchese Futbol=Top globalizat.
COL        - El sindicalismo hará oposición a Duque  Sofia Espinosa
Áfric      --El antídoto africano  Marta Romero Dieg
ALC        - Acusación al populismo, elogio al despotismo  Rdo Orozco
                - Nicaragua :  El poder Ortega-Murillo  Bernard Duterme
                - Perú:  Cuando se prepara la guerra sucia  Gvo Espinoza
                -Arg: Argentina y la lógica de los mercaderes  Jorge Majfud
                -Arg: Dos miradas sobre la situac en Arg  Julio Gambina
                Chile : 100 polémicos días de Frente Amplio
VEN       -  "La crisis porque el Gobierno no busca otro modelo" Cesar Romero
ONU      - Los desafíos globales y el multilateralismo María Fda Espinosa
MEX       - Municipalismos: en Méx se piensa mucho en ti  Ángel Calle
                - Recta final, elecciones al borde del abismo  Edo Nava H
                - No basta con votar por AMLO: Caso Maestros Brigadas UNAM
COL        - ¿Qué pasó en Miramar, Caquetá?  Óscar Sotelo Ortiz
                - El peso kármico de la historia de Brasil   Leonardo Boff
                - Argentina Pedagogía del escándalo  Gabriel Brener
                - Nicarag: Situacion: el informe de la CIDH   Nicolás Boeglin
                - Fútbol e inmigración   Oscar Javier Forero
                - Chile Allende, el precursor olvidado  Atilio Boron
                - COL  De la tragedia a la hecatombe  MH Restrepo Domínguez
                -COL: Con Duque, el Ado de Paz está amenaz en Col  Marina Serafini  
                - Am Latina La izquierda puede triunfar de nuevo   Emir Sader
                Keiser Report   ¿Expectativas exageradas sobre el bitcóin?

Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Life in Gaza  By Chris Hedges and Norman Finkelstein    Continue
The Murder of Julian Assange  By Kurt Nimmo  Assange is a dead man walking

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global situation described by Iranian observers..


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