viernes, 29 de junio de 2018

JUN 28 18 SIT EC y POL

JUN 28 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Open these charts to convince yourself that US economy is collapsing:

... the economic impact of violence to the global economy was $14.76 trillion in 2017 in constant purchasing power parity (PPP) terms. This is roughly 12.4% of world gross domestic product (GDP), or $1,988 per person.
Open this site:
And this
Most affected countries by GDP
Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist

"the potential for such a vast amount of Fallen Angels at a time when Euro high-yield bonds are shrinking would cause enormous ructions and indigestion in the market."
See Chart:

See other Charts at


I always return to Steve’s dictum on volatile days like today because it helps cut through the noise and frame authentic market narratives.
Three examples, all based on “Not making things harder than they have to be”:

#1. Be very careful about extrapolating moves that happen at the end of a quarter. Today’s outsized sector losers were Technology and Financials, the performance bookends of the last 3 months.
  • Financials are so bad (-3.1% three month returns) than even long suffering Consumer Staples (-1.4% over the same period) look good in comparison.
  • Tech (+7.0% three month returns) is fully half the S&P’s 3.6% return for the last 90 days.

#2. Price leads fundamentals, not the other way around. The painful case study here: Financials and the shape of the yield curve. Ask any good bank analyst and they will caution that the difference between short term and long term rates is only one factor in the sector’s fundamentals. Credit quality, loan growth, and regulatory issues matter too.
But the ever-flattening Treasury yield curve (32 bp today, a new +10 year low) is hurting Financials for a macro – not micro – reason: it signals the real possibility of a recession in the next 12-24 months. That, along with some quarter end pressure, pushed the S&P Regional Bank Index lower by 1.9%. Even large cap Financials were “better” than that in today’s session, down 1.2%.

#3. Sell when you can, not when you have to. We’ve been picking up on an “Everything old is new again” market narrative in recent weeks that bears a mention, especially because we have not raised it with you before.
The issue is market liquidity, and May’s Italian bond market rout put it back on traders’ radar screens. Elections there spooked sovereign debt investors, but since the ECB wasn’t in the market at the time real “natural” bids were few and far between. Two-year yields went from 27 basis points to 2.4% in 3 days. That simply should never happen.

The bottom line from all this:
Simple thoughts don’t always drive stock prices, but respecting their power is basic intellectual risk management. Today’s market action means little, but against the backdrop of rising recession fears it illuminates an important macro worry. That skittishness then becomes fertile ground for other concerns, like the proverbial butterfly of Italian bond markets causing a hurricane in US equitiesYes, we still believe US equities will produce 5-8% returns this year. But we respect the simplest arguments against that optimism.

Money is once again pouring into high-yielding, low quality asset-backed securities and collateralized loan obligations, as investors are once again taking significant risks in the euphoria-driven chase for yield.
See table:

While some of the asset backed securities are for personal loans, the bulk of investor interest is for high-yield securities in the automobile sector, whose subprime segment has deteriorated significantly in the past two years. Subprime auto ABS has less of a safety net than it did prior to 2008, as insurance has fallen off since the last financial crisis. However, this hasn’t stopped speculative investors with euphoric outlooks from blindly taking more risk:
The popularity of subprime auto ABS -- especially the rise of B rated tranches -- is a concern because there are fewer protections baked into the structures of the deals than before the financial crisis, S&P Global Ratings analysts said in a note Monday.
Bonds rated BB typically were insured in the 1990s, featuring important triggers to protect investors. But insurance hasn’t been used as a form of credit enhancement in this market since 2008, so the latest batch of subprime deals -- many of which now go all the way down to B ratings -- doesn’t have the same safety net, according to S&P.
See Chart:

We have repeatedly reported on the implosion of the subprime auto market for the better part of the last year. In May, we showedthe rapid deterioration in the subprime auto market, which now looks worse than prior to the last recession. Specifically,delinquent subprime auto-loans are now higher than they were in the last recession, as shown in the chart below:
See Chart:
See more charts at:

"As for how U.S. housing prices got so far out of whack compared to what had been very long term, stable trends, it took a combination of fueloxidizer and a spark."
See Chart:

See more charts at

"...the danger of using virtual currencies to influence the U.S. electoral process is acuter now considering that there are state actors who are hostile to the United States that are turning to cryptocurrencies as a way of bypassing the financial system of the West"
See Chart:
See more charts at

The latest oil price spike may turn out to be a head-fake, because the economy is already slowing. While the oil cartel can try to fix the supply of oil, it can’t really control the demand side, which is dominated by the economic cycle.
See Chart:

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

Cars-jobs & national production was a bluff.. The FACT is Trump = economic collapse

BMW, Jeep, and Mercedes-Benz have also recognized the need to offer armored cars in Mexico and other Latin American countries. In particular, the BMW X5 has a range of three different levels of protection...
Concentration of money in the hands of the rich is a fact.. losing jobs is a fact.. explosive ineq

"The United Nations is at it again with yet another report on how bad poverty is in the United States - and how things would improve greatly if the US raised taxes..."

"Calls for civility are just a power play by those who feel
 that white supremacy is under threat..."

"...past periods as stable as the last eight years didn’t have fun endings."
See Chart:
---- that FIFA World Cup is going to finish and nuke- blackmail will be ineffective

Does ‘America first’ really mean ‘Europe first’ in the preparation for war with Russia?

"...the media is deliberately trying to stir things up with breathless headlines about how awful the “other” side is. And it’sworking so well it could lead us right to Civil War 2.0."

“It seems like this is a database with pretty much every US citizen in it,


US-WW ISSUES (World & War):  M-East .. plus
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

OUR TACTIC: blame the others for my faults

President Trump's trade spat with China isn't the only source of tension between the world's two largest economies...
We are being isolated.. because our faults

"There are two countries that more than others show how the Western world order is undergoing a profound change... Their geopolitical trajectory is increasingly drifting away from Washington and moving closer to China, Russia, India and Iran."

"The situation will only escalate, the way the nuclear arms race did. Fortunately, we seem to have dodged that bullet… maybe.This race could be much more deadly..."

"EU28 leaders have agreed on #euco conclusions incl. migration." - Donald Tusk

"... more than simply providing cover for theFed’s controlled demolition of equities, the trade war may also provide cover for the controlled demolition of the dollar as multiple foreign creditors and trading partners turn America’s greatest strength into its greatest weakness..."

"Whatever is in store for the newborn alliance, this is very bad for NATO, as this news is coming just a couple of weeks before the summit that may break up the allianceand consign the much-vaunted concept of 'Western unity' to its grave. "

Access to clean water is now a luxury that most Venezuelans cannot afford...

US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..News

Russia considers the decision to expand the mandate of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) illegitimate, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.
"As a result of political manipulation, as well as, as has became known, the direct bribery of a number of delegations and outright blackmail, the UK and other states that are in favor of strengthening the chemical convention have managed to squeeze out its odious draft decision, which has conferred on the OPCW Technical Secretariat the powers to identify those responsible for the use of chemical weapons in Syria," Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova stated.
Cuando 2 pasiones intensas se cruzan, toca dejar una y salir del contexto. James hizo lo correcto. Si la dama burlo tu amor, ella es libre de hacerlo y de volver a hacer lo que ya hizo. James no debe odiarla ni tampoco perdonarla. El amor no se mendiga. La otra pasión –el futbol-existe y allí también hay cierto tipo de amor que quedo resentido pero es recuperable. Ya vendrá quien reemplace la pasión personal. No hay que forzar su llegada. Por lo pronto concéntrate en el Futbol. Pon en esto toda tu energía. Lo otro pasara a la caja del olvido. Aléjate del contexto de la dama y evita que invada el tuyo. Espero no hay hijo (a) entre ambos pues eso agravaría el problema. Total todos tenemos que saltar 7 vallas para triunfar en la vida, y tú ya saltaste varias. Este no es nada. Y si hay un hijo (a):  busca el “win-win solution” para todos. OJO: la vida de un futbolista empieza a acabarse a los 35. Calcula tu decisión y básala en tres columnas: razón, ética y fairness. Soy un PhD de 73 años y en futbol : un hincha tuyo. Te deseo lo mejor. Recibe un fuerte abrazo de Hugo Adan. Un Prof visitante en el US.  
Esto deja una ligera variante en los maches de los Octavos de Final, aunque no altera el Prog
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo, aunque no es la 1ra vez que el ex -campeón de FIFA no pasa el sig. Deberia darse un recordatorio a la perseverancia.
Los paises del SUR  latino lo necesitamos: Brasil, ARG, Col, Peru y Chile


Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

ALC        -Pence, otra gira monroísta   Ángel Guerra
                -Insurrección de pueblo de Nic  Fo Cerezal  .. SI, el imperio la financia
                --A árbol caído hacha con el: el imp no perdona.. usa mercenarios
                -Ocurrió en Cuba pero el tiro les salió por la culata: hay memo histor
                - traslado de Milagro Sala:  Otra muestra más de hostigamiento
BRA        - -El clímax del golpe de Estado neoliberal en Brasil  Yuri Martins
OPIN     -Julian Assange debe ser repatriado a Australia   John Pilger
                -Desafíos para un sufrido México  Hedelberto López Blanch
                -Russia Today: la propaganda del otro  Rafael Poch
Chile     -Desafiando al pueblo mapuche   Manuel Cabieses
OPIN     --Presunción de culpabilidad   Jaime Richart
                --Estados modernos y sociedades coloniales  Homar Garcés
Mund    - -Los refugiados de guerra  Alberto Piris
Españ    --Federalismo más allá del Estado  Carles Ferreira
                - -Trump: migrantes y política del terror  Mathieu Magnaudeix
Cuba      -Mano de obra en Cuba  Mario Valdés Navia
                -Subsidios agrícolas: números fríos y nuevas preguntas  Pedro M
                -Crisis : Diálogo nacional y acuerdo sobre lo fundamental F Dorado
                ¿Fin del Unipolarismo Occidental?  W DierckxsensW Formento
                Méx  Rebelión electoral en México  Alberto Carral  
                Nicar: Es la hora de Nicaragua  Benjamín Forcano 
                Nicar:  Las banderas sandinistas siguen en alto  M Gandásegui
                VEN: Poder de la calle y guerra de precios: la paz es el camino JE
                COL: comenzaron a hacer trizas los Acuerdos de Paz  P Santana 
RT           Infantino: "El Mundial está cambiando la percepción sobre Rusia

Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

No hay diferencia entre Dems y Reps: ambos son sirven  las mismas Fund financieras
Two Views on Putin/Trump Summit  By Paul Craig Roberts    Continue
Trump and election  Numbers Game  By Christian Juers                    Continue

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global situation described by Iranian observers..


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