martes, 26 de junio de 2018

JUN 26 18 SIT EC y POL

JUN 26 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Economic Situation today:

It was BTFD day in America...
China was a mixed bag overnight as the tech-heavy CHINEXT was suddenly panic bid (National Team?) but SHCOMP closed in a bear market...
See Chart:

But US stock investors (machines) decided today was BTFD day (Trannies never made it into the green today).
See Chart:

But all major indices remain down from Friday...
See Chart:

The Dow managed to scramble back above its 200DMA...but closed back below it...
See Chart:

With FANG Stocks bouncing...
See Chart:

For some context as to just now narrow this range is - here's 10Y...
See Chart:

The Dollar Index bounced off Fed-spike highs today, breaking a 4-day losing streak
See Chart:

Crude spiked despite dollar gains and PMs limped lower...
See Chart:

What happens next?
See Chart:

Does Bitcoin foretell further pain in The Dow?
See Chart in this twitter:

And even the baseline scenario is a disaster, with total debt/GDP rising to an unsustainable 152% in 30 years.
See Chart:
See more Charts at:

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo


"If you vote for Trump, then you the voter, you, not Donald Trump, arestanding at the border like Nazis going ‘you here, you here’..."

The WikiLeaks founder was willing to protect the identities of CIA agents and provide evidence in the DNC hack.

"Big Trump Hater Congressman Joe Crowley, who many expected was going to take Nancy Pelosi’s place, just LOST his primary election." -Donald Trump

Industry lobbyists and China experts who follow the issue closely attribute the shift to recent declines in the stock market

US-WW ISSUES (World & War):  M-East .. plus
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"The potential use of low-yield nuclear weapons, which is a real fixation for the current US administration and is being discussed with increasing frequency in the US, indicates that forces have taken the upper hand on Capitol Hill that are still incapable of imagining the consequences of a nuclear Armageddon."

The 'weaponized' yuan continues its collapse - back above 6.6 per USD for the first time since December and down 6% from the March highs...
See Chart: 

The last time the yuan devalued this fast, it unleashed hell on the world's financial markets
See Chart:

 For now, Treasuries are flat as the yuan plunges, but that can all change very quickly. But for now, it is China that is bearing the brunt of global capital markets' anxiety.
See Chart:
See Other Charts at

A Chinese official said the U.S. should do more to cut its domestic demand for opioids - to then prevent the use of synthetic drug fentanyl.

US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..News



Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire:  

                - Mitología y realidad  Rodolfo Bueno
                -Reflexiones sobre el posanarquismo  Capi Vidal
                -Mali: la inseguridad es estructural    Mañana Malí
COL        - Un año de injusta persecución a mi Hna Violeta.  Samuel Arango
BRA-      - Ent a Raúl Pont: “Lo más importante es la consigna Lula Libre” PB
FEM       Preven. Programa mundial para detener violaciones  Tina Rosenberg
ECOL      -¿Y si se evacuara Cuenca por riesgo nuclear?   Paola Aragón
UE          -A dos años del brexit
Nicar     - "ni la historia, ni el pueblo los absolverá"   Gioconda Belli
ARG       - Claudio Katz:  “El acuerdo con el FMI es de una brutalidad atroz"
                -Macri frente a crisis del dólar:  Enroques de urgencia  Fabián Kovacic
VEN       - ¿Un nuevo comienzo o más de lo mismo?  Rafael Ramírez
                -Niños M:  ¿Qué hacemos para detener las  Migrac forzadas?  Ilka O
Cuba      - Pto de Matanzas:  Mientras espero  Alina B. López Hernández
                - Un guiño de TV cubana a la resurrec de Mr. Hyde  Antonio Gutiérrez
                - La farsa del “arroz dorado” transgénico   Silvia Ribeiro  
                - Guatem: Condenamos política migratoria de USA   A Flores
                -BRA: Perspectivas y desafíos    Silvana Broggi
                -ARG: Neoliberalismo en Argentina: un arma mortal  Marcelo Colussi
                - Perú Fdo Cillóniz y el fujimorismo sin A Fujimori  OtraMirada
                - US-UE: El corazón xenófobo del norte del mundo  Federico Larsen
                -Mexico:  Después del voto, la lucha sigue  José Luis Avendaño C.
                -US: Loco o simplemente fascista   Iosu Perales
                -US: Locura rusofóbica afecta a Estados Unidos   Manuel E. Yepe

-Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

The Soldier’s Tale   By Chris Hedges    Continue
The military’s inherent function is the abuse and degradation of other people."
Global war profiteers have taken over the US. .. Peor que en la Alemania Nazi
Immigrants: Why Do They Flee?   By William Blum    Continue

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global situation described by Iranian observers..



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