viernes, 22 de junio de 2018

JUN 22 18 SIT EC y POL

JUN 22 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Risks are tilted to the downside for coming months. Business expectations about the year ahead have dropped to a five month low, led by the weakest degree of optimism for nearly one and a half years in manufacturing..."
See Chart:

More worrisome is that Stagflation is here -  New Orders tumbled to the lowest since September and inflation spiking with input costs at their highest since Sept 2013.
US continues to outperform according to the soft data surveys...
See Chart:

So surging prices are crushing orders and production is continuing to ignore it.. for now. THAT WON'T END WELL.

The first US’ enemy are our big Corp.. They’re breaking Tramp initiative to protect US cars
US protectionism is obsolete.. we’re part of the global system.. if we get out.. quick collapse come

The company said it will move ahead with plans to build the SUV in Mexico despite recent complaints from President Trump...

So yes, the system is safe at the bottom of a 2007-style crack. But what if the recovery is much slower? Since the Fed assumes a “V”, what happens if it is an “L”. We don’t know; they don’t include that possibility.

It’s difficult not to gasp a little when you look at the “Severely adverse” scenario the Fed used in this year’s review:
  • A 7 quarter recession that leaves GDP 7.5% lower than prior highs
  • Unemployment rises to 10% over the same period
  • Inflation drops to 1% and short term Treasuries yield close to zero
  • At the same time, investors shun long term Treasuries and yields there remain unchanged
  • Investment grade and mortgage yield spreads blow out to 5.75% and 3.5% respectively
  • US stocks drop by 65% in early 2019, and the VIX goes over 60
  • House prices drop 30% and commercial real estate by 40%

I don’t know about you, but to me that looks like the recipe for revolution more than a regulatory what-if scenario, but let’s go with it.

Two points:
#1) If the US banking system is really as robust as the Fed’s analysis indicates, doesn’t that merit a higher multiple on domestic stocks than historical norms? 

Now, there is a headwind to this positive case: the Financial sector is 14% of the S&P 500, and the regulatory process that makes them systematically safe also reduces their structural return on capital. So we’re unlikely to see much P/E expansion in the group, but every other sector - consumer or industrial - should get an uptick. A robust financial system should make the next recession easier than most previous ones by limiting any shock to the supply of credit, after all. Trough earnings will be higher than expected, and valuations should expand.

This is ultimately a cyclical argument, which means we’ll have to see it work in the next downturn before investors are willing to pay higher multiples. 

#2) If the Fed’s stress tests have a fatal flaw, it is that they assume a “V” bottom from the near-death levels they outline in their requirements. This doesn’t get much attention in the Fed’s document (link at the end of this note) but as near as we can tell, this is what they assume in the “Severely adverse” scenario for a recovery:

  • Unemployment improves in the 6 quarters after the peak by almost 2 points
  • GDP growth turns positive 4 quarters after its trough
  • US equity markets recover almost all their losses in the 2 years after the bottom
  • Corporate bond spreads recover to near 2014 levels 7 quarters after they peak
  • The VIX breaks below its long run average (20) just 2-3 quarters after the Dow trades at 10,000

Some of those – GDP and unemployment – we can see; the Dow’s recovery, bond spreads tightening and the VIX seem fanciful at best. We understand the Fed’s intent is to model another 2007-2008 scenario, but perhaps the next downturn will be different. For example:
  • The next recession, even a garden-variety contraction, will come just as artificial intelligence, robotics, drones, and other technologies hit their strides. All those advances have been invisible in the unemployment data because the US economy is growing.
    Take it from an old cyclicals analyst: companies do their big restructurings in economic downturns, not expansions. The next period of contraction is when capital will substitute for labor at an accelerating rate.
  • At the start of 2007, US public debt-to-GDP was 63%; it is now 106% (yes, we include Social Security). There will potentially be less root  For example:
  • The next recession, even a garden-variety contraction, will come just as artificial intelligence, robotics, drones, and other technologies hit their strides. All those advances have been invisible in the unemployment data because the US economy is growing.
    Take it from an old cyclicals analyst: companies do their big restructurings in economic downturns, not expansions. The next period of contraction is when capital will substitute for labor at an accelerating rate.
  • At the start of 2007, US public debt-to-GDP was 63%; it is now 106% (yes, we include Social Security). There will potentially be less room for fiscal stimulus in the next downturn, especially since every other developed economy has the same problem (which may be why the Fed’s assumptions include no change to long term yields).
  • The upshot here is that the next recession – especially a severe one – may not be anywhere near as easy on the way out as the Fed’s scenarios portray. 

So yes, the system is safe at the bottom of a 2007-style crack. But what if the recovery is much slower? 
Since the Fed assumes a “V”, what happens if it is an “L”. We don’t know; they don’t include that possibility.
And what does it mean that the most systemically important banks in the world are in a bear market?
See Chart:

The last time we observed such sheer uniform panic to plow cash into tech names was just before the dot com bubble.
See Chart:

What is odd, is that while traders, investors, algos and passive capital allocators are flooding the FAANGs with money, virtually every other sector is hurting, iin what BofA definies as "Risk-off flows" after $12.9bn pulled out of equities, $5.9bn out of bonds, and $0.8bn out of gold.

Adding to the bipolar nature of the market, amid this "tech panic", we are observing an accelerating decoupling of the US from the rest of the world, with the US seeing $5.1BN in stock inflows, offset by outflows from all other regions, including a $5.1BN redemption from Emerging Markets, the largest since November 2016...
See Chart:

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

If we "elect more Republicans in November...we will pass the finest, fairest and most comprehensive Immigration Bills anywhere in the world."

Staff at the National Economic Council, which is led by Larry Kudlow, are pushing for a trade detente from within the Trump administration.

...and Trump would be just the President for the job.

"..if these Tariffs and Barriers are not soon broken down and removed, we will be placing a 20% Tariff on all of their cars coming into the U.S. Build them here!"

US-WW ISSUES (World & War):  M-East .. plus
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

Moments ago OPEC reached a deal "in principle" to raise oil production by 1 million b/d on paper, and in reality by 700 kb/d as many of the OPEC nations are already tapped out and unable to produce more.

An official increase of +1 million b/d may translate to +600k b/d in actual barrels because several producers are already maxed out.

"It is not written in stone that the trans-Atlantic bond will survive forever,"

Deutsche Bank is suffering from a lack of faith for a reason. 
Gold could put investors’ minds at ease...

US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..News



Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

                -El Mago de Oz va al banco central  Alejandro Nadal
                - Derechos de clase trabajad en el mundo: un resum  Miguel Salas
ISR          -No existe el sionismo socialista  Tony Greenstein
Áfric      -China vs US: La nueva lucha imperial por África  Lee Wengraf
ALC        -Carta urgente desde Nicaragua  Ernesto Cardenal
Mund    -Afganistán:  Los talibanes vuelven al fuego  Guadi Calvo
                - "Corea-N y- US ganaron tiempo al patear la pelota afuera" G A
Españ    -140.000 desaparecidos: La dictad franquista esta impune  Carlos J
Cultu     -Apuntes sobre la política de Maquiavelo  Antonio Gramsci
                - Al Congres ley contra los plásticos de un solo uso  Lucía Villa
                - que dice Marx sobre problem ambientales de hoy?  Ted Benton
                -El político como espécimen   Jaime Richart
                - Metodos para pensar los tiempos históricos  Andrés Lund Medina
                - Feder  de Maestros rechaza separar niños migrant de sus familias       
                -Industrias extractivas en Guatemala, un atentado  Marcelo Colussi
                -MEX: México y el mundo  Guillermo Almeyra
Españ    -Radiografía de un país jodido  Juan Luis Urchegui 
                -La pirámide invertida y la economía moral  René Portuondo
COL        -La nueva fase del conflicto colombiano  Alberto Pinzón Sánchez
                -Comunidades étnicas, propiedad y desarrollo  Freddy Ordóñez
                - FARC-EP:  Somos orgullosamente guerrilleros
                - ¿A qué le tiras mexicano? (XVII)    Víctor Manuel Barceló
                - Referendo por mejoras a Constituc de Ven   Juan Martorano
                - US Guatemala Cero intolerancia  Factor Méndez Doninelli
                -COL: Nuevas formas de oposición en Colombia  Fdo Dorado

Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

All Disquiet on Western Front  By F Cunningham on NATO expansion    Continue
No More Blank Checks for War  By Rep. Barbara Lee    Continue

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global situation described by Iranian observers..

The Debate: U.S. Trade Wars

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