domingo, 6 de mayo de 2018

MAY 6 18 SIT EC y POL p2

MAY 6 18  SIT EC y POL  p2
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ


US Assistant Secretary of State Wess Mitchell warned that Ankara’s purchase of the S-400 missiles from Russia could negatively affect Washington’s decision to supply F-35 fighter jets to Turkey.

Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

Cuad postcrisis: 7    La amenaza de la deuda   A Recio Andreu
Res Judic sobre "La Manada": Carta de tres juezas a la joven agredida en San Fermín de 2016           Por: Dalila Dopazo, Nekane San Miguel, Angels Vivas
[[ La corte Nac decidió sobre: “mujeres del país en situac de grave riesgo”.. ‘Nada nos llevó a esa conclusión’. De allí la sentencia: “existió abuso y no violación”. Puede haber relación sexual no consentida dentro de una pareja e incluso implicar dolor para la mujer, pero desde que ambos son sujetos con capacidad de acabar una relación amorosa o de intima-amistad preliminar.. lo que allí hay o hubo es abuso, no violación. Si una dama va a una fiesta donde sabe abra sexo colectivo, el solo asistir y no retirarse de inmediato , dio consentimiento a lo ‘abusos’ ocurridos en la fiesta.  ]]
NIC         - El comienzo del fin del Gobierno Ortega-Murillo  Mathias Schindler
                - Entrevista a Mónica Baltodano: Nicaragua sublevada
Mónica Baltodano, que participó de manera destacada durante la etapa insurreccional de la ofensiva final de 1978-1979 contra la dictadura somocista analiza en esta entrevista la sublevación actual.
Marx     - Marx y la primera mundialización  Alain Bihr
Fem?     Parece que hay más de uno con problemas [ machistasMaria E  Problema ‘Singular’?
                “entre otras cosas, porque sus agresores son también personas muy normales”
                [ El “también y normales’ involucra a ambos. Si es de 2, lo resuelve una Corte Distrital ]
MARX   --Sobre Suicidio: Un Marx inhabitual  Michael Lowy     
Este pequeño artíc olvidado de Marx es una preciosa contribución a una comprensión más rica de las infamias de la sociedad burguesa moderna, de los sufrimientos que su estructura familiar inflige a las mujeres y del fin emancipador amplio y universal del socialismo.
MEX       Los Zapatistas:  Caminos de Marichuy y la imposible democen Méx  por Arturo Anguiano       
Fue iniciativa del CNI y el EZLN el postular a una mujer indígena a la Presidencia de la República. Eso ha desnudado la falsa democracia y ausencia de salidas institucionales a la crisis del Estado, la corrupción, la falta de ética y de principios programáticos propios del conjunto de los actores políticos.

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

See Chart:

See more charts at the source below:

"Without [central banks], the markets would be nowhere near these highs. If they pulled their help and subsidies, the market would plummet really quickly..."
See Chart:
Will the next crash be worse than the last one? Prins says, “Yes, it will because we will be falling from a higher height. 
...The idea here is you are sinking on the Titanic as opposed to sinking on a canoe somewhere.  All of this artificial conjured money is puffing up the system, along with money that is borrowed cheaply is also puffing up the system and creating asset bubbles everywhere. 
So, when things pop, there is more leakage to happen.  The air in all these bubbles has created larger bubbles than we have had before.”

How does the common man protect himself? Prins says,
“They have to own things, and by that I mean real assets, hard assets like silver and gold.  That’s not as liquid, so taking cash out of banks and sort of keeping it in real things and keeping it on site . . . keeping cash physically.  You need to extract it from the system because the reality is when a financial crisis happens, banks close their doors to depositors. . . . Also, basically try to decrease your debt.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with two-time, best-selling author Nomi Prins, who just released “Collusion: How Central Bankers Rigged The World.”



"... gold’s technicals are improving and silver’s are so positive that you have to wonder if there’s a catch,though what that would be isn’t obvious..."

Beginning with gold, large speculators have lately been hyper-bullish and commercials extremely bearish. Since the former tend to be wrong at the extremes and the latter right, that was disturbing for anyone who didn’t like the idea of gold tanking in the short term.
See Chart:

An intermediate-term indicator that’s also good for silver is the metal’s price relative to that of gold. As you can see, it’s getting to levels that over the past decade have seen silver subsequently outperform gold for a while
See Chart:

TO SUM UP, gold’s technicals are improving and silver’s are so positive that you have to wonder if there’s a catch, though what that would be isn’t obvious.

The neoliberal DEBACLE in Europe .. it’s contagious  .. WE ARE ALL CONNECTED
The potential for a surge will be so aggressive that it will rip the face off all investors who are bearish against the USD and positioned for it to fall. This is the real risk that faces the market today.

IceCap cannot emphasize enough, that the Euro-zone will absolutely return to a re-escalation of their sovereign debt crisis. And once it begins, two things happen:
  1. It snowballs VERY quickly
  2. The negative effects on the bond market WILL spread around the world.
The ECB prints money and sends it directly to the Italian Central Bank. The Italian Government borrows money by selling bonds to Italian Banks.

To complete the loop, the Italian Central Bank buys these bonds from Italian Banks. Wash, rinse, repeat. This same exercise exists for all Euro-zone countries including France, Spain, and even Germany.

It’s become a doom loop because in order to break the loop, private investors will have to step in to fill the gaps.

And with bond yields across the entire Euro-zone at all-time lows only because of the doom loop – why on earth would any rational private investor risk money by lending to Euro-zone sovereign states, or investing in Euro-zone banks?
For those still in disbelief, spend some time with the chart below.
See Chart:

The only way to save the Euro-zone is to have these rates re-align. And the only way for this to occur is for both of the following to occur:

1) Germany must agree to assume liabilities for all debt across the Euro-zone,
2) All countries must agree to forfeit complete control over government finances of spending and taxation to Germany.
And considering not one, let alone both of the above will never occur – the default option is for the crisis to return.
And once it returns, it will look like this:
See Chart:

Putting this all together, one should be able to understand our expectation for many bond strategies/funds to perform poorly, and of equal importance – the USD to soak up foreign capital seeking safety from the bond market crisis and the resulting currency crisis. Remember – all bond markets are connected. THE CRISIS IN EUROPE WILL NOT BE ISOLATED TO EUROPE.

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

"This is the moment when war becomes peace, freedom becomes slavery, ignorance becomes strength. "

A house subpoena, another missed deadline. WHAT IS THE DEPARTMENT HIDING?
If Trump case goes to Supreme Court –happens with Clinton’s Yugoslavia bombing- this go to WW3

"The president will not sit down for an interview because this investigation has now reached the level of bad faith, this is no longer a good faith investigation."
                [ IF Mueller favors of WW3.. this nasty piece of theater hides both bad intention: WW3 ]]

"Ironically, as FBI employees tasked with investigating Clinton’s similar conduct, Strzok and Page appear to have used nongovernment systems for official work as well."

Unlike Watergate, with Russiagate, the investigators will be on trial as well...
                [[ This is enough to say that Buchanan is anti-RU and pro-war neoconservative ]]

RELIABLE HYPOTHESIS: So far Mueller & Trump are working hand on hand toward WW3.. 1- the subpoena to the S.Court takes time to  implement it .. the time used by Clinton to declare false war on Yugoslavia.. 2- Now this time will be used by Trump  to go to WW3.  3- A file on Mueller playing the false-flag Rusofobia will prove that he has the same  level paranoia schizoid like Hillary Clinton has. She used such paranoia to get money  (a lot of money) and to  blame others for her defeat in last elections. 4- If Mueller is a neutral  person oriented to  real- justice in America he should have used other arguments on Trump (Saudi money included) other than the phony false-flag of Rusofobia. Let’s wait and see what kind of rabbit this magician has in his pocket. Then US circus will clap him or woo him.  
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

Iran's President Rouhani said that "If America leaves the nuclear deal, this will entail historic regret for it" and warned Iran had "a plan to counter any decision Trump may take and we will confront it".
[[ Two observers: Saudis are behind US blackmail on Iran.. how much they paid for it?  Bribing  is the type of corruption that should go to Supreme Court &/or to Trump’s impeachment]]

While Israel has been the barking dog pushing hostilities against Iran, it is the Saudis that are truly most threatened by Iran’s return to the global economy...

Global situation described by Iranian observers..



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