martes, 15 de mayo de 2018

MAY 15 18 SIT EC y POL

MAY 15 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

US Economic situation today: Excellent description. MUST Read

Someone ask Bob Pisani if the bears are back in charge of the narrative?
Stocks were 'triggered' by retail sales data this morning..
See Chart:

And despite some roller-coastering, stocks largely trod water from the gap down open...
See Chart:

Dow (and Transports) tumbled into the red for 2018...
See Chart:

The Dow broke its 8-day win-streak and closed back below its 100DMA...
See Chart:

Growth stocks bore the brunt today...
See Chart:

Treasuries were a bloodbath as yields at the long-end broke out of recent ranges...
See Chart:

UST 10Y yield To its highest close since July 2011...
See Chart:

30Y surged all the way to 3.22% - its long-term trend line resistance - and turned back lower...
See Chart:

We do note however that there is a huge amount of IG issuance this week -yesterday saw over $10 billion priced, putting primary market issuance well on its way to meeting  survey estimates calling for $30 billion to $35 billion in weekly sales - and that would suggest rate-locks were actively being placed.

This was the worst day for an aggregate bond and stock portfolio in over 6 weeks...and 2nd worst since the Feb chaos...
See Chart:

Notable decoupling between bonds and the dollar today
See Chart:

One final thing of note before we leave bond land, the intraday loss on today’s 10bp move (with a 10bn DV01, as detailed here) is roughly $100 billion!!!
The Dollar spiked to new cycle highs…highest since Dec 27th 2017…
SEE chart:

The dollar strength left a wake of damage in commodity land (though WTI held on to gains)...
See Chart:

As Bloomberg reports, U.S. oil reached $8.06 below the international benchmark Brent, the cheapest it’s been been since April 2015, when a ban on most American crude exports was still in effect. Geopolitical tensions in the wake of U.S. sanctions on Iran are boosting Brent crude near $80 a barrel, while surging U.S. shale production is keeping West Texas Intermediate in check. The spread between the two may widen to $10 a barrel, according to Walter Zimmermann, chief technical analyst at ICAP-TA. “This having the character of a panic blow-off, it’s probably going to happen pretty quickly.”
Today was an ugly one for precious metals as the dollar spiked. Gold suffered it worst day since Dec 2016, breaking back below its 200DMA and the key $1300 level...
See  Chart:

It seems 80x for the gold/silver ratio was resistance once again...
See Chart:

SI LOS BIG empresarios del US se hunden con el modelo neolib.. peor aun las capas medias y pobre
One example below:  the other is cars
Internal business of Oil  got nasty.. es como comprar paltas congeladas y esperar que maduren in tu congelador. Razón tenia Max Keiser: querer vender oil fuera del US es para losers: perdedor idiota

After clinging to the green all day, despite a strong dollar, WTI/RBOB slipped into the red after API reported a much bigger than expected (and surprise) crude build (+4.854mm vs -1.75mm exp).

Blaming others for own stupidities is typical here.. the un-usual here is no blaming Russia

It's (still) Japan.
See Chart:

See more Charts at the source below

Not even the traditionally contrarian Druckenmiller
could resist the siren song of the "growth" stocks.
See  chart:

"Until governments acknowledge the real culprit behind income inequality, they will never arrive at a viable solution...Of course, UBI also provides an ever-growing voting class that will become dependent on the government for everything. Perhaps this is more the elites’ real goal..."

Read last statement:
 The primary driver of the wealth gap between the one percenters and the poor is the result of central banks’ falsification of money, interest rates, and asset prices. This is because the vast preponderance of their money printing efforts ends up in stocks, bonds and real estate, which overwhelmingly boosts the living standards of plutocrats, as it eviscerates the middle class and pushes the lower class further into penury.  Until governments acknowledge the real culprit behind income inequality, they will never arrive at a viable solution.

"The next big maturity day is May 31st.On that day we get almost $29 billion maturing on month-end. Watch out below."
See  table

As Warren Buffett was busy buying every share of Apple he could find in Q1, another hedge fund legend was selling.
See table

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

La bancarrota deja sus cosas buenas: Puedes comprar un BMW eléctrico at banana Price: $54

As if things weren’t BAD ENOUGH for beleaguered Tesla...

...Is President Trump's Nobel Prize now in jeopardy?

"Manafort’s defense said the release of sensitive details about the investigation threatened his ability to get a fair trial."

Does the USGS, NASA, and other government agencies know morethan they are leading people to believe when it comes to the Yellowstone supervolcano?

US-WW ISSUES (World & War):  M-East .. plus
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

HUGE BUSINESS WITH SOVEREING DEBT: US cannibal bankers bought their debt

"Argentina couldn’t have gotten a bigger shot of confidence in its economy today..." apart from the 20% yield on BOTEs and 40% yield on Lebacs!?

1-"I hate writing about Israel. The accusations of anti-semitism which go along with any criticism are gross enough, but even worse are the assholes who take criticisms of the Israeli government as an invitation to actually be anti-semitic..."

2-   Anti-semitism (or whatever word you prefer to use for the pernicious mind virus which makes people think it’s okay to promote hatred against Jewish people) is a very real thing that does exist, and I denounce it to the furthest possible extent. Anti-semitism is also a label that is used to bully the world into accepting war crimes, apartheid, oppression, and mass murder. Both of those things are true.

15-  15. This brutality is exposing the true face of the western empire, a trend that we are seeing all over the globe in myriad ways. Despite the best efforts of the mass media machine, people are waking up to what’s really going on.

US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..News

US Imposes New Sanctions on Iran as 'Part of Aggressive Campaign' Against IRGC
US Imperial ethics is worse than Nazi-Germans:
Ecuador’s Foreign Minister Maria Fernanda Espinosa suggest that her government may be depriving Assange of the political asylum it granted him in in 2012 and hand him over to British and then US authorities, the World Socialist Website wrote on Saturday.
In an interview on Wednesday, Espinosa said that the Ecuadorian government and Britain “have the intention and the interest that this be resolved.”
She added that the two sides were working to reach a “definite agreement” on Assange.
In March, the Ecuadorian government cut Assange’s phone and Internet contact with the outside world and barred his friends and supporters from visiting him.
The Ecuadorian authorities explained their action by stating that “Assange’s behavior, through his messages on social media, put at risk good relations this country has with the UK, the rest of the EU and other nations.”
If Assange is handed over to the British authorities, they could eventually extradite him to the United States to face prosecution over Wikileaks’ publication of leaked US military and diplomatic documents.
Read the note below:
The Ecuadorian authorities explained their action by stating that “Assange’s behavior, through his messages on social media, put at risk good relations this country has with the UK, the rest of the EU and other nations.”
If Assange is handed over to the British authorities, they could eventually extradite him to the United States to face prosecution over Wikileaks’ publication of leaked US military and diplomatic documents.

In my View
[[ There is not fault in making public TRUST that neo-nazi regimes  hide to their Nation. The fault is committed by those dictator They should be condemned and dictators placed in Jail. Not Assange]]
Otro pirataje (besides many US sanctions) this time with the complicity of WTO
[[ There is not such a risk: It is the US way of making business : selling weapons: Exporting death ]]
El bufon de Guatemala es una verguenza para todo Latino America
Keiser Report    Episode 1227  Max and Stacy compare the real data and future for fracking using actual balance sheet From Bloomberg and CNBC. Their thesis:  the fracking operators can’t even pay the interest on their ‘credit cards’

Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

                -  A confesión de parte…  (sunami de mentiras)  Guadi Calvo
Mund    - La política taiwanesa de Donald Trump  Xulio Ríos
ARG       - Ellos o nosotros   Claudio Katz
Ecuad    - - Con corrupción no hay revolución  Alberto Acosta
Cultu     -- -Vargas Llosa y el éxito de los fracasados  Fernán Medrano
ALC        - CEPAL: en la ruta contraria al neoliberalismo  Juan Paz y M Cepeda
                -Guatemala: Los vicios del poder  Carolina Vásquez
                - Nicaragua - Ortega: Del sandinis heroico al bonapartis nepotista  GV
                ( Leñadores al ataque: a árbol caído.. hacha con el . Signo de poca fe)
                - El “guarimbeo” contra Nicaragua  Patricio Montesinos
                - Uruguay:  Dólar planchado, defensa del statu quo explicado MM
                -ARG: ajuste y las reformas estructurales bajo dos presiones  JC. G
                -ARG: Son 500.000: los abortos clandestinos por año
                -Chile: Por fin existe un mov feminista estudiantil en Chile L Lavín
USA       -Trump en Medio Oriente:  Irresponsabilidad incendiaria Ed La Jor
`              - El dólar, un enfermo terminal    Luis Manuel Arce
                - La tenebrosa historia de los hermanos Koch   Manuel E. Yepe  
Cuba      -Lo público, lo privado y el bienestar  Juan Triana Cordoví
                - Qué quieren los cineastas cubanos?  Ernesto Daranas
COL        - -La paz de los arrodillados, de los convencidos  Rodrigo Cadete
                - TLC con Estados Unidos: los riesgos para Ecuador (II)  P Q
                - Impactos “invisibles” de la era digital   Silvia Ribeiro

Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Lo que mal empieza mal termina.  Viene la violencia antimperial  global .. Difícil detenerla..
An Empire of Nothing at All?   By Tom Engelhardt    Continue

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global situation described by Iranian observers..

[[ DEMs-GOP: Haines de la misma manada ]]


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