viernes, 18 de mayo de 2018

MAY 18 18 SIT EC y POL

MAY 18 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

US economic situation today:

Quick guide for all the peasants watching the Royal Wedding tomorrow...
How to spot the monarchy (fwd to 1:35)...
Italy and Emerging Market dominated the market headlines this week.
Italian stocks, bonds, banks, and credit all cratered this week after Five-Star and The League agreed a notably anti-establishment plan...
See Chart:

Emerging Market stocks fell modestly on the week (the 3rd drop in 4 weeks) but EM FX and EM Debt collapsed...
See Chart:

In the US, Small Caps managed a 3rd record high day in a row... "Most Shorted" Stocks saw a massive short squeeze into the close last night...
SEE Chart:

It appears Bank stocks don't like higher yields or steeper curves...
See Chart:

FANG stocks stumbled... worst week in two months (FANG also failed to take out the Fed highs before rolling over)
See Chart:

And TESLA tumbled
See Chart:

With Stocks and Bonds down this week, it was the worst aggregate loss in two months...
See Chart:

And while Russell 2000 outperformed notably, Small Cap banks hugely underperformed, catching down to the flattening yield curve...
See chart

Emerging Market Debt tumbled for the 7th week in a row - back to Pre-Trump levels.
See Chart:

We do note that The Dollar remains below pre-Trump-election levels still...
See Chart:

Finally, is The Fed about to make a big policy mistake?...
See Chart:

"Every important economic indicator shows that the U.S. economy can’t generate the growth the Fed would like... When you add in QT, we may very well be in a recession very soon."

The Fed is tightening into weakness and will reverse course by pausing rate hikes later this year.
See Chart:

What about the stock market?

Despite February’s correction, the stock market remains overpriced for the combination of higher rates and slower growth.

The one thing to know about bubbles is they last longer than you think and they pop when you least expect it. Under such conditions, it’s usually when the last guy throws in the towel that the bubble pops. February’s correction took some air out of the bubble, but the dynamic still applies. It just extended the timeline a bit.

But is this thing ready to pop for real?

Absolutely, and QT could be just the thing to do it. I would say the market is fundamentally set up for a fall. When you throw in the fact that the Fed continues to have no idea what they’re doing and has taken a dangerous course, I expect a very severe stock market correction coming sooner than later.

The Fed is going to find out the hard way that raising rates and reducing the balance sheet will slow the economy. I believe that will ultimately lead to another flip-flop and the Fed will once again loosen.

When the market sees that the Fed has decided to flip from tightening to an easing policy, look for increased volatility — and more corrections.

If the U.S. economy is performing so well, then why can’t 51 million households in the United States “afford basics like rent and food”?

Read the last statement:

I have written about derivatives extensively in the past, and Pope Francis is 100 percent correct when he says that they are a ticking time bomb which could absolutely devastate the global financial system at any moment.

We don’t know exactly when it will happen, but we do know that such a crisis is coming at some point.
Sadly, most of the population is completely asleep, and they will be completely blindsided by the coming crisis when it does finally arrive.

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

In which states has income polarization been most acute and where has the middle class been crushed the most? Here is the answer.

The name of the shooter has been released:
He is 17-year-old Santa Fe student Dimitrios Pagourtzis.

“The pilot program could allow not only expanded use for observation and spraying but also potentially at higher altitudes or in more remote areas where visual contact might no longer be a requirement...”
Cría cuervos y te sacaran los ojos:

At some point, the Russia investigation became political. How early was it?
US-WW ISSUES (World & War):  M-East .. plus
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

29 votes in favor, two opposed and 14 abstentions. 
The U.S. and Australia opposed, the UK abstained.

US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..News


Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

Corea    -¿Un paso hacia una paz duradera?   Won Youngsu
Pal-Isr   --Israel y Palestina, la asimetría de poder  José Abu--Tarbush Q
MEX       -Construir  un buen gobierno del agua en México  Gerardo Alatorre
                -Deshojando la margarita   Eduardo Ibarra Aguirre
ECON    --El dinero como movilizador de recursos reales  Esteban Cruz
ALC        -Perú 18 de mayo:  237 años de la ejecución de Túpac Amaru II  GE
                -COL: -Santrich, la (in) justicia y la contrarrevolución  Iñaki Gil
                -COL: Asesinan exprisionero miembro de la FARC en Arauca FARC
                -Cuba: -Naciones Unidas y la salud en Cuba  Jesús López M
                -Cuba: Cuba y el discurso de los derechos humanos  Ángel Guerra
                -Cuestionados gobernant dan “lecciones” de democ a Ven   A P
ALAI       -Palestina: ¡Heil Netanyahu!    Guadi Calvo
Especial    Bestias del fútbol

Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Open Letter To ICH Readers  ICH: Information Clearing House    Continue
By John Pilger, Paul Craig Roberts, Pepe Escobar, Peter Koenig & Finian Cunningham
US Policy: Provocation & War   By Finian Cunningham   Continue
Stop Kicking Sand In Kim's Face  By Eric Margolis    Continue
Bloody Monday Every F… g Day of the Week    By George Capaccio   

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global situation described by Iranian observers..



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