domingo, 13 de mayo de 2018

MAY 13 18 SIT EC y POL

MAY 13 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

"When strains emerge in the US credit markets, and the Japanese and Germans start to pull capital home to park in their domestic bond markets, lowering those yields, you know the cycle is turning."
See chart:

For now, be careful where you step.
See Chart:
See more charts at:

"Yet for all the attempts to discredit the model, too many pundits gloss over the most glaring problem... According to the model, as interest rates approach zero, the price of stocks approaches infinity."
See Chart:

Yet that doesn’t mean the model is completely useless. Let’s have a look at its behaviour during the last 40 years.
See Chart:

US economic Situation  TODAY:

See Chart:
Bloomberg Dollar Index v. 3Y treasury Yield

USD Shorts have started to cover aggressively...
See Chart:

Driven mostly by additions to EUR shorts..
See Chart:

BUT, record bond shorts keep getting record-er...
From the shortest-end (ED futures) to the belly (5Y at record shorts...)...
See Chart:
And the longest-duration 'ultras' also at record shorts...
See Chart:

Interestingly, as the Treasury curve has collapsed, it is clear from the chart below that large speculators are betting on curve steepening (reducing their shorts in 2Y TSY and adding to shorts in 10Y TSY) - so far it is failing miserably as the curve crashes to new cycle lows...
See Charts:

Putting this all together, large speculators have never been more short across the entire interest-rate curve - over $4 trillion notional bets in Eurodollars (short-term rates going higher) and around $117 billion notional equivalent short across the Treasury futures curve...
See Chart:


... your numbers won’t work, which means the adjustment will come through a bond collapse which the Fed will prevent, or a dollar collapse, which it can’t prevent.

The introduction of blockchain is expected to shake up the centuries-old trade-finance industry, reducing the numerous documents and several days of processing needed for a single transaction to a paperless task that can be completed in hours.

See Graphic

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

"... contacts between Trump campaign associates and Russians could be 'a set of coincidences' rather than collusion..."

"The Iranians had a 5 person security detail and left in diplomatic vehicles. Is he FARA registered?"

“there are military areas in which the United States maintains a technological advantage [over Russia and China], others in which there is substantial parity, and others in which the United States is lagging behind, revealing a technological gap with its peer competitors...”

US-WW ISSUES (World & War):  M-East .. plus
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"The Tories are trying doggedly tomaintain control of the narrative.Stakes are high for if it eventuates that the Tories have lied deliberately for political gain, at the risk of destabilising European, indeed world peace and security..."

"One of the most unforgivably moronic things in US politics is the fact that there's a partisan split on regime change interventionism in Iran vs regime change interventionism in Syria. Can't these idiots see that it's the same imperialist power grab?"

A man claiming to be a federal agentwas found posted up in a Waikiki hotel with a large cache of weapons, knives, and armor, much like Stephen Paddock and Francho Bradley...

US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..News

UK Prime Minister Theresa May held a phone conversation with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Sunday and welcomed his intention to maintain the nuclear deal after the US withdrawal, the prime minister's office said in a statement.
"The Prime Minister reiterated the UK’s position that we and our European partners remain firmly committed to ensuring the Iran nuclear deal is upheld. She said it is in both the UK and Iran’s national security interests to maintain the deal and welcomed President Rouhani’s public commitment to abide by its terms, adding that it is essential that Iran continues to meet its obligations," the statement read.
John Bolton said earlier in the day that sanctions on European companies doing business with Iran were possible, but it would depend on the policy of the European governments.
[[ Military barracks full of drug habits separate men from women & destroy nuclear families ]]
[ RU must be ready to replace it with China Team in case Mx’ puppet regime decide not to come ]
The issue is money: EU-V wants to charge more to China. It is not banning the rainbow flag not h+h
Jerusalen doesn’t belong to Israel (it belong to 3 theocracies : Christ-Musl-Jews) . US try to legitimize Israel  miss -.ppropriation of Jerusalem. How much money US is receiving from Muslim & Chist theocr How much cost the silence of complicity with ISR felony. If Doesn’t matter: What if bombing Jerusal?
‘Flagrant and Hostile Act by America’: Palestine Reacts to US Embassy Move They’ve the right cause, but they do not represent none of the 3 theocracies, so Israel is bombing them now.. Let’s see later
REBELIÓN DE BISHOPS CRISTIANOS? (teocracia media) en favor de negros y LGBT civil right Movts
( LGBT, or GLBT, are similar acronyms that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. The word Transgender means identity and gender that does not correspond with their birth sex.)
Curry is a socially progressive bishop who has frequently compared the black and LGBT civil rights movements. He was also one of the first bishops in the US to allow same-sex marriages to take place in his church. 

Traditionally, sermons at royal weddings are given by senior clergy from the Church of England.

"I'm thrilled that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have asked Bishop Michael Curry to preach at their wedding," Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, the leader of the Church of England and spiritual head of the Anglican Communion wrote on Twitter. "@PB_Curry is a brilliant pastor, stunning preacher and someone with a great gift for sharing the good news of Jesus Christ." 

[[ In short:  la existencia del Bishop Michael Curry es la prueba irrefutable de que ni él ni Jesus son locos.. ni  que el derecho de los LGBT es una locura. … Aunque .. en 2012 Curry gano fama por un sermón basado en líneas que leyó de la biblia en la que se dice que Jesús era una persona loca. No es la 1ra vez que un  Bishop dice cojudeces en un sermón.  La locura no está en lo que se dijo ni en quien lo dijo, sino en los idiotas que creen en ello.

                "They thought he was crazy!" Curry said during the 2012 sermon. "And he was! He is!"

Yo estoy en desacuerdo. No creo que Jesús ni Curry fueron  o están locos. Pero es cuestión de fe.
Y mi FE me dice que ambos existen y que si fueran  locos .. Esta sería la última locura de Jesús.
Cuales fueron las anteriores?  Muchas.. la mas famosa: la del muerto que ya estaba podrido y a quien Jesus dijo “Lazaro.. levántate” y este se sacudió los gusanos y camino. La fe es cuestión de creer eso ]]


Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

V-Sur     melancolía de la izquierda: Memoria del futuro  Enzo Traverso
                - ruptura entre economía y política en el mundo del capital J Osorio
                -BRA: fuerzas reaccion prevalecen en escenario de notab turbul” M
ALC        Cómo combinar la acción desde abajo y por arriba  Fernando Dorado

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


Global situation described by Iranian observers..



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