lunes, 21 de mayo de 2018

MAY 21 18 SIT EC y POL

MAY 21 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

World  & US Economic collapse today:

See Chart:

Emerging markets are crashing, Italian capital markets are imploding, European money-markets are getting anxious, US bonds and the dollar do absolutely nothing... but The Dow spikes 300 points...(thanks to Boeing et al)
See Chart:

Italy stole the headlines in Europe... As Peter Boockvar pointed out so eloquently, the Italian 2 yr yield has given back 3 years of monetary suppression in 6 trading days.
See Chart:

And Italian banks are a bloodbath still...
See Chart:

The last month has seen EU banks massively underperform US banks... apparently we’re above
See Chart:

BUT.. Tesla was tumultuous - ripping on Musk's high-end Model 3 comments, dropping on Consumer Reports and yet another crash... but bonds weren't buying any of it...
See Chart:

Another day another short squeeze at the open...
See Chart:

The yield curve extended Friday's flattening trend...  See UST  2s30s
See Chart:

The Dollar round tripped to end the day unchanged...
See Chart:

Finally we note that stocks and credit have decoupled again...
See Chart:

Do you feel as if you’re drowning in debt? It’s worse than you think...
See Chart:  US National debt

"At some point higher rates turn from signalling an improvement in growth to signalling tighter financial conditions, which weighs on growth."
See Graph
See Also Charts at:

"...forget additional expenses. It turns out that nearly half of the families in America are struggling to pay for food and rent. And that means that the economic collapse isn’t just 'coming'... It’s HERE."

If we want to extend the opportunities for positive social roles to everyone, we have to change the way money is created and distributed in our economy.
See Nice cartoon

see  two charts reveal the structure of economic and thus social asymmetry: the top owns capital/prouctive assets...
Chart 1:
Ownership Society

Chart 2:  ..the bottom own either a bet on an unstable asset bubble (housing or stocks) or no productive assets at all:

"...the trigger for a crisis could be anything if the system as a whole is unstable. Moreover, the size of the trigger event need not bear any relation to the systemic outcome. The lesson is that policymakers should be focused less on identifying potential triggers than on identifying signs of potential instability."
The Beginning of Woes
Last week, I described how legendary railroad engineer Casey Jones was barreling along when an unexpected train appeared ahead. He saved his passengers at the cost of his own life. Today’s high-yield bond market has no such hero, and I think the crisis will begin there.
The problem will be what I mentioned last week: massive illiquidity. Trading can and will dry up in a heartbeat at the very time people want to sell. In late 2008, the high-yield bond benchmarks lost a third of their value within a few weeks, and many individual bond issues lost much more, in large part because buyers disappeared.
See Chart:

The same thing happened in the dot-com recession, though not quite as dramatically. There were still several whipsaws and a particularly terrible month in June 2002.
See Chart:

Lending Drought
This will not be just a US headache, either. It will surely spill over into Europe (and may even start there) and then into the rest of the world. The US and/or European recession will become a global recession, as happened in 2008.

Political Backlash
Needless to say, the working-class population will not like this and it has the power to vote. “Safety net” programs and unemployment benefit expenditures will skyrocket. The chart below from Philippa Dunne of The Liscio Report shows the ratio of workers covered by unemployment insurance is at its lowest level in 45 years.What happens when millions of freelancers lose their incomes?
See Chart:

The Great Reset
Unemployment may approach the high teens by the end of the decade and GDP growth will be minimal at best. What do you call that condition? Certainly not business as usual. Long before that happens, the Federal Reserve will have engaged in massive quantitative easing. There’s a lot of misunderstanding about QE, so let me clarify something important.

Quantitative easing is not about “printing money.” It is buying debt with excess bank reserves and keeping that debt on the Fed’s balance sheet as an asset. The Bank of Japan is an example. They did not put currency (yen) into the market. That’s how Japan still flirts with deflation and its currency has gotten stronger. QE is the opposite of printing money, though there is a relationship. That’s one reason central bankers like it.

If that’s what they do, will it work? No. The world simply has too much debt, much of it (perhaps most) unpayable. At some point, the major central banks of the world and their governments will do the unthinkable and agree to “reset” the debt. How? It doesn’t matter how, they just will. They’ll make the debt disappear via something like an Old Testament Jubilee.

As we get into the 2020s, the presidency and Congress will again be whipsawed, and we will begin to discuss Bernie Sanders’ “crazy” universal basic employment idea, or others like it. By then, the idea will not be considered crazy, but the only feasible choice. Even conservative politicians can see the light when they feel the heat.

Wrong Track
I keep coming back to this train-wreck metaphor because it fits so well. I said Casey Jones plowed into a train that wasn’t supposed to be there. The full story is a little more complicated.
Railroads in 1900 knew the danger of collisions. They took extensive precautions to make sure it didn’t happen. The stopped train in front of Casey Jones had pulled off onto a siding like it was supposed to. The error was that its last four cars were stuck on the main line because an air hose had broken, locking their brakes

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

"I think [Deputy Attorney General] Rod Rosenstein is trying to strike a balance here between defusing the situation and also protecting the rule of lawand the institutional integrity of the department."
TV falls further behind, suffers first ad revenue decline since the Financial Crisis...
See Chart:
See more charts at:

"One of the most pervasive myths about the United States is that the federal government has never defaulted on its debts. There’s just one problem: it’s not true, and while few people remember the "gold clause cases" of the 1930s, that episode holds valuable lessons for leaders today."

"The real currency of this world is not backed by gold, nor by oil, nor by bureaucratic fiat, nor even by direct military might. No, the real currency of this world is narrative, and the ability to control it..."
---- other words, the Pentagon is developing a program of high-tech cameras mounted on drones and other robots that monitor cities, whichenable identification and discrimination between civilians and terrorists through machine learning computers.

"MS-13’s animals are accused of stabbing a man more than 100 times and then decapitating him, dismembering him, and ripping his heart out of his body."

"Is it possible that we Americans only pretend not to notice the conditions that produce an epidemic of school shootings, or is the public just too dumbed-down to connect the dots?"
US-WW ISSUES (World & War):  M-East .. plus
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: Tehran will struggle to “keep its economy alive” if it does not comply with a list of 12 US demands, including Iranian withdrawal from Syria.

This is the third reported drone attack on Russia's main military base in Syria this year.

US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..News


Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

                - Pasado judío frente a Estado judío  Gilad Atzmon
VEN       -Tras las presidenciales, sin diálogo no hay futuro  Aram Aharonian
                - Abecedario para entender la victoria del chavismo en Ven  Katu A
COL        - Repensar la paz para reinventar la esperanza  Gastonia de Paz
                - Santrich y la paz con justicia y democracia ampliada  Horacio Duque
Libro      -Colapso    Gilberto López y Rivas
                - agrotóxicos:  abejas, en peligro de desaparic por fumigac  Andrés O
ECON    -Cerco al dólar   Hedelberto López
                - -Tensiones en la coyuntura económica internacional   Paula Bach
FEM?     -  Violar es un placer (y en manada más)  Pilar Aguilar
                -Lo practicaron mujeres-soldado del ejército USA contra islámicos
OPIN     - luchas estériles:   La ideología pequeñoburguesa  Níkolas Stolpkin
ARG       - -La crisis de gobierno en Argentina   Alfredo Serrano  
                - Rentistas lucran, inversiones caen y las cuentas no cuadran  L F
PAL        -  El robo de Palestina o el no pasa nada  Ramón Pedregal
USA       - -Trump muestra las garras del imperio   Rodolfo Bueno
Cuba      - -A ver, ¿cómo sigue Cuba?   Andrés Gómez
                - Colombia Esta vez al pueblo le toca    M H Restrepo

Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

The Coming Collapse    By Chris Hedges    Continue

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global situation described by Iranian observers..



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